September 18 - 20, 2013

Dallas, Magnolia Downtown

- Minutes-

Day 1 Agenda Items 1 – 3, Administrative Items

Call to Order

Tyler Wolford (CUS) called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. CDT.

Attendance & Administrative Items

Erin Jester (SPP) recorded attendance and confirmed quorum was met. See Appendix1: Attendance.

Jim Gunnell (SPP) spoke to the group briefly about conversational capacity and Tyler Wolford reiterated a few thoughts on keeping the meeting productive and effective. Bruce Rew (SPP) reiterated the importance of communication and asked the group to contact him if there are any questions. Bruce stated SPP would not go-live on March 1, 2014 if systems are not ready to support a quality market.

Review of Agenda

Tyler Wolford reviewed the agenda with the group. There were no changes to the agenda.

Day 1 Agenda Items 4 – 5, Integrated Marketplace Program Updates

Wind Forecast Update

Debbie James (SPP) presented the Energy & Meteo NDA process and timeline. Details are provided in the presentation. CWG Meeting Materials

TCR Go-Live Discussionand Contingency Plan Review

Sam Ellis (SPP) gave an update on the 9/11 CWG conference call and the TCR Go/No-Go Decision timeline.

Philip Bruich (SPP) covered the Settlements open concerns for Settlements Market Trials. The group voiced concern regarding outstanding issues surrounding two charge types. Philip noted the issue will be corrected by the end of September. A work around is currently in place. The group voiced concern that their systems were not ready to perform shadow settlements and SPP is not ready to provide data needed to shadow settle. Philip Bruich stated that MPs could be provided with the files needed to shadow settle in a spreadsheet format. The group also voiced concern that the issue would not be corrected in time to validate Settlements accuracy prior to the TCR go-live decision. Philip and other participants clarified that if the fix is not in place in time for the TCR decision, previous months can be rerun.

Catherine Mooney provided an update on the Revenue adequacy Analysis effort. Catherine provided details on the background and testing being performed. Catherine reiterated to the group that revenue adequacy is something SPP cannot fully observe or test until TCRs are live.. Some MPs stated this was extremely helpful and a valuable exercise. The group requested the results of this effort be included in the TCR Go/No-Go Assessment.

Casey Cathey (SPP) provided an update on the background and objectives of the Technical Team Validation effort.

Charles Cates (SPP) presented the TCR Go-Live Contingency options. Two options were presented. Details are provided in the materials. Bruce Rew explained the Go Live Team process and what the next steps in the case of a delay decision. Some members requested the group provide specific details of what they need SPP staff to do and what issues specifically need to be addressed. Although some MPs stated they do not have everything they need to be ready from SPP, others stated they did have everything needed and were comfortable. SPP staff has performed outreach to determine what assistance/additional information can be provided.

Mike Riley (SPP) provided details and background on how CAISO handled their ‘contingency plan.’ Mike stated that CAISO was able to unwind after they had financially settled. SPP is not concerned with the ability to unwind TCR if the Market is delayed after awards. The group discussed how the SPP Market Delay after TCR Awards document should be handled. SPP will determine and share plans with the group.

Sam Ellis provided some closing remarks for the TCR presentation and clarified that SPP is confident we are on track to start TCR as planned on 10/18. The group thanked the TCR team for continuing to address the concerns raised by MPs.

Action Item:SPP staff to prepare and send a survey to request feedback from MPs on what their specific Parallel Operations Concerns are.

Action Item:SPP staff to includethe CAISO contingency plan filing docket number in the CWG minutes: (ER08519).

Action Item:SPP staff to schedule Parallel Operations Go/No-Go Criteria review meetings with the CWG for month of October.

Agenda Item 6, Q&A


The group participated in a Q&A session.

Agenda Item 7a-d, Future Meetings

2013/2014 Meetings

Erin Jester covered future meetings with the group. The group discussed extending meetings to 3 days for the rest of the year and into March 2014. Erin will follow-up with Debbie James to see if the MWG would consider starting on Monday so the CWG can meet for a full day on Wednesday.

a.October 23 – 25 Dallas, DoubleTree near the Galleria

b.November 13 – 15 Little Rock, SPP Corporate Center

c.December 18 – 19 Dallas, DoubleTree near the Galleria

d.January 22 – 23 TBD

Day 2 Agenda Items 8 – 10, Administrative Items

Call to Order

Tyler Wolford (CUS) called the meeting to order at 8:35a.m. CDT.

Attendance & Administrative Items

Erin Jester (SPP) recorded attendance and confirmed quorum was met. See Appendix1: Attendance.

Review of Agenda

Tyler Wolford reviewed the agenda with the group.

Day 2 Agenda Items 11, Consent Agenda

For Consent Action (Approval Items)

Tyler Wolford presented the items set for consent approval by group.

August, 2013 CWG Meeting Minutes

August CWG meeting minutes were approved by the group.

