Lesson Plan for Preschools: My School

Teacher: Week: Theme:

Activity / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday /
LA.C.2.1 / Objectives: Stars L1 (FR) –arrival - greeting adults, walking to classroom, put away backpack/coat, and transitioning to next activity.
Procedures: Help students off the bus/parent drop off. Prompt students to greet you. Have student walk to classroom, hang up/put away coat or backpack. Use visual schedule to transition to next activity.
Materials: schedule
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
8:00-8:15 am
HE.A.1.1 / Objectives: Star L1 FR –rest room routine – transitioning to restroom, adjusting clothing, staying on toilet, eliminating, using toilet paper, flushing toilet.
Star LI FR –hand washing routine – going to sink, washing hands, drying hands.
Procedures: Transition student to bathroom. Prompt student to remove/adjust clothing, stay on toilet, use toilet paper, flush toilet. Reinforce/Praise eliminations. Transition student to wash hands. Prompt student to wash hands, and dry hands.
Materials: bathroom supplies, hand washing supplies
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
Table Tasks
8:00-8:25 am / Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Play – exploring and manipulating toys, giving up a toy when asked, completing one-step imitation with toys
Star LI FR – Independent Play – getting a toy, initiating functional play, playing beside others, putting toys away.
Procedures: Prompt children to select a toy, play functionally and appropriately with materials (e.g., “do this”), play beside others, and put items away. Encourage fine motor skills, matching skills, sorting.
Materials: Puzzles, matching shapes, matching colors, sorting, put-in, stringing beads.
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
8:25-8:40 am
MU.A.1.1 / Activities: School Greetings; My School Bean Bag Toss
Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials
Thematic goals – My School Greetings
Thematic goals –My School Bean Bag Toss
Procedures: Follow thematic lesson plan for School Greetings, My School Bean Bag Toss. Who’s here? Who/How came to school? Review daily class schedule.
Materials: voice output devices pre-programmed for story, pictures or name labels of your children, visual supports, who’s here board/manipulatives?, who/how came to school manipulatives, bean bags, bucket, pails, school vocab visuals/items
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
PE.A.3.1 / Activity: Gym
Objectives: Thematic Curriculum- My School Teacher Says
Procedures: Follow My School Teacher Says Lesson Plan
Materials: Action Picture Cards
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly / Fountain
Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Play – exploring an manipulating toys, giving up a toy when asked, completing one-step imitation with toys
Star LI PRT – Playing with toys constructive and Functional – completing 1-step play command
Procedures: Encourage students to explore and manipulate water toys appropriately, give up toys when asked, imitate adult water toy play (“do this”), imitate peer water play. Provide one-step instructions for play (“fill the bucket”).
Materials: water play toys
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly / Moving and Groovin
9:10-9:30 / Objectives: Star LI FR – Snacks – sits at table, communicates choices, cleans up after
Star LI (PRT) – Babbling and Sound Pairing – making sounds, making sounds following teacher’s verbal cue
Star LI (PRT) – Imitation and words for Requests – imitating verbal cue, making spontaneous requests
Star LI (PRT) – Phrases for Requests – Making requests using “I want ___” or “no _____”
PECS- exchanging PECS to communicate for food/items
Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table, communicate food choices and required items (PECS/Vocalize) (e.g., fork), prompt for vocalizations when appropriate, have students assist in throwing away, wiping table
Materials: breakfast, PECS books
Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly
Story Time
LA.C.2.1 / Activity: Story time : My School Lotto
Objectives: Star FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials
Thematic goals – My School Lotto
Procedures: Follow My School Lotto Lesson Plan. Distribute actual objects/items to each child. Show visual of selected item, have student with item come up and show the class the item.
Materials: I Like Schools, bus lotto game board, school related visuals
Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly / Activity: Story time : My School Mystery Bag
Objectives: Star FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials
Thematic goals – My School Mystery Box
Procedures: Follow My School Mystery Box Lesson Plan for I Like School.
Materials: I Like School, see theme lesson plan
Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly / Activity: Story time : My School This is the Way We…
Objectives: Star FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials
Thematic goals – My School This is the Way We…
Procedures: Follow My School This is the Way We… Lesson Plan.
