ExecMembers: Curriculum Chair - Kathy Schultz,Articulation Officer - Elizabeth Pfleging,
Curriculum Chair Designee – Jill Olson, VPI – Dr. Brian Sanders
FullMembers:  Sylvia Watterson,  Jeff Fitzwater,  Tom Hofstra,  Joe Manlove, ***Mike Torok
Rsrc/Lsn Members:  Klaus Tenbergen,  Melissa Raby,  Brandon Price,  Raelene Juarez,  Lesley Michtavy,

 Marnie Shively,  Elissa Creighton,  Don Dickinson,  Jessica Anselmi,  *Danielle Brouillette,  Ben Williams (Student Rep)

OthersInvited: Brain Jensen,  Jeff Tolhurst, ** Erik Andal

Call to Order:2:44pm

Agenda Changes:Addition ofItem # 4 to Information Items, addition of an Advisory to Section B, Correction to Item #9 to read SKLDV 707

Action: Move to approve the agenda as amended M/S/P (Pfleging/TorokVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

Approvalof Minutes:September 12, 2017

Action: Move to approve minutesas amended with an addition to Chancellor’s Update providing an exact count, spelling correction of verses to versusM/S/P (Pfleging/TorokVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom HofstraNay: Abstention:)


Full Curriculum Meeting 09/26/2017

Information Items

  1. November Exec Meeting-DesigneeKathy Schultz
  • Substitute required for November 21, 2017Executive Curriculum meeting which is the last of the semester.
  1. Chancellor’s Office UpdateElissa Creighton
  • New database is currently having issues and backups are occurring.
  • Program updates cannot be done due to backup.
  • Limited course information has been updated.
  1. AD-T & C-ID Status Update Elizabeth Pfleging
  • Environmental Science, Hospitality Management, and the Social Work and Human Services Transfer Degrees have been finalized and posted.
  • Articulation Officer has verifiedthe top codes on these templates match.
  • SB 1440 states that a community college must create an Associate Degree for Transfer in every major offered by that college within 18 months of the approval of the transfer model curriculum.
  • September 1, 2017 began the clock on the 18 months to approval.
  • Social Work and Human Services is missing a few courses; possibly the top code needs reevaluation which requires a discussion between the dean and faculty in that department.
  • No current full time faculty available.
  • Public Health Science needs to be shepherded by Biology or Health and Human Performance; question will be posed about which department would like to take this approved program.
  1. Repeatability Criteria on Cover PageKathy Schultz
  • New criteria has been added to CurricUNET.
  • Outdated criteria has and will be removed from CurricUNET.
  • Historical record has been changed due to recent and past changes.
  • Current repeatable courses will be examined to assure a choice has been marked that is one of the current legal choices.

*Arrived at 3:00 during Item 3

Action Items

Action items listed in Section A are part of the Curriculum Committee’s consent agenda.

Any person in attendance may pull specific items off the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.

Items not pulled for separate discussion/action will be acted upon as one action by the Committee membership

Section A

  1. DiscHHP 23Contemporary DanceRaelene Juarez/Nathan Rien(SU18)
  2. MjrOFTEC 140Beginning Word ProcessingKathy Schultz(SU18)
    >OFTEC 140 - Advisory of OFTEC 100
  3. MjrOFTEC 141 Intermediate Word ProcessingKathy Schultz (SU18)
    >OFTEC 141 - Advisory of OFTEC 140

Action:Move to approve the consent agenda M/S/P (Torok/OlsonVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom HofstraNay: Abstention:)

Section B

  1. Mjr ASTRO 40 Descriptive Astronomy (was ESC 40)Anca Husher/Jeff Tolhurst (SU18)
  • Course originally existed as course ESC 40.
  • Science: Emphasis in Earth Science Associate Degree will need modification through CurricUNET.

Action:Move to approve ASTRO 40 Descriptive AstronomyM/S/P (Olson/PflegingVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

** Arrived at 3:20 during Section B #8 discussion

>ASTRO 40 - Advisory of ENGL 1A

  • Form A spelling correction on #1; required, lunar

Action: Move to approve ASTRO 40 Descriptive Astronomy M/S/P (Manlove/HofstraVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

  1. Mjr GUIDE 10AIntroduction to Helping SkillsBrian Jensen(SU18)
  1. Mjr GUIDE 10B Intermediate Helping and Basic Conflict Brian Jensen(SU18)

Management Skills

>GUIDE 10B - Prerequisite of GUIDE 10A

Action: Move to table GUIDE 10A & GUIDE 10B GUIDE 10B - Prerequisite of GUIDE 10A for lack of representation M/S/P (Pfleging/Manlove Votes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

  1. Mjr PHYCS 4AIntroductory Physics I: Trigonometry LevelAnca Husher/Joe Manlove(SU18)
  • SLO changes have occurred.
  • Remove ‘corequisite’ from Form A.
  • Student degree planning will be affected by this change due to prerequisites.

Action: Move to approve PHYCS 4AM/S/P (Manlove/TorokVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

>PHYCS 4A - Prerequisite MATH 8

Action: Move to approve PHYCS 4A - Prerequisite MATH 8M/S/P (Pfleging/Olson Votes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

  1. New SKLDV 706GED: Math and ScienceJill Olson(SU18)
  1. New SKLDV 707GED: Language Arts and Social StudiesJill Olson(SU18)
  • Need to be restructured for possible progression sequence.
  • Research into if a Certificate of Completion will need to be created for this course progression.

Action: Move to table SKLDV 706 & 707with request to restructureM/S/P (Pfleging/OlsonVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

  1. NewAW-AST 770 Public Health ScienceKathy Schultz(SU18)
  • Collaborative Program with MJC.
  • Signing of actual MOU with MJC is in progress

Action: Move to approve AW-AST 770Public Health ScienceM/S/P (Pfleging/TorokVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention :)

  1. NewAW-AST 710 PhysicsAnca Husher/Mike Torok(SU18)

Action: Move to approve AW-AST 710PhysicsM/S/P (Pfleging/TorokVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

  1. DiscAW-CERT 204 Automotive Maintenance TechnicianErik Andal(SU18)
  • Matching Degree discontinuance has been launched In CurricUNET.

Action: Move to approve AW-CERT 204Automotive Maintenance TechnicianM/S/P (Pfleging/Olson Votes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

Section C

  1. Curriculum Committee BylawsKathy Schultz
  • Under Information items remove ‘Contract Instruction’.

Action: Move to approve Curriculum Committee Bylaws for Academic Senate adoptionM/S/P (Olson/WattersonVotes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, Mike Torok, Tom Hofstra Nay: Abstention:)

Discussion Items

  1. SLO Modification Effective DateKathy Schultz
  • If SLOs are modified during a 5 Year Review, those SLO changes will be effective when the course changes become effective which would be the beginning of the following summer.
  • If SLO changes to a course come through CurricUNETnot during a 5 Year Review, what should the effective date be?
  • Numerous options were discussed including immediate, following semester and summer.
  • Effective date should continue to be the following summer for these SLO changes.

***Left during discussion

Move to adjourn M/S/P (Olson/ Pfleging Votes In favor: Elizabeth Pfleging, Jill Olson, Joe Manlove, TomHofstraNay: Abstention:)


Full Curriculum Meeting 09/26/2017

Adjourn 4:30pm

Next Exec Curriculum meeting is October 3, 2017in Buckeye 4 from 2:40 – 4:30

Next Full Curriculum meeting is October 10, 2017in Buckeye 4 from 2:40 – 4:30


Full Curriculum Meeting 09/26/2017