Day 2 Agenda Items 12 – 16, Integrated Marketplace Program Updates

Program Update

Sam Ellis (SPP) provided the Integrated Marketplace Program update. Sam provided a high-level look at the Program Critical Path, a summary of Markets, Settlements and TCR status, and look at Marketplace Go Live Readiness Planning efforts.


Casey Cathey (SPP) provided an update on the Markets tower. Casey highlighted 4 scenarios that are being moved to Parallel Operations: Repricing using Study MCE, Must Offer, RSG, and BDR. Casey and Carrie Simpson (SPP) provided an overview of existing defects. Casey walked the group through the MOS release plan. Details are provided in the materials.

Market Trials Overview

Casey Catheyand Carrie Simpson (SPP) provided an update on the Market Trials tower. Casey updated the group on executed and remaining scenarios. The group reviewed the revised scenario reporting process and provided feedback. Carrie provided an update on protocol compliance progress during Market Trials. Details are provided in the materials.

Settlements Market Trials

Philip Bruich provided an update on Settlements. The group discussed the use of ground hog day data (GHD) and when it will be phased out. Philip stated GHD would be phased out by 10/1. Members noted that some shadow settlements vendors are not ready and raised this as a risk. Some members stated their systems are not fully ready and cannot evaluate the charge types. The group requested SPP determine a method to measure MP validation of charge types.

Day 2 Agenda Item 17, Q&A


The group participated in a Q&A session.

Day 2 Agenda Items 18 – 23, Integrated Marketplace Program Updates Cont.

Parallel Operations

Casey Cathey and Carl Stelly (SPP) provided an in-depth walkthrough of Parallel Operations.

Casey covered the objectives and details of Parallel Operations. Casey stated that MPs need to have internal systems, processes, and resources in place during Parallel Operations. The communication plan for Parallel Operations involves utilizing the hotline from 11/12/2013 – 12/01/2013. At that time, production communication processes will be phased in. Contact lists for SPP Operations desks will be shared with all applicable MPs. RMS will be in place for the duration of the Program and after Go Live. The group discussed the differences they can expect as the program moves from SMT to Parallel Operations. Casey covered key dates that MPs should be aware of and plan for:

•11/03 - The end of SMT will include this 25 hour Daylight Savings Time day

•11/04 through 11/11 - Test data purge for Settlements

•11/12 - Parallel Operations begins – Moving to 7 Operating days per week and the Hotline will be open 24x7

•11/19 - First Integrated Deployment Test (IDT)

•12/02 - Start of production communication processes

The group discussed the objectives and success criteria for Integrated Deployment Testing. More details are provided in the materials.

Action Item: SPP staff to update the Parallel Operations key dates with specific dates for when test data will be purged from systems.

Action Item: SPP staff to request that Asset Owning MPs review the IDT MP Guide 2.0 and respond with feedback and/or questions by 10/4.

Action Item: SPP staff to consider and communicate how we will handle TLRs or curtailments during an IDT, from a tariff perspective.

Action Item: SPP staff to provide information on how situations where OATI is not the Tag agent will be handled.

Go/No-Go Parallel Operations Criteria Review and Discussion

Erin Jester reviewed the Parallel Operations draft go/no-go criteria with Market Participants. KCPL provided suggested revisions to several criteria and recommended several new criteria. SPP will consider revisions as discussed during the meeting and propose final criteria to the CWG and Readiness Liaisons.

Action Item:SPP staff to research adding a metric for XML notification success.


Erin Jester provided an update on MP Readiness activities. The Readiness team has completed the Readiness Metrics gap analysis. Final metrics will be filed with FERC. The group discussed MP participation concerns and reviewed the metrics status. Erin requested MPs review the checklist provided and contact the Readiness & Outreach team if assistance is needed in any area.


Jim Gunnellprovided an update on Outreach activities.

Internal Readiness Update

Due to timing constraints the Internal Readiness Update was skipped.

Marketplace Phase II Update

Alice Wright (SPP) provided an update on Integrated Marketplace Post Go-live Projects
Phase II Planning.

Action Item:SPP staff to provide a matrix of Phase 2 projects to show which projects are member-impacting or member-facing.

Day 2 Agenda Item 24, Q&A


The group participated in a Q&A session.

Day 2 - MP System Readiness Forum

The group requested the MP Systems Readiness Survey be reissued and that staff schedule a conference call to discuss MP, SPP and Vendor Readiness.

Day 2 Agenda Items 25 – 41, Written Reports

The group was given the opportunity to provide feedback, ask questions, and/or discuss information reviewed in the written reports. Written reports provided for advance review included:

Marketplace Status Reports

25.Consolidated Status Report

26.ICCP for Marketplace

27.Market Monitoring Data Depository

28.Market Participant Outreach

29.Market Participant Readiness

30.Market Trials

31.Marketplace Portal

32.Markets Systems


34.Regulatory & Compliance- Written Status

a.Regulatory - Presentation




38.Transmission Congestion Rights

Non-Marketplace Status Reports

39.Crediting Stack Analysis Process

Other Reports

40.Marketplace Inquiries

41.Program Testing Gantt

Day 2 Agenda Items 42 – 43, Project Updates

Market Monitoring Data Depository

Catherine Mooney provided a high level overview of the Market Monitoring Data Depository project. Details are provided in the materials.

