Summer Assignment for AP Government

  1. Read the Constitution & Complete Constitution Scavenger Hunt
  1. Read the Amendments (1-27) & Complete Amendment Scavenger Hunt
  1. Study the AP GOVT Amendment to Know
  2. Mr. Kogan will provide you with a similar document the first week of school, with spaces missing.
  3. You can take it as many times as possible, but need to get 85% complete for mastery.
  1. Study the Federalism Graph
  2. Mr. Kogan will provide you with a similar document the first week of school, with spaces missing.
  3. You can take it as many times as possible, but need to get 90% complete for mastery.
  1. AP Government News Analysis
  2. Write 5 articles about issues going on in America. Each article is ~200 words.
  3. Include: Source, Author, Title and Summarize the idea in 3-5 sentences.
  4. Evaluate and Analysis
  5. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the article, video, and or idea.
  6. Make sure to provide key evidence for your opinions. For example, what does the Constitution or Bill of Rights or other laws say about your topic?
  7. Examples include: Immigration, Same-Sex Marriage, Terrorism (like what happened in Orlando at Gay Club, Paris, or San Bernardino), Guns, Minimum Wage, Economy, Politics, Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Republicans vs. Democrats.
  8. If you have any questions on topic, email me at
  1. DUE DATE: Thursday, August 18

Constitution Scavenger Hunt

Scenario 1

If Eliv would like to run for the House of Representatives how many years can he serve before he needs to run again?

Where in Constitution: Article I, Section 2


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 2

If Kelly would like to run for the House of Representatives how old does she have to be?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 3

If Anisha would like to run for the House of Representatives how many years a citizen does she have to be?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 4

How do we determine the number of representatives each state gets?

According to the Constitution, who is excluded from representation?

According to the Constitution, who is considered 3/5th of "all other Persons"

Where in Constitution: Article I, Section 2


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 5

How often does the United States government conduct a census?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 6

If Andrew would like to run for the Senate how many years a citizen does he have to be?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 7

If Michael would like to run for the State Senate how will he serve before running again?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 8

If Peter is the Vice President, does that mean he is also the President of the Senate?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 9

Who has the power to decide who to impeach?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 10

Who has the power to try impeachment trials?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 11

Who has the power to conduct elections? The federal or state governments?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 12

Where do tax laws originate "bills of raising Revue"

If Chanel wants to be President how does she have to be?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 13

If Ji wants to run for President what does have to say - What is the oath?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 14

If Melissa is President, what is one power that she will have?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 15

If Violet is President, what does she need to do "from time to time"?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 16

If Kyra would like to be a judge, how long can she serve?

Where in Constitution:


Evidence (write the text):

Scenario 17

Jose, as President of the United States agreed to an arms reduction treaty (limiting the supply of nuclear weapons) with Russia.

Where in Constitution: Article II, Section 2

Who has the power to negotiate treaties with other countries?



Amendments Scavenger Hunt 1-27

Scenario 18

Marco believes that his Senator is corrupt because the state legislatures pick the Senator. He wants to pick them directly. Which amendment allows him to do it?

Where in Constitution:



Scenario 19

Mr. Kogan would like everyone to get up and say a prayer to the Gods of Fire and Ice every single day. Can Mr. Kogan force students to pray in a public school?

Where in Constitution:



Scenario 20

Bea got into trouble for stealing a laptop from the computer lab. Bea was sent to court, but she can't afford an attorney. The judge says that Bea does not need a lawyer because she's guilty no matter what she says.

Where in Constitution:



Scenario 21

Richa is outraged that she has to pay a fee every time she votes. This amendment removes the fee.

Where in Constitution:



Scenario 22

Siddhartha is being charged for the same crime twice because the judge wants to punish her again. Can the judge do this?

Where in Constitution:



Scenario 23

The police without a warrant enter your house/car because they feel you are doing something illegal? Can they do this?

Where in Constitution:



Scenario 24

Josue believes that the rich are taking too much away from the people. You believe that the government should tax their income. Which amendment allows the government to do this.

Where in Constitution:



Scenario 25

You are accused of a very serious federal crime like drug smuggling across the border. The judge says that she will judge you and give you the sentence without a jury. She says you don't need one. Plus your court date is not set for another 10 years, so you have to be in jail until we figure things out.

Where in Constitution:



Scenario 26

Do you have the right to go on street and protest against Government actions in Iraq/Afghanistan?

Where in Constitution:



APGOVT Amendments 1-27 to Know

Direction: Kogan will provide you with this document but with certain spaces empty. It is your task to fill in the boxes correctly. You don't have to know #11 or #27.

Amendments to the Constitution
Number/Category / What does it say? / Category/Explanation
1st. / Government cannot take your right to freedom of speech, religion, press, assemble, and right to petition the government for grievances. / Bill of Rights - 1st Amendment guarantees 5 Freedoms. Government can't take them away.
2nd. / Right to bear arms / Bill of Rights - Allows people to own guns. Prevents fed gov't from taking guns away from state militias.
3rd. / Soldiers cannot be quartered inside a house without consent. / Bill of Rights
4th. / Right to be free from un-reasonable searches and seizers (right to privacy) / Bill of Rights
5th. / If accused of a crime, you have rights. / Bill of Rights
  • Right to Grand Jury
  • No Double Jeopardy
  • Freedom from self-incrimination
  • Due Process of Law

6th. / Right to a Fair Trial / Bill of Rights
  • Right to a public and speedy trial
  • Right to an attorney

7th. / Right to a jury trial in civil case / Bill of Rights
8th. / Freedom from excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment / Bill of Rights
9th. / People have more rights not listed in the Constitution / Bill of Rights - (Just because it is not written does not mean people don't have more rights)
10th. / If it is not written in the Constitution, the power is reserved to the states. / Bill of Rights (e.g marriage, driver licenses)
11th. / Citizens one state cannot sue another states
12th. / Electors must vote for one person as president and another person as vice president. / Presidential Amendment
13th. / Abolishes slavery / Reconstruction Amendment
(Slavery is illegal)
14th. / No state shall deny citizens (anyone born in the US) the right to due process. / Reconstruction Amendment
(Provides African-American with citizenship)
15th. / Voting discrimination based on race is illegal. / Reconstruction Amendment
(Gives African-American males the right to vote, excludes women)
16th. / Congress has the power to levy an income tax / Progressive Amendment
17th. / People can directly elect senators / Progressive Amendment (before State legislatures picked Senators and it was thought of as being corrupt)
18th. / Prohibition of Alcohol / Progressive Amendment/ Prohibition
19th. / Voting discrimination based on sex is illegal / Progressive Amendment (Allows women the right to vote)
20th. / Moves the date that newly elected presidents and members of Congress take office close to election time. / Presidential Amendment (President: January 20th, Congress: January 3rd)
21st. / Repeals 18th Amendment. Alcohol is now legal. / Prohibition
22nd. / President can only serve 2 term limits / Presidential Amendment
23rd. / Allows citizens of Washington D.C. to vote in the presidential elections. / Presidential Amendment
24th. / Poll tax is illegal / Civil Rights Amendment
(Opens up voting to mostly African Americans and poor whites to vote in the South)
25th. / If president is removed, dies, or resigns, the vice president becomes president. / Presidential Amendment
26th. / Voting age moved to 18 / Civil Rights - Passed during Vietnam War. If you can die for your country, you should be old enough to vote. Before it was 21.
27th. / Any increase in congressional pay does not go into effect until after the next regular election of the House of Representatives. / Legislative Branch Amendment
