1.  Introduction

Irene PRASA Station is situated approximately 15 km from PRASA CRES NGR offices in Pretoria, Paul Kruger Street. The station consists of the following:

·  Train Station

·  Vacant Land

·  Residential Houses

The residential houses at Irene Station have deteriorated to a point where rehabilitation is required, mostly due to vandalism and illegal occupation as the property is not adequately secured. There most part of the property with the exception of the station is not fenced and secured resulting in exposing the property to people gaining easy access and resulting in illegal occupation of the property, trespassing/squatting, theft , vandalism, dumping and also criminal acts on the property.

This has prompted PRAS CRES to act swiftly in responding to this by ensuring that we provide adequate and effective security to avoid incurring further high costs in remedial works due to the below stated.


One of the major exposures facing vacant property is theft. Thieves know no one is inside, so they select vacant property since there is a lower likelihood of being caught. Even if the building is completely empty of all contents, thieves may still strike tosteal copper pipingor other valuable building components. Make sure there is nothing valuable for thieves to take in case they do strike your vacant property.


Another major concern for vacant building owners is vandalism. People will break into vacant buildings for a number of reasons, and, if given enough time, can cause significant damage. Vandals find vacant buildings to be easy targets. The level of damage can range from something relatively minor like broken light bulbs to extreme amounts of graffiti.

Trespassing or Squatting

A major vacant property concern is trespassing or squatting. Homeless people looking for easy shelter may seek out vacant properties. In the process, they can cause damage to the building and may reside there for an extended period of time. Homeless people are not the only trespassing threat for vacant property; people often break into vacant properties to engage in more nefarious, illicit activity. The longer a squatter stays in a vacant property, the higher the possibility that large levels of trash and waste will be left behind.

The main strategic objectives to be achieved under this programme are the operational effectiveness, risk management and strengthening of the financial position of PRASA.

It is recommended that stations identified for NSIP be implemented as this will result in stations a healthy and safe facility for commuters, tenants and the staff. This will result in improved operations, increase in revenue and enhanced company image.

NSIP is a program which deals with the minor station improvements to ensure that the stations’ services and facilities are upgraded and that the stations remain in habitable, descent and healthy condition.

This programme is rolled-out in phases yearly on a selected number of stations which have been identified as needing immediate attention. This programme is to be rolled-out in the 2016/17 Financial Year on stations identified by the end-user which is REAM.

2.  Background Information

·  Status quo:

o  REAM properties are currently in a poor condition with numerous complaints received from the End-User.

o  End-User has thus identified stations that require intervention of the National Station Improvement Programme.

·  Problem statement

o  REAM properties are currently in poor condition and require intervention through NSIP.

3.  Objective of the Proposed Project

The request is to acquire a qualified and well capacitated main contractor with a CIDB grading of 4 GB.

The design and costing (Stage 1 to 4), have been completed. Therefore, the requisition is to appoint the contractor for implementation of the project.

The request based on the above therefore is to acquire a qualified and well capacitated main contractor at CIDB Grade 4 GB to undertake the abovementioned works and complete the project within 5 months.

4.  Scope of Works and Areas of Focus


·  Site Clearance

·  Classification and nature of materials to be excavated

·  Excavations (Bulk)

·  Removal of services

·  Carting away of excavated materials

·  Risk of collapse of excavations

·  Keep Excavation Free from Water (KEFFW)

·  Compaction of surfaces

·  Dewatering

·  Filling

·  Foundation Courses

·  Weed killers and insecticides etc.



·  Concrete Palisade Fencing 981 meters


·  Vehicle Gate

·  Pedestrian Gate


·  Supply and the Electrical Works as per the engineer

·  Motivate why is this the preferred option

The motivation to go out on open tender is to source the most competitive and capacitated bidder through vigorous SCM processes. The process based on the SCM policy and guidelines will assist to appoint a reliable and reputable contractor.

5.  Specifications of the Work or Products or Services Required

The project will require a Contractor that is graded on the CIBD as 4 GB and above. The contractor required should be able to deliver works as per the specifications.

The following sample pictures depict the current status of the stations, earmarked for improvement under NSIP.

·  Pictorials

6.  Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation should be done in three stages as follows:

Stage 1: Compliance Requirements

Bidders shall comply with the following requirements and failure to comply may lead to disqualification: [List of project specific compliance requirements].

a) Valid Tax Clearance Certificate (must be valid on closing date of submission of the proposal);

b) Valid BBBEE Certificate from a SANAS accredited rating agency

c) Completed and signed Bid Forms of PRASA with all the annexures thereto;

d) Certificate for Attendance of Compulsory Briefing Session;

e) Retention or Guarantees

f) Company Registration Documents;

g) Letter of Good Standing (i.e. COID);

h) Contents of Register of Directors as issued by CITC;

i) Joint Venture or Consortium Agreement (whichever is applicable);

j) Proof of UIF registration;

k) Proof of Bank Account (i.e. cancelled cheque or letter issued by the bank);

l) Copies of Directors’ ID documents; and

m) Company Letter Head.

n) CSD Registration

o) CIDB Grading – 4GB

Stage 2: Technical / Functionality Requirements

NOTE: The Technical or Functionality criteria must be guided by the project scope of works and area of focus.

