Pennsylvania Department of Education

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Education
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

Teacher Induction Report
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
(Last approved Monday, May 18, 2009)

Entity: Muncy SD
Address: 46 S Main St
Muncy, PA 17756-1346

Teacher Induction Planning Participants

Name / Affiliation / Membership Category / Appointed By
Alexander, Matthew / Muncy School District / Middle School Teacher / Chosen by jr-sr high staff / approved by school board
Auten, Carla / Muncy School District School Board Member / Board Member / chosen and approved by Muncy School Board
Barto, Calvin / Muncy School District / Administrator / Chosen by Adminstration and approved by School Board
Bennardi, Mary / Muncy Community / Business Representative / Volunteer following announcement at Muncy School Board meeting / accepted and approved by Board
Bixler, Daryl / Muncy School District / Secondary School Teacher / Chosen by jr-sr high staff / approved by school board
Cotner, Cori / Muncy Community / Parent / Volunteer following announcement at Muncy School Board meeting / accepted and approved by Board
Frederick, Landa / Muncy Community / Parent / Volunteer following announcement at Muncy School Board meeting / accepted and approved by Board
Haddon, Steve / Muncy School District / Middle School Teacher / Chosen by elementary staff / approved by school board
Hamilton, Kimberly / Muncy School District / Administrator / Chosen by administration / approved by Muncy School Board
Hogan, Amanda / Muncy School District / Elementary School Teacher / Chosen by elementary staff / approved by school board
McCrone, Matthew / Muncy School District / Special Education Teacher / Chosen by jr-sr high staff / approved by school board
Monroe, Randall / Muncy School District / Board Member / Chosen and approved by Muncy School Board
Pitchford, Rae / Muncy School District / Elementary School Teacher / Chosen by elementary staff / approved by school board
Scurfield, George / Muncy School District / Ed Specialist - Instructional Technology / Chosen by ed tech staff / approved by Muncy School Board
Wallis, Marcie / Muncy School District / Ed Specialist - Instructional Technology / Chosen by ed tech specialists / approved by school board

Goals and Competencies

Induction into a career is the first step in continuing professional development and life-long learning. Comprehensive induction plans are essential to assist new teachers make the transition from college student to successful teacher. Induction programs also benefit any employee in a new position The primary purpose of the induction program of the Muncy School District is to help all employees understand and fulfill their roles in accomplishing the mission and goals of the school district as defined in our Strategic Plan, as well as to assist each student demonstrate achievement of state and local academic standards.

The induction program for newly employed teachers is designed to providesupport, assistance, and opportunities to experience success as a professional educator within the framework of the district's goals and learning outcomes. The process is designed to achieve four major goals:

1. Build a strong mentor relationship between the beginning teacher and the induction team by:

·  developing an induction team

·  providing professional development for induction team members

·  providing opportunities for interaction among team members

2. Build a knowledge base of professional resources, policies and procedures of the school district, area intermediate units, and colleges/universities

3. Understand and implement effective classroom instruction by:

·  providing professional development experiences related to designing effective lessons based on evidence-based techniques

·  reinforcing effective classroom management skills

4. Build an awareness of expectations by

·  fostering professional attitudes and positive self-esteem

·  defining community, district and building expectations

·  defining beginning teacher expectations

Assessment Processes

The Muncy School District induction program will provide the first year teacher an orientation to the school district and community, increase the beginning teacher’s knowledge, and improve his/her teaching skills. This support will be provided throughout the school year based on individual needs.

Assessment of individual needs will be accomplished through:

1.  First year teachers and inducteeswill complete a professional development needs survey during the orientation program prior to the opening of school.Survey results will be used by the induction team to plan activities to meet the individual needs of inductees that may not be addressed in the general induction process. (Orientation Survey)

2.  Implementation of induction activities that include regular meetings to discuss needs and progress

3.  First year teachers and inductees will be surveyed to assess additional needs at the mid-point of the school term and at the conclusion of the school year. Surveys will be reviewed and analyzed to adjust future program activities.Mid-year needs assessment (Mid-Year Survey and End-of-Year Survey)

4.  An annual review of the inductee/mentor/administrator surveys by the induction coordinator will occur in order to guide continuous improvement of the induction process.

