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31 August 2016
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Although this is the shortest term of the year it poses several challenges especially with the production and its associated requirements. The performance is three weeks tomorrow and we are facing some real challenges. With interruptions to our regular programme we are finding that our ‘Skills for Life’ vision is really being challenged. Putting on a production requires patience and understanding from the students as we rehearse together and endeavour to improve performance with each practice. Not only are our students’ patience and empathy being tested but also respect for others. We ask that you work along with us here as we know we are pushing the students to their limits to gain maximum performance from them. Please have them learn their lines at home including their cues, to go to bed early and to have patience and show respect for others at home. Talk to them about what it requires to produce something that is of worth and that we need to perform better to produce great rewards. Victoria and the staff are doing a great job here and we need your support to help us through.
Our special Mufti Day last Tuesday 23rd August was one out of the box. The students looked great and our Olympics celebration was amazing fun. We raised $54.00 for the local Cancer Society Group. We hope you enjoyed the photos on our webpage.
We must congratulate Kate, Charlotte, Alice, Jo, Kaylene, Lisa and all other key personnel for their wonderful contribution to organising the quiz night. There were some fabulous prizes and I believe at least one of the prizes was donated back to the Friends of the School. I believe they raised over $2000.00. Well done team and also a huge thank you to those businesses that sponsored the wonderful prizes. Please support our local businesses.
On the afternoon of Wednesday 14th September we would like you to look after your children while we attend the union meeting to do with the government proposals for changing the way schools are funded. We will schedule the buses to run earlier that day beginning their home runs at 12.30pm. We cannot close the school as we are required to be open for any families who are unable to look after their children at this time. Please let us know if you need your children to stay at school until 3.00pm. With the buses running earlier you will need to come and collect your children at 3.00pm from school.
The impact the new funding proposals will have are outlined as follows from the New Zealand Educational Institute, the Post Primary Teachers’ Association and the New Zealand Principals’ Federation points of view:
The Government has proposed dramatic changes to education funding.They're calling it a global budget, but this is bulk funding dressed up in different clothes.
The bulk-funding global budget proposal would mean all staffing and school operational funding would be delivered (on a per student basis) to schools in the form of cash and "credits" for staffing. Principals/BoTs would determine the split between cash and staffing credits, and any unused credits could be "cashed up" at the end of each year. This would mean Boards would have to make trade-offs between teachers' salaries and other non-teaching costs. This could result in:
- Fewer teachers and bigger class sizes
- Increased casualisation of teacher jobs and increased attractiveness of cheaper "trainee teachers"
- Further downwards pressure on support staff pay
- Increased inequity as richer schools can more easily use locally raised funds to hire teachers, and large urban schools are likely to benefit over small rural schools from the proposed "averaging" of staffing credits.
There is also a proposal for "additional funding" to replace decile funding with intensified targeting of children meeting four "risk" criteria. This targeting would result in funding moving from low decile to mid decile schools, and means many children who do not succeed at school could miss out on funding.
NZPF has observed many 'fish hooks' in the global funding proposal. Itwould dramatically change the way schools are funded, and not in a positive way. We are concerned that the global budget would be a far more complex system of funding schools than thepresent system and would create more financial strain for principals and Boards of Trustees. The disappearance of maximum class numbers and the staffing schedule leads to the possibilityof fewer teachers and larger class sizes, less job security for teachers and fewer hours for support staff.
We are running a ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning’ (PB4L) parents evening on Wednesday 14th Sept beginning at 6.00pm, with Kelly Watson from the Resource Teachers for Learning and Behaviour. Students will be entertained while parents meet. We encourage you all to come along, have a bite to eat and learn about what is happening in our school.
Finally here are some suggestions as possible solutions to our previous five parenting articles from Victoria Prooday’s research findings;
Open Quote
1. Limit technology, and instead re-connect with your kids emotionally
· Surprise them with flowers, share a smile, tickle them, put a love note in their backpack or under their pillow, surprise them by taking them out for lunch on their own, dance together, crawl together, have pillow fights
· Have family dinners, board game nights, go biking, go on outdoor walks with flashlights in the evening
2. Train delay gratification
· Make them wait!!! It is ok to have “I am bored “ time – this is the first step to creativity
· Gradually increase the waiting time between “I want” and “I get”
· Avoid technology use in cars and restaurants, and instead teach them waiting while talking and playing games
· Limit constant snacking
3. Don’t be afraid to set the limits. Kids need limits to grow happy and healthy!!
· Make a schedule for meal times, sleep times, technology time
· Think of what is GOOD for them- not what they WANT/DON’T WANT. They are going to thank you for that later on in life. Parenting is a hard job. You need to be creative to make them do what is good for them because most of the time that is the exact opposite of what they want
· Kids need breakfast and nutritious food. They need to spend time outdoors and go to bed at a consistent time in order to come to school available for learning the next day!