Scoring of Functionality:

Bidders that meet the stipulated compliance requirements will be further evaluated on functionality. The minimum score for functionality is 70% and bidders who score below this minimum will not be considered for further evaluation in terms of price and B-BBEE.

Evaluation Criteria / Application
1 = Poor; 2 = Average; 3 = Good; 4 = Very Good; 5 = Excellent / Weights /
Completion for building and construction projects of similar scope and budget (CIDB Grading 4 GB), or higher. References should be accompanied by completion certificates from the Client) / Score will be based on successfully executed and completed similar projects in the Civil Engineering and Construction environment over the last five years of which details are provided:
Submit proof of :
Similar Type – Office Blocks, Tenant Installation, Houses, Building Refurbishments, Building Renovation, each project equal or exceeding the value of project on tender
Attach letters of Appointment and Completion Certificates
5 = proof of 5 projects and above
4 = Proof of 4 Projects with similar CIDB Grading
3 = Proof of 3 Projects with similar CIDB Grading
2 = Proof of 2 Projects with similar CIDB Grading
1 = Proof of 1 Project with similar CIDB Grading / 35 /
Experience key staff (assigned site personnel) in relation to the scope of work / Submit proof of :
·  At least one registered professional or Candidate Construction Manager with 5 year experience with CVs and qualifications
·  Supporting Site personnel – Lower Qualifications such as National Diploma, N3-N6 Certificates, Trade qualifications (Relevant to Construction Projects)
5 = CV with qualifications, BSC Eng or B-TECH and Professional Registration supported by lower qualifications
4 = CV with qualifications, National Diploma Professional Registration supported by lower qualification including trades qualifications
3 = CV with qualifications, National Diploma supported by lower qualifications including trades qualifications
2 = CV with qualifications, N3-N6 including trade qualification
1 = In adequate qualifications and experience (CV only) (No Professional Registration and no Trade qualification) / 25 /
Plant and Equipment / Proof of ownership of plant and equipment or proof of account to hire [100% = 1 Tipper Truck, 1 Tonne Bakkie, Power Tools, Laser levelling tools, Ladder, Hand Tools(shovels, chisels, scrapers, hammers, Hands Saws, measuring tools, trowels, floats and knives)
Ownership = Certified Asset Register
5 = 100% Proof of all owned equipment
4 = 80% Proof of owned or 100% Proof of account to Hire
3 = 70% Proof of owned or 80% Proof of account to hire
2 = 50% Proof of ownership or 70% account to hire
1 = Less than 50% and no proof of account to hire / 10 /
Health and Safety Report / ·  Provide a competent Safety Officer with a minimum of 3 years industry experience and registered with the SACPCMP(Attach CV and qualifications)
·  Provide a project specific and comprehensive baseline risk assessment.
·  Complete (S&H evaluation Sheet)
·  Provide a valid Workman’s compensation registration certificate
5 = All required information
4 = 1,2,3 and 4 without the registration
with the SACPCMP
3 =Provision of item 1 and 2,
without 3 and/or 4.
2 = Provision of 2 and 3 without
1 and / or 4
1 = Provision of only 1 requirement
“Kindly note that you are required to submit a comprehensive safety file for approval on appointment as the preferred bidder.” / 15 /
Program & schedule / Score:
1: Program & schedule not provided;
2: Program & schedule does not indicate duration and activities linked to project
3: Program & schedule shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical path;
4: Program & schedule shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical path and estimated duration and logic to reach works completion; and
5: Program & schedule shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical path and estimated duration and logic to reach works completion. Program and schedule also contains information on execution integration and redundancy for unforeseen delays or occurrences. / 15 /
TOTAL / 100 /

Stage 3: Pricing and BBBEE

Only Bidders who have achieved the 70% minimum threshold for Technical / Functional evaluation will be evaluated for the Price and B-BBE components.

Pricing Evaluation:

A maximum of 80 points is allocated for price. The evaluation for price will be done based on the following formula:



Ps = Points scored for price of tender under consideration

Pt = Rand value of tender under consideration

Pmin = Rand value of lowest acceptable tender

B-BBEE Evaluation:

A maximum of 20 points is allocated for B-BBEE. The allocation of points for B-BBEE is as follows:

B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor / Number of points( 90/10 system) above R50 Million / Number of points (80/20 system) below R50 Million
1 / 10 / 20
2 / 9 / 18
3 / 6 / 14
4 / 5 / 12
5 / 4 / 8
6 / 3 / 6
7 / 2 / 4
8 / 1 / 2
Non-Compliant Contributor / 0 / 0
Evaluation criteria / Weighting
Stage 1: Compliance Requirements
Security Screening / Compliance
CIDB Grading / 4 GB
Bank Rating / Compliance
Stage 2: Technical / Functionality Requirements
Technical / Threshold of 70 %
Stage 3: Pricing and B-BBEE
BBBEE / 20
Price / 80
TOTAL / 100

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