ODE Bills – 2007 Session Updated 3-14-07
Bill # / Summary / Last ActionSB 210 / Directs ODE to develop a system to hold schools and school districts accountable for student achievement beginning during the 2008-2009 school year. / 1-15-07—Referred to Senate Education and General Government Committee
SB 211 / Increases money the High Cost Disabilities Account receives from the State School Fund from $12 million dollars per year to $18 million per year. 2. Increases the percentage of children with disabilities for which a school district may receive additional funding from 11% to 12.5%. These provisions reflect the rising costs of educating children with severe disabilities and the increases in the number of children with disabilities or on IEP’s. / 3-13-07—Passed out of Senate Revenue and Referred to Ways and Means with amendment to eliminate the change in the cap and just increase the High Cost Fund to $18 million dollars.
SB 212 / Lowers minimum compulsory age for school attendance from 7 to 6.
Bill is the same as SB 392 which has passed out of committee and passed out of the Senate on 3-13-07 on a 19-8 vote. / 1-15-07—Referred to Senate Education and General Government Committee
SB 213 / Allows schools offering full-day kindergarten to receive 1.0 ADM funding from the State School Fund and those that offer half-day kindergarten to receive 0.5 ADM funding from the State School Fund. This is a first step toward meeting Superintendent Castillo’s goal that every school district has the resources necessary to pay for full-day kindergarten. / 2-13-07—Public Hearing in Senate Education and General Government Committee
SB 214 / Eliminates the provision in state law that does not require a school district to have a separate board of directors for the development and operation of a charter school. This bill is in response to a federal requirement that federal charter school funding is contingent upon a charter school having an independent board of directors. / 3-12-07—Passed Senate on a 26-1 vote.
SB 215 / SB 215 does two things: 1. It clarifies the definition of “parental” relationship to mean an adult who has physical custody of a child or resides in the same household as the child; 2. It modifies and clarifies the requirement for school districts enrolling students between the ages of 19 and 21. / 3-15-07—Scheduled for floor vote in the Senate.
SB 216 / Clarifies the authority of the Superintendent to enforce the educational requirement for children at a youth care center operated by both a public and private agency. It will assure that youth placed in youth care centers operated by county juvenile departments receive appropriate and necessary educational services. / 3-12-07—Passed the Senate on a 27-0 vote.
SB 217 / Senate Bill 217 directs the State Board of Education to adopt criteria to be used by the OSAA for placing schools in interscholastic activity districts and directs the OSAA to submit plans for placing schools in interscholastic activity districts to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for approval. This bill is meant to start a conversation about the appropriate role the Superintendent and State Board of Education play in the realignment of athletic leagues at public high schools. / Public Hearing held on 3-6-07.
SB 218 / Establishes a process to pay members of the Fair Dismissal Appeals Board (FDAB) for time spent on hearings panels, up to $250 per day plus expenses. Members of the FDAB expressed concern that they were having difficulty retaining teacher members because some districts asked them to use personal leave, take leave without pay or to reimburse substitute teacher expenses for time missed. These hearings usually last 1-5 days and this is estimated to cost $25,000 per year for all teachers involved. / 2-9-07—Passed out of Senate Education and General Government Committee. Referred to Ways and Means by prior reference.
HB 2263 / Deletes the provisions in ORS 329 for the Certificates of Initial and Advanced Mastery (CIM/CAM). The certificates themselves would be abolished; academic content standards and assessments would remain. The certificates have not been embraced by colleges or employers and have been confusing for many educators, students, community members and policymakers. This proposed legislation re-establishes one credential based on rigorous and relevant standards for high school. / 3-20-07—Public Hearing Scheduled in House Education Subcommittee
HB 2264 / Exempts the State Board of Education, Department of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction from the Public Contracting Code. The intention of this bill is to separate the procurement needs of Department of Education from the general procurement authority of DAS to promote efficiency in department processes, minimize risk exposure in procurements, align requirements with other statewide elected officials and be more responsive to the entities with which the Department works. / 2-7-07—Referred to Workforce and Economic Development Committee.
ODE is working on amendments with DAS.
HB 2265 / Permits school district employees and Department of Education employees to transfer accrued sick leave from a local education employer to a state education agency and vice versa. Right now, this sick leave is not portable and may discourage some of our most highly qualified educators from filling highly skilled positions of need. / 3-15-07—Public Hearing and Work Session Scheduled in Senate Education Committee
HB 2266 / Requires the DMV to notify the Department of Education when school bus drivers receive a DUI or other driving conviction or accident. The Department already revokes or suspends school bus certificates when notified of a DUI and other infractions by school districts. This bill expedites the notification of the Department so revocation and suspension can occur as soon as possible. / 3-15-07—Public Hearing and Work Session Scheduled in Senate Education Committee
HJM 2 / Urges Congress to fully reimburse and fund programs for students with disabilities and special education. / 3-15-07—Public Hearing and Work Session Scheduled in Senate Education Committee
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