Submit By E-mail (pdf with signature) To CONTRACT MANAGEMENT:

Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Contract. For the purposes of FIT Contract version 3.1, “IESO” refers to the Sponsor. No notice delivered pursuant to the FIT Contract will be deemed to be notice for any other purpose, including any obligation to provide notice to the IESO (or in the case of FIT Contract version 3.1, the System Operator) pursuant to the IESO Market Rules.

Legal Name of Supplier / the “Supplier”
FIT Contract Identification # / the “FIT Contract”
FIT Contract Version / Version 1.3 Version 1.5 Version 2.1.1 Version 3.0.1
Version 3.1
Milestone Date for Commercial Operation
Expected Commercial Operation Date:
Contract Capacity

The Supplier represents and warrants to the Independent Electricity System Operator (“IESO”) that all the statements, data, approvals, consents, and information set out in this Metering Plan are complete and accurate in all material respects, and there is no material information omitted from this Metering Plan that makes the information contained herein misleading or inaccurate.

Signed this / day of / ,
[Legal Name of Supplier]
I have the authority to bind the Supplier.

Revision Block

Revision / Reason for Issue / Description / Date
1.0 / First approved issue of the Metering Plan




2.1. Contract Facility/Facility Description 6

2.2. Contract Facility/Facility’s Registration with the LDC 6


3.1. Meters and Instruments 7

3.2. Hourly Delivered Electricity 7

3.3. Metering Installation Ownership, Maintenance & Calibration 7


4.1. Exhibit A: Single-Line Diagrams 8

4.2. Exhibit B: Electrical Metering Technical Data 8



6.1. Appendix A – Contract Facility/Facility Registration with the LDC 10

6.2. Appendix B – Contract Facility/Facility Installed Capacity (Solar (PV) Facilities ONLY) 10


All undefined capitalized terms herein have the same meaning as in the FIT Contract with the IESO and for the purposes of FIT Contract version 3.1, “IESO” refers to the Sponsor.

Pursuant to Section 2.2(c) of the FIT Contract the Supplier hereby submits to IESO Contract Management this Metering Plan for the Contract Facility (for FIT Contract Versions 1.3 and 1.5) or Facility (for all other versions), as applicable.

The Supplier represents and warrants to IESO Contract Management that all statements, information, technical specification sheets, drawings, metering data, formulae, calculations, metering configuration, and all other relevant information contained herein are complete and accurate in all material respects. Supplier acknowledges that IESO Contract Management is relying on such representations in approving the Metering Plan.

The Supplier acknowledges and agrees that:

a.  this Metering Plan is a binding obligation enforceable in accordance with the terms of the FIT Contract;

b.  it has an obligation to submit to IESO Contract Management any material changes to the Metering Plan and the metering installation described herein for IESO Contract Management’s prior written approval;

c.  any approval of the Metering Plan by IESO Contract Management is not an approval of the design safety and suitability of the metering installation. IESO Contract Management will review the Metering Plan only to the extent required by the FIT Contract.

d.  the Supplier is solely responsible for ensuring that the metering installation is properly designed and meets all applicable Laws and Regulations;

e.  IESO Contract Management’s receipt of information required herein and IESO Contract Management’s approval of the Metering Plan shall not be used for any purpose other than as required by the FIT Contract and the Supplier shall not use any IESO Contract Management approval of this Metering Plan to represent to a third party in any manner that the IESO has approved the design, safety and integrity of the metering installation of the Contract Facility/Facility. For certainty, IESO Contract Management’s receipt of information required herein and IESO Contract Management’s approval of the Metering Plan shall not be construed as any approval under the IESO Market Rules or be considered as satisfaction of any requirements under the IESO Market Rules;

f.  any approval of this Metering Plan will not be binding on the IESO with respect to its approval of any other metering plan submitted for any reason to the IESO for other FIT Contracts or otherwise;

g.  it shall design and build the Contract Facility/Facility, using Good Engineering and Operating Practices and shall meet all relevant requirements pursuant to the FIT Contract;

h.  the purposes of the Metering Plan include:

i)  the identification of all instruments and meters used for the measurement of the Hourly Delivered Electricity of the Contract Facility/Facility. Such instruments and meters must comply with the requirements of the FIT Contract and all Laws and Regulations;