Real-time Schedule Data

Annette Holbert(SPP) provided an update to address the MP request to receive near real-time schedule data. Details are provided in the materials.

Day 3 Agenda Items 44 – 46, Administrative Items

Call to Order

Tyler Wolford (CUS) called the meeting to order at 8:05a.m. CDT.

Attendance & Administrative Items

Erin Jester (SPP) recorded attendance. See Appendix1: Attendance.

Review of Agenda

Tyler Wolford reviewed the agenda with the group.

Day 3 Agenda Item 47, Staff Reports

SMT Validation Approach

Casey Cathey outlined the SMT protocol validation approach.

Day 3 Agenda Item 48 SMT Call

Structure Market Trials Call

The group dialed-in to the weekly Structured Market Trials call.

Day 3 Agenda Items 49 – 50, Action Item Review

CWG Closure Pending

There were no closure pending action items to review.


The following new action items were recorded during the meeting.
Date Originated / Action Item / Updates / Status
(Not Started, In Progress, Closure Pending, On Hold, Closed)
9/18/2013 / SPP staff to prepare and send a survey to request feedback from MPs on what their specific Parallel Operations Concerns are. / New
9/18/2013 / SPP staff to includethe CAISO contingency plan filing docket number in the CWG minutes. / New
9/18/2013 / SPP staff to update the Parallel Operations key dates with specific dates for when test data will be purged from systems. / New
9/18/2013 / SPP staff to request that Asset Owning MPs review the IDT MP Guide 2.0 and respond with feedback and/or questions by 10/4 / New
9/18/2013 / SPP staff to consider and communicate how we will handle TLRs or curtailments during an IDT, from a tariff perspective. / New
9/18/2013 / SPP staff to provide information on how situations where OATI is not the Tag agent will be handled. Mirroring conversation. / New
9/18/2013 / SPP staff to provide a matrix of Phase 2 projects to show which projects are member-impacting or member-facing. / New
9/18/2013 / SPP staff to research adding a metric for XML notification success. SPP/MP perspective. "All known issues related to SPP XML notifications have been resolved." / New
Tyler Wolford adjourned the meeting at 11:45 p.m. CDT.

Respectfully Submitted,

Erin Jester

Appendix1: Attendance
First Name / Last Name / Position / 9/18/2013 / 9/19/2013 / 9/20/2013
Aaron / Rome / Member / Midwest Energy / x / x
Adam / Cochran / Member / Tenaska Power Services / Proxy - Michelle Trenary / Proxy - Michelle Trenary / Proxy - Michelle Trenary
Amber / Metzker / Member / Xcel Energy / x / x / x
Brett / Kruse / Member / Calpine / x / x / Proxy - Walt Shumate
Brian / Gedrich / Member / NextEra Energy / Proxy - Walt Shumate / Proxy - Walt Shumate / Proxy - Walt Shumate
Chris / Lyons / Member / Exelon / Proxy - Walt Shumate / Proxy - Walt Shumate / Proxy - Walt Shumate
Eric / Alexander / Member / Grand River Dam Authority / x / x / x
Erin / Jester / Secretary / SPP
Greg / DePratt / Member / Empire District / x / x
Jim / Jacoby / Member / AEP / x / x / x
Jim / Medford / Member / Westar / x / x / x
Joe Dan / Wilson / Member / Golden Spread / x / x / x
John / Seck / Member / KMEA / x / x / x
Jon / Sunneberg / Member / NPPD / x / x
Keith / Tynes / Member / Tex La Electric Coop of Texas
Deep East Texas Coop
East Texas Electric Coop
Northeast Texas Coop / x / x
Kevin / Carter / Member / Duke Energy / x
Lee / Anderson / Member / Lincoln Electric / x / x / x
Mandi / Howell / Member / Western Farmers / x / x / x
Mark / Worf / Member / Sunflower Electric / x / x / x
Mike / Mushrush / Member / Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority / x / x / x
Mike / Lindberg / Member / KBPU / x / x / x
Mitch / Krysa / Member / KCPL / x / x / x
Robert / Stillwell / Member / City of Independence / x / x / x
Sanjay / Wankhade / Member / Kelson Energy
Shane / Jenson / Member / OPPD / x / x / x
Shawn / Geil / Member / KEPCO / x
Shawn / McBroom / Member / OGE / x / Proxy - Jason Bailey / Proxy - Jason Bailey
Stuart / Bowles / Member / AECC / x / x / x
Terry / Gates / Vice Chairman / AEP / x / x
Tyler / Wolford / Chairman / City Utilities of Springfield / x / x / x
Walt / Shumate / Member / Shell Energy / x / x / x