Cynthia Gorey, New Canaan Community Foundation

January 2016 Op Ed – Become a Volunteer!

The United States has a long history of volunteering. The authors of our Constitution ensured our right to form voluntary associations and these connections have been a treasured aspect of American life since the nation’s birth. America has been called a “nation of joiners” and nowhere is that spirit more evident than right here in New Canaan. We are so fortunate that our residents are passionate about charitable causes, and show their dedication through their volunteerism.

Across our state, nearly 30% of residents or 800,000 people volunteer each year, and donate 87 million hours of service, worth $2 billion. While we don’t have similar statistics for New Canaan, we believe that our performance is even more impressive, with most residents volunteering their time and helping to make our community the special place that we love.

Beginning in 2015, New Canaan Community Foundation revitalized another important tradition, the recognition of local volunteers. It is our privilege to recognize the incredible donations of time and talent to the organizations our residents enrich with your volunteerism.

We believe strongly in honoring both the “hands-on volunteers” who carry out the essential tasks of an organization as well as the leadership volunteers, the Board members who govern the agency and are ultimately responsible for ensuring that it accomplishes its mission. In addition, we recognize efforts by our youngest volunteers, in the hope that this early start becomes a lifetime of service to their community.

The Community Foundation celebrates one of the things that is most special about New Canaan – the selflessness and dedication to helping others through giving of oneself. We are privileged to be part of this wonderful community and to honor residents who embody the definition of a volunteer, “apersonwhovoluntarilyoffershimselforherself foraserviceorundertaking, and who performsaservicewillinglyand withoutpay.” Volunteers perform their role as though they were getting paid, as talented professionals who did the job to the best of their ability without regard for themselves.

As we begin a new year, I challenge New Canaan residents to make a new year’s resolution to join in this tradition. Help make the world a better place by serving as a volunteer for one of the many wonderful local nonprofit organizations that serve our community. Our area will be enriched by your efforts, and your life will become more fulfilling with meaningful volunteer work. As experienced volunteers know, giving your time is not only generous but also feels great in return.

Start with identifying what work is most important to you and your family, where you think you can have a significant impact. Nonprofit organizations provide a wide range of services and rely at least in part on donated time or talent to fulfill their mission. Do you want your volunteering to be primarily hands-on or do you see yourself as a leadership volunteer? Are you passionate about the arts, helping the needy, or education and children? Think about what skills you might offer an organization, and when you are available to donate your time. Next, identify a local provider that works in this area and learn more about them, visit their website, do online research, call them and ask about how they use volunteers.

Keep in mind that nonprofit organizations are mission-driven businesses. They exist to fulfill their charitable goals, and should be operated efficiently and with a purpose of having meaningful impact.

If you’d like guidance about what organizations might be a good fit for your skills and interests, please contact us at the Community Foundation. We love to match people who care with causes that matter. Or visit which is a terrific local online matching tool for volunteers and organizations. It’s a new year, let’s resolve to step up and make a difference together!