
This process is an exciting, fast-paced, and fun working/learning experience for teens 16years of ageor older, to assist Youth BuildingSuperintendents in the showcaseof educationaland informative 4-H Youth Development programs. JSs serve for8-hour shifts/daywith one or twodaysoff during each 7 or 8-day rotation and receive a$40 premium/day.First timeJSs will onlybescheduled foroneweek. Perks include: makingnew and reconnecting with old friends,working with others as part of ateam,gainingbusinessand leadership skills, while enhancing communication andpublicspeaking skills.JSs work foraminimum of 8 hours between8 a.m. to 11 p.m., residein theyouth building dormitories, andfollowthesamedormitoryrules andregulations as anyotheryouth/adult residing inthedorms. JSs aresupervised byNYS Fair 4-H Program andBuilding Coordinators, Tom Davis and Autumn Lavine.

TheJunior Superintendent position requires a high level of leadership, teamwork, responsibilityand trustworthiness as well as the abilityto interact with peers, Extension Educators, supervisors, and the publicin an appropriatemanner.Acceptablework habits and attitudes willbe required:clean, neat, properlygroomed,warm,friendly, outgoing and polite, self-motivated, self-starter, positive, supportive, team player,cooperative,organized, and honest.Whileon duty, JSs willwear identifyingpinnies.4-H appropriate dress, communications, and actions will be followed at all times.

Thoseworkingthe first shift areexpected to attendthe JSTrainingSession on Tuesday(two days prior to 1stdayof NYSFair).Time to bedetermined.JSs willengagein a varietyofmeaningful and fun activities buildingon theskills and abilities ofteam members.JSs will stayin thedorms overnightand begin official duties as ofWednesday atnoon. Thoseworkingthe second shift will havetrainingon the Mondaythe fair is open.Thosescheduledforthe second shift mustremainat theNYSFair late into the eveningthe last day--LaborDay--to tear down andclean up.Leavingearlyis not an option. Daily premium:$40 per day.

Desiredskills andabilities forJSs:

Organizational skills

Phoneskills (answering,communication, etc.)

Abilityto managetime and duties appropriately, and to seewhat needs to bedonewithoutbeing asked

Abilityto follow throughwith assigned tasks maintainingfocus inahectic,often distracting environment

Willingness to be flexibleto ever-changing expectations, takingdirection as wellas directing others to perform designated tasks affectingthe outcomeof program

Willingness to move tables and equipment if physicallyable

Record keepingskills–abilityto document outcome of events, recording exhibits, and ribbon counts

Computer experience and writingskills

Abilityto work successfullywithyouthand adults

Creativityand sense of humor

Publicspeakingskills/abilitytoad-lib when necessary


Previous leadership experiences,and/or other work-relatedexperiencehighlydesirable

Daily tasks performed:

Preparingyouth building for countyexhibits

Preparingjudgingboxesfor exhibit judging/interacting with evaluators

Preparingexhibit-judgingareawithtables, chairsand table covers

Clearing areas of equipment and supplies, onceevents/activities arecomplete

Recordingexhibit ribbon numbers usingspreadsheet software

General buildingupkeep

Leadership forteenevents and activities held evenings of eachcountyrotation

Puttingup/takingdownsignageas required

Creatingsignagematerials forpromotional efforts

Servingasemcee forProduced in NewYork contest, Talent Showcase,and TeenDance

Photographyand writing storiesof activities happeningto showcase4-HatState Fair for useon State4-H Web page, on themonitor in theYouth Building, in social and othermedia outlets

Answeringquestions andrunningerrands

 Findingcreative ways touse existingsupplies forunexpected events/activities as they


Other duties as assigned

Application for JS positionwill requireaformalletterof application,statingwhy you want to be considered. Applications aredueto theState4-HOfficebyJune 16ofcurrentyear,to: Autumn Lavine87 Jewett Hill Road Berkshire, NY 13736. The application and requirements are available at:

"Youth Leadership."