R O T A R Y D I S T R I C T 9 6 5 0 R O T A R Y F R I E N D S H I P E X C H A N G E
Name of Rotarian (Applicant)
/Name Partner, or Rotarian Travel Companion
/Name of your Rotary Club(s)
Travel Companion:
Single Rotarian prepared to share (Strike out if not applicable in your case)
Postal Address / Email Address / Telephone 02Mobile
INFORMATION TO ASSIST IN TEAM SELECTION (Please refer to process set out below)
N.B. Please strike out all the situations that do not apply to you, and fill in detail where called for in both the following tables.
PREVIOUS TEAM MEMBERHave you been a member of an outbound
R F E team? / YES, I/we participated in the team(s) to
(Include dates please) / NO Not yet
Have you previously hosted members of an inbound Rotary Friendship Exchange team in your home? / YES, I/we have hosted RFE visitors from / NO, I/we have not had the chance to host RFE; my club has not hosted RFE since I have been a member.
BUT I/we have home hosted a GSE team member and/or a YEPstudent. / Have you been a Previous Team Leader?
YES / NO / NO, We have not yet hosted
A – Team Size. We have an agreed team notional size ofTen to Fourteen (10-14) with our exchange partner. Applications will be accepted from doubles and singles. A maximum of four (4)singles can be selected.but team places are limited to singles who are prepared to twin share.
B – No pre-allocated teamplace has been allocated pursuant to clause 2.2 of Part 2 of the RFE roles policies and procedures by the RFE committee in respect of this exchange.
C – Applications received by deadline. Provided there are no more than fourteenpeople, all applicants will be allocated places in the team. If there are less than applications for 14 people received, additional places will be filled from subsequent applicants “first come, first served” until a total of (14) team members is reached.
D – Team selection will be carried out as follows. [If the total number of applications received by the deadline exceeds six (6), and/or the number of persons included in applications exceeds twelve (12)]: -
- If sought, one teamplace may be allocated to one applicant who has been Team Leader on a previous Rotary Friendship Exchange outbound visit. However, this is a once only privilege. If more than one former team leader is eligible & applies for this privilege, the RFE committee will conduct a ballot for this position.
- Up to two (2) further placeswill then be allocated to applicants who have not been team members for at least ten (10) years. (These applicants may be referred to as “cleanskins”.) If first place is a “cleanskin” the number of places allocated will be adjusted so that no more than three (3) cleanskins have places at this point. Then phase 4 of selection process may proceed.
- The balance of places will be allocated until the total of team members is fourteen (14)). Additionally up to three (3) reserve places will be selected.
Notes on Selection Process
- In consideration that this is an “exchange” program preference for all contested team places will be given to those who have home hosted RFE, or where there has been no opportunity to participate as a host in the RFE Program, home hosting Group Study Exchange or Youth Exchange Program will be accepted. Any applicant who has never been offered an opportunity to host either RFE, GSE or YEP should state accordingly.
- If, after taking the above preference into account, there is an excess of applications of equal status for any team place, a ballot (a draw from a hat) will be conducted to fill the place. (If in doubt as to your status please contact your RFE Cluster rep.)
- Applicants will be permitted to apply for other current exchanges, either to maximise chances of selection for one exchange, or in anticipation of participating in more than one. However, if there is an excess of individual applications over team places available, an applicant may participate in one exchange only. A Rotarian applying for a place in more than one team should indicate preferences.
- An applicant who withdraws from an exchange team loses a possible ‘cleanskin’ advantage when standing for a subsequent exchange if there is a necessity for a ballot.
Dear D9650 Rotary Friendship Exchange Committee
Here is my application to join the team to D4420 Brazil. If my application is successful I will send an amount of $100 per person to the RFE Chair to confirm my acceptance. I understand, that except in extenuating circumstances, this amount is non-refundable should I withdraw from the team.
Signed: (Signature not required if sending electronically.)
Please send this application to: - r to: - Di Hall, 330 Forest Rd TAMWORTH 2340
Deadline for receipt of applications is at close of business on 16 July 2014. Receipt of your application will be acknowledged by email.