Reading Logs


  1. Title of Book
  2. Author
  3. Genre (fiction, non-fiction, horror, mystery, romance, etc.)
  4. Rating: Junkokaygoodawesome
  5. Pages _____ to _____Total pages read: _____
  6. Write a summary about what you read in your reading.
  7. Answer a Reading Log prompt in at least a paragraph.

Reading Log Prompts:

  1. What connections did you make between your reading and a real life experience of your own? Be sure to summarize the idea from the reading and then detail our own experience.
  2. Describe the setting of the story. Explain the time and place. Explain the “feel” of the place. Write down passages that you feel described the setting well.
  3. After giving your main character a short introduction, explain in detail what you think of him/her. What do you admire or dislike about him/her in this section?
  4. What decisions did the character make? What did you think of the decision? What did it show about him/ her? What would you have done?
  5. Write a character sketch of an important character. Tell his/her characteristics (attributes) and give evidence from the story for each one.
  6. Find examples of figurative language in the section you read and cite them (copy them). Explain what the author is describing and comparing. Explain which you feel are most effective.
  7. Choose a statement that is meaningful to you. After copying the statement, explain what it means in the story and what it means to you in your life.
  8. Select at least two well-written descriptive sentences that appeal to your senses. Copy them into your log. Explain how the author’s word choice enhances (improves) the description.
  9. What relationships are explored between characters in the section you read? Are the relationships authentic (realistic)? Explain.
  10. How is the main character like you? Different from you? Would you like to be like this character? Explain and use examples from the text.
  11. Is your novel written in the first or third person? How can you tell? Who is telling the story? If this changed, how would it affect the story and your reaction to it? Explain and use examples from the text.
  12. Did the book make you think about particular issues or problems in our society (i.e. prejudice, poverty, etc.)? How did the author present this problem? How does the author seem to feel about the issue? Use examples to support your answer.
  13. As you read about what the main character does and says, you can begin to see his/her values. What does this character seem to value? How can you tell? Use examples.
  14. Identify a theme for your book and explain how you determined this was the author’s intended point or message. Is this theme applicable to your life? Explain.
  15. Were you surprised by the actions of any of the characters? Why? How? Explain and use examples.
  16. Describe a decision or choice made by one of the characters. Do you agree with this decision? Explain.
  17. Does one of the characters remind you of someone you know? Why? Explain and use examples from the text.
  18. What one thing would you tell the author to change about the plot of the book? Explain.
  19. What do you consider the strongest part of the book? The weakest? Explain using examples.
  20. What obstacles did a character face? How did these obstacles influence his/ her life? Explain.
  21. What ethical issues did a character face? How did they deal with the issue?
  22. Does the theme change a character in the book? Explain using examples.
  23. Pick a quote that you think is important to the story (include page number). Why is it important? Explain.