Materials: I Like School book, This is the Way We lesson plan
Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly
(15 minutes rotations) / Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Sharing toys - explores and manipulates toys, gives up toys when asked, does one-step imitation with toys
Star LI PRT- Playing with toys - follows one-step command
Procedures: Structure play to facilitate exploring and manipulating toys, prompt child to give up toy when asked, prompt for one-step imitation of play with toys (“do this”), prompt student to complete 1-step play command (e.g., put the boy in the bus)
Materials: Toys related to school theme (e.g., school buses), figurines of children and adults, cause-effect toys
Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly
Centers/ Teacher Time
(15 minutes rotations)
LA.C.2.1 / Objectives: Star LI FR – work with teacher - child goes to work area, sits up in chair with hands down, looks at adult, looks at materials
Star DT - Individualized discrete trial goals/objectives (preacademics, receptive ID), IEP goals
Procedures: teaching DTT programs and skills
Materials: specified on individual data sheets,
Evaluation: DTT data sheets
Centers/Independent Work First Center
(15 minutes rotations) / Objective: complete a series of tasks independently, utilizing a visual schedule
Procedures: Use non-verbal prompting from behind for student to complete IW tasks
Student 1 #1,2,5
Student 2 #3,6,7
Student 3 #4,8,9
Student 4 #1,2,5
Student 5 #3,6,7
Student 6 #4,8,9
Student 7 #1,2,5
Student 8 #3,6,7
Materials: IW tasks, visual schedule
Evaluation: IW data sheet weekly
10:30-11:00am / Objectives: Stars LI DT – Come Here - child turns and looks from 10 ft away in hallway
Star LI DT – Attending – child responds to teachers instructional cues (look at me, sit down)
Star LI DT – receptive actions – child responds to receptive actions ( walk with me, stop)
Star LI DT – Social Communication – child responds to social/communication cues (give me five, wave)
Star LI PRT – Exploring/Sharing toys - explores and manipulates toys, gives up toys when asked, does one-step imitation with toys
Star LI PRT- Playing with toys - follows one-step command
Star LI FR – Playing with adult – requesting toy, taking turns with adult, imitating adult play
Procedures: Structure play to facilitate exploring and manipulating toys, prompt child to give up toy when asked, prompt for one-step imitation of play with toys/play (“do this”), prompt student to complete 1-step play command (e.g., “throw the ball”), requesting (“more jumping on see-saw”), turn-taking with adult (toss ball back an forth), Follow Star DT instruction to have children come to adult when called, attend to adult instructions, follow receptive actions and complete social communications.
Materials: Toy cars/busses, figurines of children and adults, cause-effect toys
Materials: balls, tricycles, playground equipment
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
MA.C.1.1 / Activities: Art- My School Making Playdough
Objectives: Star LI FR – Art – sit at table, imitates use of materials, communicates choices, puts materials away.
Thematic Curriculum- Making Playdough
Procedures: Follow thematic curriculum lesson plan for Making Playdough. Use visual and non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table. Prompt students to imitate use of materials (“do this”), communicate choices of materials, assist in putting materials away and cleaning area.
Materials: Ingredients for playdough, PECS, communication devices preprogrammed for art activity, Making Playdough visuals
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly / Activities: Sensory: PLAYDOUGH
Objectives: experience a variety of sensory experiences, imitate instructor and peers, play appropriately with playdough, sensory diet needs met, tool use
Procedures: Students can request colors of playdough, request tools for playdough, imitate the instructor to make things from playdough, also provide brushing and joint compression to those students who need it at this time
Materials: Playdough and playdough tools Evaluation: group data sheet weekly / Activities: Art- My School Cutting
Objectives: stars FR – Art- sit at table, imitates use of materials, communicates choices, puts materials away.
Thematic curriculum – My School Cutting
Procedures: Follow thematic curriculum lesson plan for My School- Cutting. Use visual and non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table. Prompt students to imitate use of materials (“do this”), communicate choices of materials, assist in putting materials away and cleaning area.
