Term 1 Week 2 Thursday 07thFebruary2013

Quote for the Week: It is the artist’s business to create sunshine when the sun fails. – Romain Rolland

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It has been great to see all our students attending school this week. Thank you parents for ensuring your child(ren) have come prepared each day.

Classes 2013

Unfortunately we have just missed out on securing a 7th teacher. This means our current composite structure will remain and due to overall enrolment growth, some classes have large numbers of students. In an effort to address the learning needs of ALL students and to minimize disruptions to classes, only a small number of students have moved to other rooms. All students will continue to be taught their year level curriculum and the teachers of split year levels (year 2, 3 and 4) will continue to work together to ensure consistency of curriculum delivery and reporting.

I thank parents for their patience and cooperation during this time.

Parent Information Night

We have decided to change the format of this event this year in order to better meet the needs of parents who may need to see multiple teachers. Starting at 5:30pm on Monday 18th February, each teacher will give a 15 minute presentation over 3 different time slots. The presentations will be held in classrooms with a 5 minute interval in between sessions. The program looks like this:

Monday 18th February.

Time / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher / Class & Teacher
5:30 – 5:45pm / Prep room
Samantha Rule & Glen Wagner / Yr 1/2 room
Nancy Williams / Yr 2/3 room
Simone Whyatt & Teresa McKay / Yr 3/4 room
Amy Nothdurft / Yr 4/5 room
Lesley Hillhouse / Yr 6/7 room
Seamus O’Leary
5:50 – 6:05 pm / Prep room
Samantha Rule & Glen Wagner / Yr 1/2 room
Nancy Williams / Yr 2/3 room
Simone Whyatt & Teresa McKay / Yr 3/4 room
Amy Nothdurft / Yr 4/5 room
Lesley Hillhouse / Yr 6/7 room
Seamus O’Leary
6:10 – 6:25 pm / Prep room
Samantha Rule & Glen Wagner / Yr 1/2 room
Nancy Williams / Yr 2/3 room
Simone Whyatt & Teresa McKay / Yr 3/4 room
Amy Nothdurft / Yr 4/5 room
Lesley Hillhouse / Yr 6/7 room
Seamus O’Leary

If parents are unable to attend these sessions on Monday 18th February, please make an alternative time with your child’s teacher.

School Calendar

Each family will be given a Minden 2013 School Calendar in the coming weeks. Apart from being a calendar which parents can use to keep track of various events throughout the year, it also provides information about how our school operates.

School Zone

The Queensland Government in conjunction with QueenslandTransport and EducationQueensland have extended the hours for “School Zones”. The speed limit of 40km now applies from 7:00 am around most schools. School Zone signs have been altered accordingly. Don’t be caught unaware!

History for Queensland primary schools

Schools across the nation will continue to implement the National Curriculum again this year with Queensland seeing the introduction of History in primary schools. History will be taught in conjunction with SOSE (Studies of Society and Environment).

Learning Goals

Since the first week of school, teachers have been busy getting to know the students in their class. In the near future, your child will bring home their individual Learning Goals for Reading, Writing and Maths. Each teacher will have discussed these with their students and they will be revised each term. Should you wish to discuss your child’s learning goals, or progress towards meeting them, please make an appointment with the relevant teacher.

Parent Volunteers

Our classes are always grateful for any assistance that parents / carers may be able to provide. This could include preparing art & craft materials, setting up learning corners, supporting student learning and so on. We acknowledge that parents /carers are busy and may be only able to volunteer their services for a short amount of time. This is quite acceptable. Please see the office staff should you like to become involved in helping out in the classroom. Your child/ren will love seeing you at school.

Public access to School Grounds

MindenStateSchool welcomes community and family interaction with all sectors of our school. Please be aware that any community group, club or family wanting to use school property for any reason either during the school day or outside of school hours, must first gain permission from the Principal.

Parents and Citizens Association News

P&C Meeting: 3.45pm on Monday 11thFebruary 2013.

Hi to all

A big welcome to all our newstudents and teachers.We hope you find MindenSchool as much fun and as rewarding as we do. There is not much happening so far but don’t fret the year has just begun.If you are interested in helping out in the tuckshop, please let Murial know. Our P&C Meeting is Mon 11th Feb at 3.45pm in the library, please feel free to come along. The more we have the better. If you can’t make the meetings, please don’t hesitate in callingus. We are open to any suggestions.


Bernadette Shaw - 0410725218

P&C Association.


Anyone who is able to help in 2013, please contact Muriel on 0434059377.


Our uniform convenor is Colleen Diesing please call her on 54268087for uniform purchases.

