Minutes of the Arlington Lions Club
December 2, 2010 Meeting
Lion President Laura Maki called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. at the American Legion Hall with the following in attendance:
Lions Carol Mayer, Dave Johnston, Ross Arneson, Sheila Arneson, Eunice Rucks, Bill Ehlke, Dan Hislop, Nancy Hislop, Marlys Gaucher, Dr. Mike Noack, Nancy Mathwig, Judy Liebl, Pat Liebl, and Larry Sorenson
Pledge of Allegiance
Lion Laura led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of Guests
Lion Laura introduced guests PID Maynard Rucks, LoAnne Sorenson, Mary Noack, and Joyce Perault
Secretary’s Report
Lion Dan Hislop gave the secretary’s report from the November regular meeting. Lion Nancy Hislop presented the November board minutes. The reports were approved as read.
Lion Eunice Rucks presented the treasurer’s report, which was approved as read.
Tail Twisting
Lion Pat Liebl once again stumped all as the club Tail Twister. DG Lion Eunice won this month’s prize.
Members and guests rose to honor District Governor Lion Eunice Rucks. Lion Eunice first thanked the club for its support of her run for District Governor. Lion Eunice also noted a handmade podium, donated by Lion Nancy Mathwig and PDG Darwin to the district for use by the District Governor. She thanked Lion Nancy on behalf of all future District Governors.
Lion Eunice mentioned that zones 5M2, 5M1, and 5M3 had each received $10,000 in LCIF grants for victims of the recent flooding. With the money, DG Eunice purchased 286 gift cards, which were distributed in New Richland, Owatonna, Faribault, Amboy, and Minnesota Lake.
DG Eunice then outlined International President Sid Scrugg’s theme for the year, which states that, like the Cape Hattreras Light House, Lions offer people “A beacon of hope”. She stated that he asks each club to refocus its efforts on service, with a service suggestion being named for each month. These suggestions are on the International website.
In addition, he asks for a renewed commitment on membership with the slogan, “Each one, ask one”. If each member asked just one person to join, the membership numbers would skyrocket.
DG Eunice also announced that Andrew Thies from Sibley East won the Write Off contest at the zone level, now advancing to the district level.
DG Eunice continued by linking her beloved garden to growth in Lionism, drawing a number of interesting parallels.
Club Gift
Lion President Laura presented DG Eunice with a gift from the Arlington Lions Club.
Old Business
Faith Adelmann Benefit
A final report is due next month.
Wine Tasting
Lion Nancy Mathwig provided a final report. The event was a sellout with 300 tickets sold. Profit was $3,197.64, of which $2500 was disbursed to the Arlington Ambulance Association for the CPR machine. Since unbudgeted profits remained from last year’s event and additional money is available from 2010, she urged that the Club consider taking on a major project in the near future.
Lion Pat Liebl stated that he recycled all of the bottles from the event.
Lion Dan Hislop noted that we need to check the condition of the wine glasses, washing as necessary before next year’s event as they were filmy from storage.
Lion Nancy stated that participation looks promising for next year.
Both chairs were recognized for their service.
Calendar Sales
Calendars were distributed to most in attendance. Others will be delivered to the sales teams during the week. Lion Dan Hislop suggested using an Arlidazzle picture on next year’s calendar. All voiced approval of the suggestion.
Picture Project
The pictures should arrive at any time. Some typos had to be corrected. Lion Laura reported that the Arlington Historical Society would pay the difference in the projected cost. A plaque will be necessary to denote the contribution of the SEA Lions and the Historical Society.
Santa’s Helpers
Gift wrapping is on December 9 from 1 – 3 p.m. Lion Pat Liebl and Lion Laura will make sure the drop box toys are delivered. She asked members to signup on a sheet that was passed.
The Green Isle Lions and Arlington Lions will build a float at the old Meyer’s Service building on Hwy 5 across from Liberty Station at 9:30 a.m. on December 11. Members are encouraged to bring lights. A work signup sheet was passed.
Walking Tacos
Walking Tacos will be December 14. Brenda Eggert and Laura Maki are co chairing the event. Proceeds are designated for the Mathwig Scholarship. Most supplies will be secured through the school at a reduced cost. A work schedule was sent around.
One for the Books
The club voted to donate $25 or whatever was donated the previous year to the Sibley East “One for the Books” Scholastic book drive for the Sibley East Media Center. Lion Eunice will verify last year’s amount before sending.
Club Social
Lion Laura presented new information regarding a potential club social. Lion Ross suggested a spring trip to avoid weather problems and holiday issues. The membership was in agreement. Support was expressedfor a trip to the Old Log or MSU Theater and a summer trip to the Centennial Showboat .
Midwinter Convention (Feb 11-13)
Information remains the same. Zone 6 is hosting this year’s event. The club needs to provide a gift of about $10. It sounds like the convention will be a great time for all. Registration forms are available on the club website:
MD5M Convention (April 29-May 1)
This event is held in Mankato and will be dedicated to DG Lion Darwin. Volunteers will be needed. Recruiting will take place at the Midwinter Convention. Members can also let Lion Nancy Mathwig or PID Maynard Rucks know that they are interested in volunteering.
Membership Induction Ceremony
DG Lion Eunice inducted Carol Mayer and Dave Johnston as members. She also recognized Lion Pat Liebl as their sponsoring Lion.
Business Cards
Lion Nancy Mathwig showed samples of the cards. Our projects will be listed on the back.
Youth Exchange
The Club unanimously endorsed Leo Joe Maki for Youth Exchange sponsorship. Possible financial support will be discussed at a future board and regular meeting.
Name Badges
Our name badges were distributed to the membership. They are very nice and will be useful at meetings and events.
New Business
Waffle Brunch
The waffle brunch is January 9. Lion Judy Liebl Deanna Soost will co chair. Tickets have been distributed to the various scout groups and are color coded to help us keep track of the percent of sales by each group. Profits will be prorated. The involvement of more ticket sellers should better help us meet the minimum sales requirement of the vendor.
8:47 p.m.