Materials: Materials for My School Cutting, PECS, communication devices preprogrammed for art activity
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
Media Center
(15 minutes rotations) / Objectives: Thematic Curriculum- My School Computer Vocabulary
Procedures: Follow thematic lesson plan for My School Computer Vocabulary
Materials: Computer, My School Computer Vocabulary on Shared Drive
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
Centers/Teacher Time
(15 minutes rotations)
MA.A.1.1 / Objectives: Star LI FR – work with teacher - child goes to work area, sits up in chair with hands down, looks at adult, looks at materials
Individualized discrete trial goals/objectives (preacademics, receptive ID), IEP goals
Procedures: teaching DTT programs and skills
Materials: specified on individual data sheets,
Evaluation: DTT data sheets
Centers/Independent Work First Center
(15 minutes rotations) / Objective: complete a series of tasks independently, utilizing a visual schedule
Procedures: Use non-verbal prompting from behind for student to complete IW tasks
Student 1 #2,5,7
Student 2 #1,4,8
Student 3 #6,9,10
Student 4 #1,5,7
Student 5 #4,6,9
Student 6 #3,6,7
Student 7 #2,3,8
Student 8 #6,9,10
Materials: IW tasks, visual schedule
Evaluation: IW data sheet weekly
12:00-12:30 / Objectives: Star LI FR – Snack - s sits at table, communicates choices, cleans up after
Star LI (PRT) – Babbling and Sound Pairing – making sounds, making sounds following teacher’s verbal cue
Star LI (PRT) – Imitation and words for Requests – imitating verbal cue, making spontaneous requests
Star LI (PRT) – Phrases for Requests – Making requests using “I want ___” or “no _____”
Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table, communicate food choices and required items (PECS/Vocalize) (e.g., fork), prompt for vocalizations when appropriate, have students assist in throwing away, wiping table
Materials: lunch, PECS books
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
Quiet Time
12:30-1:30pm / Objectives: rest, engage in quiet activities independently
Procedures: encourage each student to rest, provide quiet activities for students who do not rest (books, sensory, books on tape with headset)
Materials: cots, blankets, quiet toys
Closing Circle
MA.A.1.1 / Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials
Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompts to have students stay in seat/area. Provide opportunities for children to communicate choices, provide opportunities for children to imitate gross motor actions, provide social opportunities for students to say “bye” to peers/ teachers, have children assist in handing out and putting away materials. who/how going home? Review daily class schedule (what we did today).
Materials: voice output devices pre-programmed for salutations, pictures or name labels of your children, visual supports, who’s here board/manipulatives?, who/going home manipulatives.
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
Pack-up/Dismissal / Objectives: Stars LI FR – Departure – gets coat/backpack, walks with adult, waits for vehicle, communicate “bye”
Procedures: Prompt students to complete departure routine, gather belongings, walk with adult to bus/pick up, communicate “bye” when leaving
Materials: backpack, homenote, flyers
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
Activity / Thursday / Friday /
LA.C.2.1 / Objectives: Stars L1 (FR) –arrival - greeting adults, walking to classroom, put away backpack/coat, and transitioning to next activity.
Procedures: Help students off the bus/parent drop off. Prompt students to greet you. Have student walk to classroom, hang up/put away coat or backpack. Use visual schedule to transition to next activity.
Materials: schedule
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
8:00-8:15 am
HE.A.1.1 / Objectives: Star L1 FR –rest room routine – transitioning to restroom, adjusting clothing, staying on toilet, eliminating, using toilet paper, flushing toilet.
Star LI FR –hand washing routine – going to sink, washing hands, drying hands.
Procedures: Transition student to bathroom. Prompt student to remove/adjust clothing, stay on toilet, use toilet paper, flush toilet. Reinforce/Praise eliminations. Transition student to wash hands. Prompt student to wash hands, and dry hands.
Materials: bathroom supplies, hand washing supplies
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
Table Tasks
8:00-8:25 am / Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Play – exploring and manipulating toys, giving up a toy when asked, completing one-step imitation with toys
Star LI FR – Independent Play – getting a toy, initiating functional play, playing beside others, putting toys away.
Procedures: Prompt children to select a toy, play functionally and appropriately with materials (e.g., “do this”), play beside others, and put items away. Encourage fine motor skills, matching skills, sorting.
Materials: Puzzles, matching shapes, matching colors, sorting, put-in, stringing beads.
Evaluation: group data sheet weekly
8:25-8:40 am
MU.A.1.1 / Activities: School Greetings; My School Bean Bag Toss
Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials
Thematic goals – My School Greetings
Thematic goals –My School Bean Bag Toss
Procedures: Follow thematic lesson plan for School Greetings, My School Bean Bag Toss. Who’s here? Who/How came to school? Review daily class schedule.