Cheltenham District Woodcraft Folk

C/O 1 Otters Field,




GL54 5PN.

Tel - Home: 01242 604475

Tel - Work: 01926 647098

E Mail:

Autumn Term 2017 – Subs Donations

Dear Parent / Guardian,

The summer holidays have come and gone, Woodcraft meetings have now re-started and it is time to request your subs donations for the current term.

From 11th September until the Christmas holidays, we will be meeting a total of 13 times and, at a suggested donation of £2.00 per week, the total donation requested is £26.00 (£13.00 for children of parents who have joined the National Woodcraft organisation).

You can make your donation in cash; cheque or by on-line transfer (Bank details are given over page).

As well as asking for “Termly Donations”, rather than Weekly Subs, we also ask parents to make these donations under the Government’s Gift Aid scheme, to increase the funds available to the Woodcraft Folk

For every £10 donated to the Woodcraft Folk under the Gift Aid scheme, we can claim back £2.50 from the Tax man, at no extra cost to yourself.

Under the Gift Aid scheme, subs payments must be made as voluntary donations, in order to qualify for the tax re-fund - however, we will be unable to run our groups if we do not receive sufficient donations. Our suggested weekly donation is £2.00 per child, (£1.00 for children of parents who have joined the National Woodcraft organisation.), to cover the expenses involved in running the group.

Non-tax payers, and those not wishing to engage in the Gift Aid scheme, are still requested to make Termly Donations, at the rate suggested above, we will just not be able to claim the Gift Aid on your donation.

Please remember that, to comply with the rules of the Gift Aid scheme, you must be paying an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax that is at least equal to the amount of tax claimed back under Gift Aid. This includes ALL donations you make under Gift Aid. (Taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify for Gift Aid.)

Many thanks to all those who have signed up to the Gift Aid scheme and made their subs donations – this has helped to bring in extra funds for your Children’s activities. If you haven’t yet completed a Gift Aid form, we would ask you to consider doing so – blank forms are available at the Scout Hut, or from our web site.

You can cancel this undertaking at any time and you must do so, if you cease to pay sufficient Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax.

If you have any questions on this subject, please feel free to contact me on either of the above ‘phone numbers, or by e-mail at the address given.

With best regards,

Chris Sturgeon

Treasurer - Cheltenham District Woodcraft Folk.

Donations by cheque, payable to: - "The Woodcraft Folk"

Donations by BACS transfer to: - The Co-operative Bank,

Sort Code: - 08-92-50

Account No: - 65040649

Please include your surname as a reference, (if your Bank gives space for a reference.)

Please also complete the attached slip and return it at the next Woodcraft meeting.

Cheltenham District Woodcraft Folk

Autumn Term 2017 - Subs Donations

Child(ren’s) Name(s):-………………………………………………………………………………

Home Address:-……………………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone No: - ......

Parental Consent.

I give permission for my son(s)/daughter(s) to take part in all organised activities during this term. In case of emergency, I authorise the Woodcraft leaders to act on my behalf as they consider appropriate, knowing I shall be informed at the earliest opportunity.

I also give permission for photographs to be taken of my child (in accordance to our safeguarding policy – available on our website) and for these to be used in any future record, publicity, or on our website. (Please delete this paragraph, if consent is withheld).

Subs donation.

The suggested donation for this term is £26 per child (£13 - members)

I have made a donation of £ …………………

Payment method – (Tick as appropriate)

□ Cheque (enclosed - payable as on previous page)

□ Cash (enclosed)

□ BACS transfer (from Account No* ………………………………………)

Signed:-……………………………………………….. (Parent/Guardian)

Print Name:-………………………….……………….


*If making a payment directly into our Bank Account, PLEASE complete your account number, to aid identification of the payee. We have received payments into the bank, with just a bank account number as a reference – and still have no idea who made the payment!

Many Thanks!