May 7, 2015

Present: Mayor, Becky Beld; Council members, Jayne Schneider, Beryl Ward, Chris McCoy, Ron Peron; City Clerk, Mary Lynn Neat; City Treasurer, Valerie Andres; Attorney, Steve Emery; Lt. Cabrera and Tree Board members Susan Melcher, Lynn Smuskiewicz and Julio Campo. Residents attending were Tom Schlindwein and Della Peron.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Beld, at 7:06 PM.


Chris made the motion to accept the April, 2015 minutes with corrections. Beryl seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved by the Council.


Lt. Cabrera reported that April had been a quiet month but there had been some crime in areas close to Kingsley. There was a burglary at 2356 Gladstone Avenue on Tuesday, 5/5/15. He warned about contractors for tree work and door-to-door solicitors. He will get more information soon about the burglary and will forward that to Becky. He will try to engage the police helicopter for the fall picnic and will put out parking signs for the upcoming city-wide yard sale in June.


Valerie’s Treasurer’s report was as follows:

- Udar Services $124.00 Bookkeeping Services

- Wayne’s Lawn Service $263.25 Grass Cutting

- NSAP $980.00 Police Service

- Howell and Emery $333.33 Legal Services

- The Plant Kingdom $450.44 6 bushes, 1white oak tree

- Ron Peron $45.05 Blacktop patch

- Jayne Schneider $90.77 Tax/yard sale cards & mailing

Susan clarified that an additional bill would be coming from The Plant Kingdom for a pistache tree and for the planting of the two trees.

The reimbursement for the blacktop patch would be paid from the MRA account.

Account Balances:

Bank Account Balances / 5/6/2015
General Checking / ###4487 / $80,762.55
Money Market Sav. / ###6264 / $76,505.94
MRA Checking 1st Cap / ###0593 / $51,615.50
CD- 24 mo 1st Capital / ###409 / $60,792.79
CD-24 mo 1st Capital / ###050 / $24,611.74
Total Bank Accts / $294,288.52

A motion was made by Chris and seconded by Beryl to pay the regular and special bills. The Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved by the Council. Ron and Jayne did not vote.

Beryl brought up a need to reseed the bare area on the Gladstone area of the park where the red maple was removed. An estimate of $215 from Limbwalkers has been obtained, but after a discussion, it was decided to pursue the reseeding in the fall.

Becky obtained an estimate from Marie Lindsay Irrigation for a plumbing repair in the park for $200.00. A motion was made by Beryl to pre-approve the plumbing repair in the park for up to $200 by Marie Lindsay Irrigation. The motion was seconded by Chris and was unanimously approved by the Council.


Steve reported that he and Chris are working together on constructing a business ordinance for the city.

Steve gave a report about the Regional Airport Authority regarding obtaining avigation easements.

Becky suggested adding an article in the newsletter to educate the residents about their rights regarding avigation easements. Chris will construct an article and flyers for future use.


Susan asked if the Council had any information regarding Tom Fleischer’s tree replacement.

Susan provided a map produced by Julio identifying the trees in the city park.

The Tree Board received two tree removal permit applications, one from Dorothy and Jeff Fieldhouse, 2348 Emerson Avenue for the removal of a dead mimosa in the back yard and one from Cheryl Ade, 2375 Gladstone Avenue for the removal of a tree in the side yard. All permit fees and bond checks were paid.

Chris presented an update on the LRAA project including the latest information regarding FAA and LRAA meetings and representation at these meetings. From the maps concerning the approach surfaces at Bowman Field, at first glance, Kingsley doesn’t appear to be affected, but the city will eventually be involved in future phases. The departure surfaces will likely be much wider and longer.


Construction permit applications were received from the following:

- Scott and Megan Whitler, 2640 Kings Highway, for the extension of the kitchen and master bed/bath over existing screened porch;

- Phyllis Hawkins, 2611 Kings Highway, for driveway repairs;

- Virginia Coakley, 2659 Kings Highway, for the relocation of existing yard border fence and expansion of old deck and raising existing privacy fence to edge of deck;

- Rebecca Beld, 2612 Taylorsville Road, for chimney stack repair, front walk repair, removing composite deck & replacing with paver, etc.; and

- Carol Mattingly, 2605 Kings Highway, for the replacement or repair of wood trim and gutters.

All the applications have been reviewed and sidewalks have been inspected. All bonds and fees have been paid.

A motion was made by Chris and seconded by Beryl to approve all the construction permits. The motion was unanimously approved by the Council.

Beryl presented the Council the estimates obtained for the bi-annual city audit. She reviewed all of the estimates with the Council. The bid from Stuedle Spears & Company PSC was $3,000.00. After a discussion, it was agreed that this firm would be the best choice for the audit. Beryl will have Brian Cobb, CPA of that firm send a contract to Becky for execution.

A motion was made by Chris to accept the recommendation to hire Stuedle Spears & Company PSC for the bi-annual audit for $3,000.00 plus expenses. Beryl seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved by the Council.

The city official bond coverage applications will proceed for Valerie and Mary Lynn to be bonded by the Kentucky League of Cities.

Becky reviewed each item in next fiscal year’s budget with increases and possible reductions. Becky updated the Council regarding the new property assessments and projections for revenue and expenses for the next fiscal year. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the current city tax rate and the impact on the next fiscal year budget. Also, future projects were reviewed by the Council.

Ron suggested establishing a minimal amount to be retained by the city each year for future projects. There was a discussion regarding beginning street repaving.

Becky presented the first reading of Ordinance #1, Series 2015 Ad Valorem Tax Rate on Real and Personal Property. The second reading will occur at the June Council meeting.

Becky presented the first reading of Ordinance #2, Series 2015 Budget for Fiscal Year 7/1/15-6/30/16. The second reading will occur at the June Council meeting.

Chris said he would revise the Construction Permit Application Form to reflect a bond amount of $300.00


Becky reported that she had not had a response from the rental property on Kings Highway regarding the tree in the front yard. Becky will try again to reach the resident, but if there is no response, the city may need to obtain an evaluation from an arborist. Chris will also attempt to notify the resident.

Becky mentioned that work continues on the exterior of the Carol Mattingly property.


Jayne thanked the Council for help with the city clean-up in April. The city picnic plans now include music and ponies. She still needs more help with food preparation and distribution. Chris suggested we seek some residents as volunteers.

Beryl requested the city send correspondence to a resident regarding gutters that have fallen and general disrepair of their property. Chris and Beryl will review the situation.

Chris reported that the Itinerant Sales Person Ordinance should be repealed. Chris will follow up with the web-site provider regarding commissioner e-mail accounts.

Chris reported that two existing ordinances affected by Kingsley’s lack of Land Use Authority on private/personal property need to be reviewed and suggested further discussion.

Ron inquired about when the next newsletter would be published. After next month’s second reading of the ordinances, the newsletter will be published to include notification of these ordinances. He will get an estimate on road repaving from Louisville Paving and check with Metro government on their pricing for maintenance of streets.

Becky suggested pursuing an electronic version of the newsletter for residents receiving the e-blasts. Beryl will create a sign-up sheet for the summer picnic.


Chris made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Jayne seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved by the Council at 10.05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lynn Neat

City Clerk

City of Kingsley