MA180 and MA418 STATISTICS,Fall 2007
Section 1MMon/Wed/Fri3:00 pm until 3:50 pmin EB 230
First day of class: Wednesday August 22, 2007
InstructorDr. Nikolai Chernov
Office location room 492A in Campbell Hall, 934-2154
AssistantMr. Brad English
Office location room 477 in Campbell Hall, 934-2154
Mr English is both a tutoring assistant and a grading assistant. Questions about the accurate posting of course grades should first be directed to Mr. English.
Office HoursAll office hours are held in the UAB Math Learning Laboratory.The Math Learning Lab(MLL)is in room 445 of Campbell Hall.
Dr. Chernov’s hours: Monday and Friday, 1:30 to 2:30pm.
TextbookElementary Statistics, by Mario F. Triola, 10thedition. The textbook is required. It is also required that you bring your text to class.
Book packaged with access code. You should find copies of the text in the bookstore that are shrink-wrapped with a course access code. You will need the course access code.
Book packaged without an access code. If you purchase a text that is not shrink-wrapped with an access code, you will have to purchase a stand-alone access code from the publisher at
(Students from summer semester 2007:If you wish to enroll in the course without having to purchase another access code, see the instructor.)
Tear-out cardThe text includes a tear-out formula card. A copy of the tear-out card will
be provided to you during all tests and the final exam. If you purchase a used book it will probably not have a tear-out card. You can download the pages from the publisher’s web-site, or copy another student’s card. The card is required; however, you will not be using your own personal card when testing.
TestsThere will be two tests, a mid-term and the final exam. The final exam will not be cumulative. It will cover the material taught in the second half of the course.The mid-term test will be available for review in your instructor’s office for a two-week period after the test.
Students must take both the mid-term test and the final exam to
receive a passing grade in the course (D or above).
Make-upsA missed test or final exam can only be excused for a serious, verifiable circumstance, and only if the student provides adequate written documentation. To appeal a missed mid-term test or final exam, go to the Math Department office in Campbell Hall room 452, and complete the appeal form. Appeals must be received no later than one week after the missed test, by 5:00 pm on that day. If the appeal is accepted, the student can take a make-up test (provided by the instructor).
There is no make-up for missed homework and missed quiz deadline dates. This is because the work should be done in advance of the deadlines. Plan your schedule accordingly.
Taking TestsThe tests are closed-book closed-notes.A copy of the tear-out formula card from the textbook which will be provided. You can use a calculator, and you will need one (see below). All work must be done in pencil. Tests or final exams turned in using ink receive a deduction of five points. (This is to prevent strikeovers and scratch-outs. Use an eraser to make corrections.) It is expected that students will document their work in the margins of the tests, not on scratch paper.
HomeworkThe homework exercises and quizzes are done using a computer program named MyStatLab. In order to register you will need the access code that comes packaged with the text (or that you purchased on-line, if your copy of the text did not include the shrink-wrapped access code.)
You can use the computers in the Math Department Math Learning Laboratory in room 445 of Campbell Hall, computers in the Library’s ETS facility, or you can use your own Windows-capable computer with an Internet connection. Be aware, if you are using your own computer, that you will have to download several plug-ins in order to do the homework. Instructions for downloading the plug-ins will be displayed when you access the homework site.
The site for registering to do homework and for completing the homework is IMPORTANT: Use your UAB email address as your login name. Example: is a Math Department standard.(Make up your own password.)
You will also need this course ID:chernov98064
QuizzesLike the homework, quizzes are taken on-line. Each quiz can be taken two times (the higher grade will count). DonothittheBACKbuttononyour browser when taking a quiz. This will end your quiz and you will not be able to get back into it. You are given two attempts at each quiz to account for a network outage during a quiz, hitting the BACK button by mistake, your computer going down, etc. If you think your computer or network connection is not reliable, you should take your quizzes in the UAB Math earning Lab. Quizzes have a 30-minute time limit. They are open-book.
Due datesHomework problems can be worked any number of times until they are correct. Quizzes can be worked twice (the higher grade will count). NOTE: Students receive point credit for homework and quizzes only when theyare completed on or before the due date shown in the course schedule and on the coursecompass web-site.Work completed after a due date receives no credit.There are no extensions of homework and quiz deadline dates, so plan to complete them ahead of schedule.
ParticipationParticipation is required. Participationmeans that you are in your seat when the class begins, that you have brought your text and have actively worked on the assigned in-class problems, and that you stay in the class until the class meeting is complete. At each class meeting there will be a roll to be signed by the students. Points (2.40 points) are earned for each meeting in which the student has participated, excepting the mid-term and final exam meetings. Participation points cannot be earned if you are not in the classroom. (Therefore there is no such thing as an excused absence. If you have to be absent, you have to be absent.)