Orientation Survey


Needs Assessment for Inductees


College / Degree / Major / Dates Attended
School District / Subject and Grades Taught / Dates

Rank order the areas in a school district orientation from which you believe you could benefit most — ( 1 highest and7 lowest)

Discipline PolicyReview of Special Education Services
Parent Teacher Conference ProcedureReview of District Remedial Services
Curriculum Review Review of textbook and Resource Materials
Education of Pupil Support Services Other: Please specify:

Please check any of the following staff development topics that you would like to be exposed to during your first year of teaching

Curriculum DevelopmentAssessment
Planned CoursesAuthentic Assessment
HigherOrder thinking skills Performance Assessment
Projects Portfolios
Integrated CurriculumState Assessment Data
Rich content for all studentsSchool District Assessment Plan
Peer CoachingLesson Design
Principles of LearningCooperative Learning
Concept AttainmentAdaptations for Individual Needs
Technology Skill Development TechnologyIntegration
Other: Please specify:

Mid-Year Survey

Muncy School District

Needs Assessment and Evaluation of Program Activities - Inductee and Mentor Teacher

Name: Date:

1. List any problems or concerns you encountered during the first semester that were not addressed?
2. How well were the topics presented during the firstsemesteraddressed?
3. Do any of the topics need further examination?
4. Are there topics or activities you would like to discuss that are not scheduled for either semester?
5. Comments/Recommendations:

End-of-Year Survey

Program Assessment — Inductee


1. Did the induction program provide you with adequate support? Explain:

2. What things would you suggest be added to aid the incoming teacher?

3. What changes in the program would you recommend?

To what extent did the program meet the following objectives? Indicate Excellent,Good, or Fair for each statement.

4. Improvement of teaching skillsExcellent Good Fair

5. Adjustment to district /building operationsExcellent Good Fair

6.Adjustment of student needs Excellent Good Fair

7. Assessment of professional development Excellent Good Fair
8.Knowledge of Technology Integration Excellent Good Fair
9. Suggestions/Comments/recommendations:

End-of-Year Survey

Program Assessment — Mentor Teacher


1. Did the induction program provide the new professional staff member adequate support? Explain:

2. What things would you suggest be added to aid the incoming teacher?

3. What changes in the program would you recommend?

To what extent did the program meet the following objectives to help the new professional employee? Indicate Excellent,Good, or Fair for each statement.

4. Improvement of teaching skillsExcellent Good Fair

5. Adjustment to district /building operationsExcellent Good Fair

6.Adjustment of student needs Excellent Good Fair

7. Assessment of professional development Excellent Good Fair
8.Knowledge of Technology Integration Excellent Good Fair
9. Suggestions/Comments/recommendations:

Mentor Selection

Qualifications of Mentor Teachers

o  Highly skilled, tenured, Level II teacher held in high regard by their peers

o  Teaching experience in the Muncy School District

o  Displays commitment to the induction program and is willing to participate fully in the program

Qualities of the Mentor Teacher

o  Commitment to the teaching profession and service to children

o  Possesses instructional leadership qualities

o  Ability to teach the district curriculum and implement standards-based instruction and assessment

o  Uses appropriate, effective problem solving techniques

o  Uses a variety of instructional, classroom management, classroom organization and grouping techniques

o  Familiarity with current literature in his/her field as well as in the

o  broad areas of effective schools and effective teaching

o  Ability to convey enthusiasm for a subject to students

o  Commitment to setting high expectations for students

o  Ability to differentiate instruction according to the needs, readiness, learning styles, and abilities of students

o  Willingness to give special attention to students requiring help

o  Successful in fostering excellent student performance

o  Ability to communicate with peers, parents and students

Selection of Mentor Teachers

o  A volunteer pool will be recruited from all qualified teachers in the building(s) to which the first year teacher is assigned. The principal will select a person from the volunteer pool and make a recommendation to the Superintendent. The following criteria shall be considered:

o  The qualities stated in"Qualities of the Mentor Teacher"

o  Subject area/grade level compatibility

o  Scheduling compatibility

Orientation of Mentor Teachers

Mentors will participate in orientation activities, under the guidance of the principal and/or other members of the induction team, that focus on the following areas:

