Give Local Missoula CountyCounty 2016Committee Descriptions

Steering Committee (Chair: Meredith Printz, Members: Lynne Foland, Erin Steele, Jesse Jaeger, Sally Jo Beck, Meredith Printz, Caroline Lauer, Jessie Rogers, Heather Best, Nikki Robb)

The Steering Committee is responsible for providing leadership for Give Local Missoula County concerning overall strategy, goals, planning and execution of the second annual giving day. Steering Committee members will represent all sectors of the community, including government, business and nonprofit.


The Steering Committee will:

  • Act as ambassadors for Give Local Missoula County in the community to diversify the audience and achieve total community awareness of the event.
  • Oversee and coordinate the activities of the other committees. A steering committee member will act as the chair of each other committee. The role of the Chair is to:
  • Assure that the committee meets
  • Help set goals, objectives and timelines
  • Report outcomes to the full steering committee membership

Nonprofit Relations Committee (Co-Chairs: Erin Steele & Caroline Lauer, Members: Pat Moody)

The NR Committee is responsible for engaging and training Missoula nonprofitsso they are ready to make the most of the Give Local Missoula County County opportunity.


The NR Committee will:

  • Actively recruit Missoula nonprofits to participate in Give Local Missoula County to help raise $300,000 in 2016. Areas of focus for non-profit recruitment include:
  • Past and new participants
  • Faith-based community
  • Education community
  • Nonprofits located outside of Missoula city limits.
  • Provide a setting for professional development with February “boot camp” series, covering the following topics:
  • Social Media
  • Board Engagement
  • Donor Engagement
  • 8 Week Workplan
  • Facilitate the communication between the participating nonprofits and the Missoula Independent
  • Work with community groups to promote awareness of Give LOCAL. This can include, but is not limited to:
  • Speaking at civic group meetings including Rotary, Lyons Clubs, Kiwanis and others
  • Speaking at Professional Development meetings where appropriate (including MNA, WMFRA, etc)
  • Working with local publications to get unpaid media (articles, write-ups, etc) (Includes collaboration with Marketing Committee)

Sponsorship/Business Engagement (Chair: Meredith Printz, Members: Heather Best, Erin Steele, Julie Anton (Missoula Chamber of Commerce), Brent Taylor (First Security Bank)

The SBE Committee is responsible for enlisting support of Give Local Missoula County from community businesses. (Meredith said this committee was not effective)


The SBEC will:

  • Help GLM reach its goal of securing a $25,000 stretch/prize pool by seeking monetary sponsorships from local businesses
  • Solicit other support (including in-kind) from local businesses to decrease cost of marketing materials and to entice visitors to one of Give LOCAL’s donor lounges on Giving Day (give-a-ways, etc)
  • Recruiting hosts and sponsors for donor lounges, offering food and beverages to donors
  • Engage local businesses by encouraging them to utilize MsoCF’s “other ways to give” including:
  • Incentivizing patrons to give by offering discounts or freebies
  • Offering to match employee gifts or incentivizing employees to participate by giving PTO or other benefits

Giving Day Activities (Chair: Jesse Jaeger, Members: DorcieDvarishkis, Emily Adamson, Bethany O’Connell, Courtney Imhoff)

GDA Committee is responsible for working with the Sponsorship/Business Engagement committee to secure donor lounges andfor May 3rd. GDA will also implement ways for donors to engage in activities after making their donation.


The GDA Committee will:

  • Contact potential locations for donor lounges and complete any necessary paperwork
  • Establish goals for Give Local HQ and devise activities to achieve those goals
  • Draft schedule for giving day activities
  • Solicit and communicate with participants for giving day activities
  • Oversee activities on May 3rd, 2015

Marketing and Community Awareness (Co-Chairs: Meredith Printz & Nikki Robb Members: Lynne Foland, Jessie Rogers, Sarah McDougall, Tenzin Lhaze, Eileen Flannigan, Heather Best, Emily Lawson)

The MCA Committee is responsible for all facets of marketing for the 2016 Give Local Missoula County Campaign, including public relations, media relations, social media, promotions, advertising, and branding.


The MCA will:

  • Develop, implement, and evaluate the marketing plan in support of Give Local Missoula County.
  • Develop a budget to support the marketing plan.
  • Determine which marketing methods are most effective in communicating the Give Local mission and goals.
  • Provide the public and media with information that will promote a positive image of Give Local.
  • Use national and local Give Local marketing materials as part of the overall plan.
  • Assist and support the planning, promoting, and launching of marketing themes and campaigns.
  • Ensure the creation of consistent messages, communicating the fun and values of Give Local.
  • Track how effective marketing efforts are by keeping a record of positive and negative feedback.

Technical Support Committee (Caroline Lauer, Chair, Member: Derek Laine)

At least one member from the Tech Support Committee will be available from 6am-midnight to troubleshoot any donation-related issues on May 3rd.


The Tech Support Committeemembers will:

  • Learn the intricacies of the website, as well as the match day controller.
  • Be prepared to answer questions and assist donors on May 3rd.