ii)  to clearly show the method of how Hourly Delivered Electricity will be measured, validated, adjusted and calculated for the purpose of the FIT Contract;

iii)  to clearly delineate all Station Service Loads;

iv)  to describe the technical specifications that will enable IESO Contract Management to obtain its required access to meter readings as stipulated in the FIT Contract;

v)  to satisfy the requirements for achieving commercial operation as stipulated in the FIT Contract;

i.  without limiting Section 14.2 of the FIT Contract, the Supplier agrees to keep and maintain meter data, maintenance and calibration records and other data produced in connection with this Metering Plan and the metering systems described herein, for no less than seven years after the creation of the record or data;

j.  it will maintain a log of raw meter data, data manipulation procedures, applicable adjustments and processed data resulting from the application of this Metering Plan as set out in the FIT Contract and make it available to IESO Contract Management for contract administration purposes at IESO’s request; and

k.  it will keep maintenance and calibration records for the metering installation object of this Metering Plan.

The Supplier agrees and covenants that:

a.  it shall implement the Metering Plan using Commercially Reasonable Efforts;

b.  it will keep and maintain all required supporting documentation for the Metering Plan on-site at the Contract Facility/Facility in accordance with the FIT Contract and make it available to the IESO for contract administration purposes, at IESO’s request, within 10 Business Days;

c.  it will provide to IESO Contract Management for contract administration purposes, at IESO's request within 10 Business Days, access to raw meter data, data manipulations, applicable adjustments and processed data through a remote access to the meter or provide data in a comma separated value ('csv') format or an equivalent file or mechanism;

d.  the Supplier also agrees to allow IESO Contract Management to gain access to raw meter data through an LDC or metering service provider ("MSP") for contract administration purposes; and

e.  Supplier will provide IESO Contract Management with any requested documentation, for contract administration purposes, in accordance with the terms of the FIT Contract, in particular sections 2.2(d), 4.1, 14.2 of the FIT Contract.

The Supplier represents and warrants that:

a.  a MSP has been assigned to the Contract Facility/Facility in accordance with OEB regulations or LDC requirements;

b.  MSP registration records have been filed with the relevant LDC;

c.  MSP registration records will be kept and maintained by the Supplier and will be available for review by the IESO Contract Management for contract administration purposes at IESO’s request, acting reasonably.


2.1.  Contract Facility/Facility Description

Contract Facility/Facility Location:

[Provide municipal address and other references for Contract Facility/Facility location. Example: The “Bright Future” Solar PV ground-mounted Contract Facility has been constructed within the premises of Bright Sun Technologies’ industrial complex, located at 1010 Sunny Way, Sunshine Haven, Ontario, Canada; in the southeast lot of the complex…].

Type and number of generating units:

[Provide type, number and rating of generating equipment. Example: XYZ, model number 123456, poly crystal, 240 W PV module; Qty. 8,400. In case of Solar (PV) Facilities, the Supplier must include Appendix B – Contract Facility/Facility Installed Capacity for the Metering Plan to be complete.]

Station Service Load:

[Identify and describe the electrical equipment and loads required for the normal and safe operation of the Contract Facility/Facility. Example: For a Solar (PV) Facility, provide technical details of inverters, control system, battery chargers, tracking system, and similar loads]
[Provide a brief description of the Contract Facility/Facility; explain interconnection to the IESO-Controlled Grid and interactions among the Contract Facility/Facility and neighbouring facilities: i.e. load at the Host Facility (if applicable), other loads in the Transmission System or Distribution System.]

2.2.  Contract Facility/Facility’s Registration with the LDC

[Identify the relevant LDC and describe Contract Facility/Facility’s connection to the IESO-Controlled Grid. Fill out and include Appendix A for details on the Connection Point: transformer station, feeder, meter point, etc. If LDC registration information is not available at the time of submitting the Metering Plan, provide the information “as attached in Appendix A” with the submission to IESO Contract Management of the Commercial Operation requirements as set out in Section 2.6 of the FIT Contract.]


3.1.  Meters and Instruments

[Describe the metering installation, including its location with respect to the point of common coupling.]