IMPORTANT: Do not sign the roll if you are late to class. Do not sign the roll if you plan to leave early. If you must leave early because of an emergency, let your instructor know. In that event you can still earn participation points.
There are 42 class meetings at which points can beearned. That is a total of 100.8 points. All students are credited with 7.20 additional points, to account for three unavoidableabsences. This means you can earn a total of 108 participation points.
CalculatorA calculator that can do one-variable and two-variable statistics is required. A possible calculator is the TI-36X Solar, which costs about $20.00. The calculator will be used for in-class work,homework, quizzes, the mid-term and the final exam.Calculators cannot be shared among students during tests or the final exam. Generally speaking, the better the calculator, the easier it will be for you to do the required calculations. Be sure your calculator batteries are good before each test.Warning: Do not wait until the end of the course to try and learn how to use your calculator.
Course Gradebased on points earned
Homework (9 assignments @ 20 points each)180
Quizzes (9 quizzes @ 20 points each)180
Mid-term test270
Final exam270
Total possible points 1008
Letter Gradebased on points earnedNote: 749 points is a C, not a B.
880 to 1000A
750 to 879B
620 to 749C
500 to 619D
Below 500F
Students must take both the mid-term test and the final exam to
receive a passing grade in the course (D or above).
Final ExamThe final exam is in the course classroom. The date and time are
MondayDecember 10, 2007
1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Email Information about the course (additional assignments, reminders, schedules, grade summaries, etc.) will be distributed to students using their email address. Each student is required to access their UAB email account frequently, as these communications represent official university business. Email messages regarding the course are official amendments to the course syllabus. This is a requirement for all UAB students.For UAB email account assistance, send an email to , or call 934-3540. Email messages addressed to the instructor should be in a business-like format, not in the style you might typically use with friends or family. In an email message to an instructor include your name, the course in which you are registered, and the code number you have established for yourself.
Grades summaries will be distributed via email as soon as possible after the mid-term and the final exam.
NotebookStudents are required to have a notebook in which they can record class notes, work out problems, file this syllabus, and file course email messages.
CodeEach student will establish a code for themselves at the beginning of the course. The code will be three alpha characters followed by three numeric digits; for example, ABC123. Students are required to write their code on theirmid-term and final exam. Do not write your name, social security number, or BANNER ID on the mid-term or the final exam. The student code should be such that the student remains anonymous to others. Grade spreadsheets are distributed using these codes as identifiers. Do not use your initials or any portion of your social security number for your code. If two students develop duplicate codes, one of them will receive an email message stating that their original code has been altered. Students will create their code numbers during the first day of class.Write your code number in your notebook.
WithdrawalThe last day to withdraw from the course without paying full tuition and fees is August 29, 2007. The last day to withdraw from the course with a grade of “W” is October 22, 2007.
This document, as well as some others, are available on the instructor’s web page
Lecture and Deadline Schedule for MA180 and MA418 Statistics, Section 1M
(changes are possible, the students will be informed by e-mail)
The exact times of homework and quiz deadlines are shown on the coursecompass site.
Week beginsMonday date / Monday / Tuesday / Wed / Thursday / Friday / Sunday
August 20 / First day
of class / 3.2, 3.3
August 27 / 3.3, 3.4 / 3.4 / 4.2 / HW Ch 3
Quiz Ch 3
September 3 / holiday / 4.3 / 4.4 / HW Ch 4
Quiz Ch 4
September 10 / 5.2 / 5.3 / 5.4 / HW Ch 5
Quiz Ch 5
September 17 / 6.2 / 6.3 / 6.4
September 24 / 6.4, 6.5 / 6.5 / 6.6 / HW Ch 6
Quiz Ch 6
October 1 / 7.2 / 7.2, 7.3 / 7.3
October 8 / 7.4 / 7.4, 7.5 / 7.5 / HW Ch 7
Quiz Ch 7
October 15 / TEST 1
Ch 3-7 / 8.2 / 8.3
October 22 / 8.4 / 8.5 / 8.6 / HW Ch 8
Quiz Ch 8
October 29 / 9.2 / 9.2, 9.3 / 9.3
November 5 / 9.4 / 9.5 / 10.2 / HW Ch 9
Quiz Ch 9
November 12 / 10.2, 10.3 / 10.3 / 10.4
November 19 / 10.4, 10.5 / no classes / holiday / holiday
November 26 / 10.5 / 11.2 / 11.2, 11.3 / HW Ch 10
Quiz Ch 10
December 3 / 11.3 / 11.4 / no class / HW Ch 11
Quiz Ch 11
December 10 / TEST 2
1:30 PM