
Washington State Leadership Academy

Lesson Plan2015-2016

Year 2Workshop 1

8:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

DATE: ______REGION: ______

WSLA Strands

Goal: Improved Learning for All Students

  • Why Change? (WC)
  • Enhance Personal Leadership Skills (EPLS)
  • Lead Coherent System-wide Support for Learning (LCSW)
  • Focus on Learning (FOL)
  • Work on a Problem of Practice (POP)
  • Clear and Collaborative Relations (CCR)

Learning Targets for Today:

As a result of today’s learning, participants will…
1. recognize and evaluate progress in all WSLA strands based upon two-year outcome rubric.
2. identify leadership skills needed for the implementation of the Academy work in the second year (all strands)
3. assess progress of implementation of our Teaching and Learning Framework (FOL)
4. explain our Problem of Practice (POP), Theory of Action (TOA), Evidence of Progress (EOP), and Cycle of Inquiry
(COI) (all strands).
8:30 / Welcome
Reminder of WSLA strands
Academy goals
GOALS for the day
Regional POP / Action needed:
  • Please allow 10 min. for Sharon short leadership intro
  • Instructors should plan some type of “getting to know each other” activity as a welcome back activity
Instructors should review:
  • How the Academy expects to support/develop effective leaders
  • WSLA strands
  • Norms
  • GOALS for the day
/ PPT slides 1-6
Handout page 2-3 / CCR
9:00 / Focusing Activity:
  • Review of POP
  • Answer key questions
/ Action needed:
Review – the participants were given a notebook and journal last year and should bring it to each workshop
Have participants answer the following questions in their journals:
  1. What do you hope to accomplish this year?
  2. How does the work you hope to accomplish align with the data you and your colleagues have reviewed in developing your POP?
  3. Why is the work you will be doing this year the right focus for your district?
Action needed:
  • Instructors should design some form of sharingwhat was written (at tables, with elbow partners, whole group).
  • You may choose to have the teams review their POP with the entire group and describe what they have done since they were last together.
/ PPT slides 7
Handout page 4
WSLA notebooks and journals / All
9:45—11:30 / Important: Teams need to take their own 15 minute break as appropriate / Process: In Your District Teams…
  • Remind teams they placed themselves on the WSLA Two –Year Outcomes and Rubrics last fall
  • The Rubrics is aligned with the WSLA Strands (on the Star seen in an earlier slide) and shows how teams progress during their two-years in WSLA
  • Teams should review where they placed themselves on the Rubrics last fall; place where they believe they are now (being sure to discuss evidence that causes them to determine that placement)
  • And write action steps needed this year as part of the team’s Theory of Action that will move the team forward.
All teams should place their current rating on the separate form given to them by the instructors and RETURN THE DOCUMENT TO THE INSTRUCTORS.
  • All teams should be ready to share their thinking by 10:45
/ PPT slide 8-9
WSLA Two-Year Outcomes and Rubrics
Scoring Sheet
HP pages 5 / LCSW
10:45 / Share out / Teams share their thinking about steps they will take this year to move forward on the Rubrics / PPT Slide 10
11:30 / Lunch / PPT slide 11
12:15 / Relating Elmore’s Seven Principles of the Instructional Core to Your District’s POP/TOA
  • Oral text review of Chapter 1 of Instructional Rounds
/ Quickly review information on slides, reminding teams this is a review from last year.
  • Participants should be thinking: How does this relate to our POP – can we see all of the Instructional Core in our POP?
/ PPT slide 12-19
HP p. 6 / POP
1:25 / Team Time
Team Time (continued) / In district groups, participants should:
  1. Discuss each of the concepts from Elmore called out on the handout page
  2. Answer the questions on the handout page:
  • How does the Instructional Core affect our work and how does the IC directly apply to our POP/TOA?
  • What evidence do we have that we are focusing our work on The Instructional Core?
  • Do we have the right steps in our TOA to make a significant difference in the learning for all of our students?
  • What do our staff members need to learn?
/ PPT slide 20
Handout page 7 / PPO
2:15 / Break / PPT slide 21
2:30 / Cycle of Inquiry: Collecting Your Evidence /
  • Review Cycle of Inquiry once more, asking teams to think about their district’s POP and TOA.
Action needed:
  • Instructors should determine whether to have the all district teams together or to divide them into smaller groups
Idea: May want to ask teams to go through COI and describe for other teams each step in the Cycle as aligned with their district’s POP/TOA.
Instructors may choose to give some examples of the types of answers such as, “Are we only looking for state assessment data, or are there other data that will answer our questions and tell us the story of how our students are learning?”
Have district team members answer the following questions using the chart from page 8 to fill in the answers:
  • What evidence are we looking for?
  • Who will be looking for the data? When?
  • Who will be analyzing/interpreting the information? When?
  • How will we share the results of what is found with others: the board, the community, and the staff?
/ PPT slides 22-23
Handout page 7 / POP
3:10 / Reflection / Participants spend 10 minutes writing in their WSLA Journals—questions on PPT slide
  • What did I learn today?
  • What did my team learn today?
/ PPT slide 24
WSLA Journals / EPLS
3:20 / Review the day
Next assignment
Evaluation / Review the Learning Targets of the Day
  • Ask, “Did we accomplish these goals?”
Review homework and due date
Action needed:
  • Instructors should provide teams with their email address along with homework due date. Push the need to do the homework and return it to instructors in time for feedback.
Closure: Benjamin Franklin quote
Ask participants to complete the evaluation of day to assist instructors and for the Academy / PPT slide 25
Handout page 8 / EPLS

©WSLA Year 2 Workshop 1 Lesson Plan Page 1