General School News

Support A Reader Program

Mrs Joan Manz, Support Teacher for Literacy and Numeracy, will be presenting the Support-A-Reader Program for interested parents or parent classroom volunteers. Mrs Manz will discuss various strategies to support literacy and time will be available for informal discussion. This will be held on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Please call into the office where there will be a form to register your interest and a date that will suit.

Joan Manz.

Book Club

Book Club is being sent home with students this week. Please return orders and payment to the office by Tuesday 19/02/13.

ActiveAfter-School Communities (Sport)

After School Sport for Term 1 has commenced. Details are available from the office.

Tuesday – Awesome Funky Fun and Fitness

Thursday – Qld Badminton

This is a free program. Enrolment forms are available at the office for anyone interested in participating in this program.

School Chaplain

Hi everyone, my name is Rebecca Hewett, and I am Minden's School Chaplain. I am at school on Thursday and Friday. My role is to support the students, their parents/carers and the school staff. I interact with the students

during class, where appropriate and at break times. Please say hello or feel free to call me via the school office, I am happy to have a chat. I look forward to sharing 2013 with you all.

School Banking

For information in regard to Student Banking please call and

seeLynn at the school office.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

Operating hours: Monday – Friday before school opening at 6.15am and after school closing at 6.00pm.


If you would like further details please contact us on 0408-409572.

Pauline and Sharen

Classroom News

Prep News

Queensland Times Prep Photograph Monday 11/02/13.

The Queensland Times will be photographing all Prep classes in the region and publishing them in their newspaper. Minden Prep Class will be photographed next Monday. Please ensure that all students are dressed in the full official school uniform - yellow shirt and blue shorts for the boys and either blue check dresses for the girls or yellow shirt and blue skirts/skorts/shorts.

Year 1/2


A silly lizard went into a blizzard,

So did a wizard,

Out came their gizzards.

By Rion (year 2)

My Grandma

My Grandma has a new hat,

She has a cat,

It is fat,

Grandma sat on the cat.

By Jessica (Year 1)

The Girl

There was a girl,

She had a pearl,

She likes to twirl,

She likes to swirl.

By Kiara (Year 2)

Fat Cat

My cat can sit on a mat,

She is very fat,

She is an orange cat,

She can play with a bat,

She plays with a rat.

By Nickkie, Jasmine, Cody, Ella and Sophia.

Mrs Williams


Happy birthday from everyone at MindenStateSchool.

Thank you

Many thanks to Darryl Bogaart for engraving our Minden School Sign.

Community Notices

Ipswich Hockey Association

Family Fun Day and Sign-On

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Sunday February 10th


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Ipswich Hockey Complex,

65 Briggs Road, Raceview.

The Life Education Team and Harold the Giraffe Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th February, 2013

Life Education motivates and empowers young people to make smart life choices for a healthy futurebyproviding information in their own learning environment.

COST: $8.00 per student – please pay to school office by Friday 22/02/2013

Every year this program is presented to all students of MindenStateSchool as part of our curriculum studies, so it is expected that all students will attend.

A purpose built education van will be located at the school for the period of the program. This van is filled with teaching resources to enhance the learning environment for the students.

Below is the list teachers have selected as an appropriate module for their class and a permission form which should be signed and returned with your payment.

MODULE: ‘Harold’s Mystery Tour’ – YEARS 1, 2 & 3

The class joins Harold and his friends on a mystery tour where they experience an ‘Amazing Body Adventure.’ The children explore appropriate remedies when feeling sick, issues of safety and ways to cope when feeling pressured.


Inside a futuristic machine ‘The Venture’, the Captain and his crew take the class on a tour of the human body. Traveling through the blood we explore the functions of various body parts and how magnificent the human body really is .The students discuss issues and engage in activities centered on peer pressure, second hand smoking, safety with medicines, factors that influence the function of body systems.

MODULE: ‘Harold’s Heroes’ – YEARs 2 & 3

The children join Harold’s superhero team to make the world a safer, healthier place for everyone. Throughout the mission they discover the importance of clean air, safe use of medicine and safety in the environment.


The children explore cyber safety through animation, vox pops of children, relevant scenarios, discussion and problem solving. They explore topics such as building positive relationships online, responsible and safe online behaviors and strategies for dealing with cyber bullying including the role of the bystander.

Come and learn what Life Education is all about –


I GIVE PERMISSION FOR MY CHILD to participate in the Life Education Program at our school.

NAME …………………………………………………………………… CLASS ……………………………..

Signed………...... ………………………………….

Your contribution of only $8 for all students covers your child’s participation in the program, and a student workbook.

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