Electricity meters installed:

[Describe the Electricity meter type, instrument transformers and configuration used]
Explain whether a single meter accounts for power output net of Station Service Load (Hourly Delivered Electricity), or a set of meters account for gross power output and Station Service Load separately.
If multiple, please explain how the gross power output of the Contract Facility/Facility is measured and calculated using multiple meters.

Has the Supplier received written confirmation from the LDC that the accuracy and operating limits of metering installation (including instrument transformers and Electricity meters) are acceptable to the applicable LDC? [State Yes or No]

3.2.  Hourly Delivered Electricity

[Explain how net Hourly Electricity Delivered from the Contract Facility/Facility is arrived at; describe Station Service Loads and other loads as applicable. The following are examples of some possible scenarios:
Example 1: Single metering point measuring Contract Facility/Facility’s net power output.
“Power is exported from the Contract Facility to the IESO Controlled-Grid through revenue meter M1, which is located at the Connection Point and measures electricity delivered net of station service load. Readings from M1 represent the Hourly Delivered Electricity for the Contract Facility.”
Example 2: One meter measuring Contract Facility/Facility’s gross power output and a separate meter measuring Station Service Load.
“Gross power is exported from the Contract Facility to the grid through revenue meter M1 located on feeder A at the Connection Point; while Station Service Load is measured through revenue meter M2 located on feeder B. Contract Facility’s Hourly Delivered Electricity is energy registered as exported by M1 minus energy registered as imported by M2.”]

3.3.  Metering Installation Ownership, Maintenance & Calibration

[Explain who owns the metering installation. State whether the LDC or a MSP retained by the Supplier is the controlling authority of the metering installation; that is, the entity responsible for performing calibration and maintenance activities, locking and having exclusive access to the metering equipment. If it is a metering service provider retained by the Supplier, describe maintenance and calibration plans for the metering installation and how maintenance and calibration records will be kept.]

Designated Metering Service Provider:

[Indentify the MSP that has been retained as the controlling authority of Contract Facility/Facility’s metering installation. In case where the LDC is the controlling authority, the LDC may provide this information to the Supplier. However, if the metering installation is not controlled by the LDC, then the Supplier must state who they have retained as the MSP for its Contract Facility/Facility’s metering installation]


4.1.  Exhibit A: Single-Line Diagrams

[include Contract Facility/Facility’s “As Built” single-line diagram(s) showing Contract Facility/Facility’s generation units, Station Service Load and internal distribution system, connection to a Host Facility (if applicable), metering installation, Connection Point, area distribution facilities, including the transformer station(s) electrically closest to the Contract Facility/Facility]

Appendix / Drawing No. / Drawing Title / Revision / Date

4.2.  Exhibit B: Electrical Metering Technical Data

[Identify the Electricity meters that are part of this Metering Plan by filling the tables below]

Exhibit B.1: Electricity Meters

Meter ID / Description / MC NofA No.(*)
[Make, model number, serial number, quantity measured]

Exhibit B.2: Instrument Transformers (Current Transformers and Voltage Transformers)

Tag No. / Associated Meter / Description / MC NofA No.(*)
[Make, model number, serial number]

(*) Measurement Canada Notice of Approval


The following technical documents are integral part of this Metering Plan. The Supplier represents, warrants and covenants that they are and will be procured, updated and maintained on site by the Supplier and will be made available to IESO Contract Management for contract administration purposes upon request within 10 Business Days:

Exhibit C Electricity Metering Three-Line Diagrams showing metering configuration, wiring size and length. Drawings must be stamped by a Professional Engineer.

Exhibit D Record of Installation generated by the LDC or metering service provider for the metering installation object of this Metering Plan. It must identify the Contract Facility/Facility, the metering point, and provide the following technical information; model and serial number of the main meters and any backup meters if they have been installed; as well as model and serial number of instrument transformers. Similarly, date and person confirming the metering installation has been commissioned in accordance with applicable regulations, standards and procedures.

Exhibit E Forms showing the calculation of any error correction factors and/or loss adjustments applied to the meters included in this Metering Plan, as determined by the LDC or MSP.

Exhibit F Flow/Process diagrams & other drawings that help describe the power generation process as well as other processes that take place on site.