§  District mission, goals, academic standards, and curriculum

§  Effective, researched-based instructional practices

§  Classroom management procedures

§  Effective consulting/conferencing skills

Activities and Topics

Orientation Day Topics and Activities (Prior to the opening of school)

o  District Mission, Goals, Learning Outcomes/Strategic Plan

o  Code of Conduct

o  Contractual Obligations

o  Professional Obligations: In-Service, Professional Organizations, Certification, Induction

o  Extra-curricular activities

o  Materials Acquisition

o  Attendance Procedures

o  Schedule

o  Extra Duties

o  Emergency Phone Numbers

o  Record Keeping

o  Home-School Communication Procedures

o  Community Resources

o  Evidenced-based teaching techniques and strategies

o  Classroom management techniques

SeptemberTopics and Activities

o  Professional Evaluation

o  Continuing Professional Development

o  Act 48/Level II requirements

OctoberTopics and Activities

o  Discipline Policy

o  Parent-Teacher Conference Procedures

o  Grading and Retention Policy

NovemberTopics and Activities

o  Pupil Support Services

o  Guidance

o  Nurse

o  Instructional Support Team

o  School Psychologist


o  Alternatives Program

o  Special Education Programs

DecemberTopics and Activities

o  Curriculum Guides/Planned Course Documents

o  Textbooks/Resource materials

o  Pennsylvania State Assessment System

JanuaryTopics and Activities

o  Budget

o  Mid-year review/survey

February Topics and Activities

Classroom observations

Model Classroom observation

MarchTopics and Activities

o  Retention

o  April

o  Field Trip Procedures

MayTopics and Activities

o  End-of-year Assessment

o  Collection of checklists of activities completed

o  Certificate of program completion

Other new teacher induction activities/opportunities include the following:

— District in-service programs

— Workshops/conferences

— In-service offerings at local intermediate units

— College and university courses

— Other opportunities as identified by the building induction team


The induction process shall ensure that the first year teacher/inducteeis familiar with the functions identified

(The mentor and inductee will initial and date when appropriate.)

Teacher Mentor Date

A. Support Services

1. Guidance services and personnel ______

2. Librarians and libraries ______

3. Health services and personnel ______

4. Special services and personnel ______

a. Special Ed. services ______

b. psychologists ______

c. child welfare services ______

d. instructional media services ______

5. Others:______

B. Management Functions

1. District Level ______

a. philosophy ______

b. policies and regulations ______

c. district goals ______

d. district employee benefits ______

e. Strategic Plan ______

f. Code of Ethics ______

g. Other:______

2. Building Level

a. facility use ______

b. building regulations ______

c. requisition procedures ______

d. parent/teacher relationships ______

e. faculty advisory committee ______

f. departmentalization ______

g. scheduling ______

h. substitute teachers ______

i. standardized testing ______

j. student grading ______

k. teacher evaluation ______

l. building discipline codes ______

m. additional duties (other than

classroom instruction) ______

n. Other:______

3. Classroom Level

a. instructional processes ______

b. discipline ______

c. appearance/atmosphere ______

d. scheduling for Sp. Ed. students ______

e. Other:______

C. Socialization Process

1. Faculty

a. introduction of first year teacher to

faculty and support staff ______

b. attendance at departmental/bldg.

functions throughout the year ______

c. involvement of first year teachers in

the major projects of the school ______

d. Other:______

2. Community

a. acquaint the first year teacher with

housing, churches, hospital,

businesses, industries, and

recreational facilities ______

b. provide background on

community and organizations ______

c. discuss moral and ethical values

of the community and organizations ______

d. Other:______

Evaluation and Monitoring

Inductees, mentor teachers, and administrators on the induction team complete three surveys while participating in the induction program. The first survey is to identify additional needs of the participants and inductees that may not have been included in the initial activity timeline. The second, mid-year survey, provides an opportunity to identify additional needs that may have emerged during the first half of the school term andto rate the degree the activities in which they participated were valuable to their professional growth and development. The final, end-of-the-year survey, gives all inductees a chance to rate the importance and valueof all the induction program activities and to offer recommendation for change or improvement.
The induction coordinator compiles the information from all surveys and presents the information to the administrative team and professional development team. The annual review of the inductee/mentor/administrator surveys dataoccurs in order to provide continuous improvement of the induction process and to ensure the activities are current and relevant to each new teacher and inductee.