· Convert things that they don’t like doing/trying into fun, emotionally stimulating games
4. Teach your child to do monotonous workfrom an early age as it is the foundation for future “workability”
· Folding laundry, tidying up toys, hanging clothes, unpacking groceries, setting the table, making lunch, unpacking their lunch box, making their bed
· Be creative. Initially make it stimulating and fun so that their brain associates it with something positive.
5. Teach social skills
· Teach them turn taking, sharing, losing/winning, compromising, and complimenting others, using “please and thank you”
From my experience as an occupational therapist, children change the moment parents change their perspective on parenting. Help your kids succeed in life by training and strengthening their brain sooner than later!!!
Victoria Prooday End of Quote
We believe this all to be just good common sense and what we need to teach our children on a daily basis so that they receive great ‘Skills for Life.”
A reminder to all parents and caregivers please that in our signed Cyber Safety Policy and Agreement IPODs, phones and other electronic devices are not to be brought to school or used on the bus unless parents have special permission from the school to do so. We are encouraging social skills, limiting device use and learning to be creative in our less active times, these are truly ”Skills for Life.”
Our Peer Mediation workshop for our senior students is tomorrow Thursday 1st September beginning at 11.00am – 2.30pm. Tracy has invited any interested parents to come along and join in the experience. Please come if you have or can make the time
Term 3 25th July – 23rd September
Term 4 10th October - 16th December
This term is a short one with only 3 weeks remaining after this week. It is also a very busy one for staff and students. Please note the upcoming activities on your calendars and where you can offer your support please don’t be hesitant in forthcoming.
A list of events is scheduled below.
Term 3
Term 3 Term 3 Year 6-8 Dance Classes
Monday afternoons Term 3 at either
The Tin Shed or Leithfield School
1 Peer Mediation Training (Student Leaders)
2 Winter Sports Day (Skiing/Skating)
8 Leadership Camp Follow up (Zach, Shannon, Adele and Josie)
13 Kiwi Sport
14 Staff Union Meeting (Buses run early)
14 PB4L Family Evening
16 Scargill Flower Show
22 Production
23 End of Term
Technology at Hurunui College continues on Fridays through Term 3 for Year 7/8 students.
Life, like a mirror, never gives back more than we put into it. Anonymous
Teacher: Today, we're going to talk about the tenses. Now, if I say "I am beautiful," which tense is it?
Student: Obviously it is the past tense.
Have a great week from the team here at Greta
Malin, Sue, Jo, Megan, Yo and Angela.
Establishing Native Plants: Greta Valley, 10am – 12, Sun. 11 September. Learn from conservationist Marion Rhodes how to successfully grow natives on your property by selecting the best species for local conditions, and to economise by growing plants from seeds or cuttings. 2 TimeBank Hurunui credits or $10, plus small cost for materials.
Food Forest Gardening and Landform Water Harvesting: Parnassus, 10am – 12, Sat. 17 Sept. Join Olmec Sinclair for a tour of his property that is run along permaculture principles. You’ll learn aboutintegrating animal and plant food-production systems, locally suitable plants, and building swales by contouring land to capture water. 2 TimeBank Hurunui credits or $10, plus small cost for materials.
Building or Renovating? Get Informed: Amberley, 6.15 – 7.45pm, Thurs. 22 September. James Drewery will advise you how to engage a builder to avoid pitfalls and get the best outcomes. Topics include briefs, quotes, contracts and post-build issues. He’ll also explain your consumer rights under the Building Act. James has a long career in the industry. 1.5 TimeBank Hurunui credits or donation appreciated
Spring BIG SWAP: Amberley Pavilion, 1 – 4pm, Sat. 24 September. Bring along things you no longer want, and take what you like in exchange – such as clothes, books, toys, tools, plants. Must be in good condition and no electrical or large items please. Gold coin entry, afternoon tea included. Call TimeBank Hurunui on 03 314 7332 or email
Three bedroom residence, fully furnished, includes free firewood and lawn mowing, Greta Valley, $350 p/week, Ph 3143380.
Introductory Robotics (Ages 8 - 13 years) - $11 per child Wed 5 Oct at 10:00am – Thu 6 Oct at 3:00pm
Cultural Constellations (Age 5 -13 years - children must be accompanied by an adult) - $5 per child and adult Mon 3 Oct at 5:30pm – Tue 4 Oct at 7:15pm
For more details and for booking tickets, simply hop over to
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