Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9 April, 2014 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 9:00 pm


Chairman of the Committee: Councillor K Jones

Councillors: B Austen, L Foxwell, J Morris, R Peart, D Rollason,

Ex Officio: Councillor: C Meathrel (Deputy Mayor)

Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons

28/14 Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillors: J Foxwell (Mayor) and B Thorne

29/14 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

30/14 Minutes

Cllr Jones signed the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 12 March, 2014 which had been approved at the Full Council Meeting.

31/14 2013 Budget – for ear-marking

Mrs Simmons advised that following the last meeting it was agreed that the exact figure of £3,258 be confirmed available for Recreation Equipment. This was made up from the following:

·  £286.00 from the Maintenance of Play Equipment budget

·  £1,726.00 from the Recreation/Footpaths budget

·  £1,246.00 being available from the Community Hall/Fountain Committee which was transferred to them from the original Recreation/Footpaths budget which was then not used.

Cllr Jones proposed the transfer of the £1,246.00 remainder budget from Community Hall/Fountain back to Recreation/Footpaths Committee. Seconded by, Cllr Morris. All, agreed.

32/14 Signage – Clifford Park

Mrs Simmons is to investigate any legal requirements on signage for Skate Park, design with a white background with corporate fonts used & obtain costs.

Mrs Simmons is to re-design the signage presented by Cllr Harris & Cllr L Foxwell, to include the following:

·  KTC in Trajan Pro font, followed by KTC logo on all signs

·  On the two main entrance signs, we will remove (maintained by KTC for use by the community) from Cllr Harris’s design & insert the yellow picture strip from Cllr L Foxwells’ design, remove (Please help to look after it by: Clearing up after your dog and binning rubbish, Respecting the grass, tables and seats and reporting any problems to 01626 364089) and insert the following: If you have any concerns or to report damage, please contact: Tel: 01626 364089, E-mail: or contact the Police on Tel: 101

·  The height of ‘Welcome to’ should be the same size as the yellow strip.

Overall dimensions to be approx: 600 mm width x 550 mm depth

·  ‘Clifford Park’ to be in alternative clear font

·  On the Children’s Play Area sign, the following wording after the KTC wording & logo is to be: ‘Welcome to the Children’s Play Area, for children under the age of 12 years. No dog’s allowed.’ Mrs Simmons is to also look at any legal requirements.

·  All warning signs as depicted in Cllr Harris’s design to remain.

Cllr Jones proposed for Mrs Simmons to proceed with the above and obtain quotes. Seconded by, Cllr Morris. All, agreed.

33/14 Signage - Oakford Lawn

Cllr Austen proposed for the signage to be the same as the main sign being designed for Clifford Park, with the appropriate name change to Oakford Lawn. Seconded by, Cllr Jones. All, agreed.

34/14 Oakford Lawn Update

Cllr Austen reported that Cllrs Peart and Rollason had measured the lawn as agreed and thanked them for their assistance.

Cllr Austen also reported that the Kingsteignton Village Trust were very pleased with our decision from the last meeting, for them to proceed with the ordering of up to 5 x trees and that they would like permission to obtain advice from an Arboriculturalist for the planting.

Cllr Austen proposed to approve permission for them to obtain advice from an Arboriculturalist. Seconded by, Cllr Morris. All, agreed.

35/14 Bills for Payment

·  Makro – Security Camera System @ £219.00

·  ScrewFix – Domed Security Cameras @ £56.00

36/14 Correspondence for information

Mrs Simmons advised of the following:-

·  The P3 Pathways Grant of £400 has been received from DCC

·  RoSPA have carried out their safety inspections on Clifford Park and Oakford Lawn and there are just a couple of minor issues to be addressed

·  Cllr L Foxwell asked if Youth Council could be included on next agenda

·  Cllr Jones asked if Mr John Stacey could be invited to the next meeting.

·  Mrs Simmons, advised that the ‘Fitness Equipment’ installation is now complete at Mill Marsh Park, Bovey Tracey and asked if all Councillors could please visit at their leisure prior to the next meeting.

The meeting closed at 9:50 pm

Signed:…………………………………… Dated:…………………………

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