President Mike Folk called the meeting to order. He asked for any additions to the agenda. There were none. He then asked that the agenda be accepted. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the agenda.

Attendance at the last meeting was 23 members.

Mike then asked for approval of the minutes as posted on the website. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the minutes.


Edna Denton reported that the beginning balance was $7,730.75. There were deposits of $473.14. Expenses disbursed were $920.50. The ending balance is $7,283.39.

Edna also reported that she is sending out emails as requested. If anyone is not receiving emails, please check with Edna to make sure your email address is correct.


No report.


Cynthia Cox and Brenda Brooks volunteered to chair the Valentine’s Party that will be held at the City Hotel and Bistro on February 13. Billy Layton will be the DJ. Cynthia asked for $100 for the party. A motion was made, seconded and passed.

Mike then made the presentation to Julie Ocher Gill for the Tedi Bear Foundation. We presented her with a check for $1000.00. Ms. Gill accepted the check and gave a brief statement of how their organization works and thanked us for the monetary donation as well as the 152 teddy bears we donated from our Christmas party.


Mary Waters stated that she sent a Get Well card to Rhonda Wilson and Jimmy Smith. She also sent a Sympathy card to Kathy Stokes on the passing of her aunt.

Sue Hallow will be having surgery. Ronnie Matthews will be teaching the free Shag lessons on Sundays during her absence.


Edna Denton reported the website is up to date. She has posted the newest DJ schedule. She asked that anyone with pictures of mid-winter S.O.S. please send them to her and she will add them to the website.


Cynthia Cox reported that there is not a newsletter in the works at this time.


Jackie Haislip reported that there will be “Shaggin' on Sunday” on Super Bowl Sunday. Josh had previously announced that we would not be dancing that day because of the Super Bowl.

Sunnyside Oyster Bar party is Saturday. DJ’s will be Jackie Haislip, Robbie Leggett and other guest DJ’s.

February 11 is the Valentine dance at the Robersonville Country Club. Dinner and Dance is $15.00, just the dance is $10.00. Please let them know if you plan to attend.


Comments on the Mid-winter party at S.O.S at the Pirate’s Cove. It was a great party but something really needs to be done about the drinks for next year.


Mike announced that the Board met on January 22, 2011. He shared the new proposed Membership application. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the new application.

Mike asked about the annual Silent Auction that has been a fund raiser for the club in the past. There was some discussion. The issue was tabled until Mike can talk to Josh about holding the event at the Bistro.

Mike stated that he will be attending the ACSC meeting in Columbia SC on February 25-27.

Mike also provided the following report on the ACSC meeting at Mid-Winter.

Summary of A.C.S.C Midwinter 2011 Meeting

The meeting was held January 15 in the O.D. Café. Ken Akin chaired the meeting. Mike Folk attended for the purpose of representing the Eastern North Carolina Shag club.

Ken Akin reminded the attendees that the Shag Clubs are required to have representation at the Winter and Summer workshops, and at one of the meetings held during Fall, Spring, or Midwinter SOS. ACSC elections are held at the Summer workshop, and officers serve two-year terms.

SOS elections are held at the Winter workshops in February.

Helen Still spoke to promote the Summer workshop in Augusta, Georgia, which will be held July 8-10 this year. Other workshops are as follows:

Winter 2012 in Hilton Head

Summer 2012 in Jacksonville, Florida

The 2013 workshops will be voted on during the next summer workshop.

This year's SOS parade theme will be "Seventeen Ways to Enjoy SOS".

Also, during Spring SOS, there will be an attempt to break the world's record for shagging on the beach. The current record is 271 couples. Everyone is welcome and will be asked to donate $5 per couple, which will be donated to charity. The Guinness World Record organization has agreed to sanction this attempt. However, since Guinness is based in England, they want the record to be for the most couples "Swing Dancing" on the beach. This is because "shagging" has a different meaning in England.

During SOS, tents will be allowed on the beach, but there are new regulations. They have to be at least 10 feet apart from each other, cannot be left overnight, and must be above the high tide mark.

There were a total of 13,880 SOS cards sold for 2010, with 4,667 sold by Shag Clubs.

There is a Blues Cruise from Charleston to Bermuda leaving on October 6.

The Spanish Galleon and O.D. Café complex are now no-smoking throughout. The SOS officers are trying to get the other SOS clubs to agree to a no-smoking policy during future SOS's.

The ASCAP situation has still not been resolved.

The York Shag club made a $500 donation to the Hall of Fame Foundation, and the CSRA Shag Club made a $2000 donation.

The Summerville Shag Club made an application to join the ACSC, and their application will be voted on during the Winter Workshop in February.

Further New Business included discussion for the Shag-O-Ween and Christmas parties for 2011. The date for Shag-O-Ween will be Saturday, October 29, 2011. The date for the Christmas party will be Friday, December 9, 2011. The tentative location will be the American Legion building. Mike will contact Doug Banks to make the reservation and make the deposit. A motion was made, seconded and approved on the above issues.


The Band of Oz will be playing at the Bistro on Thursday, Feb 3, 2011. The Coastline Band will be playing at the Bistro on Friday, February 4, 2011.

Sunnyside Oyster Bar will be this Saturday.

February 27 will be the Bass Lake Shag Club party in Fuquay Varina. Robbie Leggett will be the DJ. Please let Addie Lou know if you plan to attend.

A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Brooks