Marin Enrichment is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment through activities that are designed to meet the needs of each of its participants. ME is structured to promote and enhance emotional, physical, intellectual and social, age appropriate development. We facilitate individual, personalized learning and encourage the development of student-initiated projects. Most importantly, we encourage personal growth within a climate of mutual respect and caring.
Marin Enrichment’s program serves two years nine months through 12 years of age. Our program is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of each individual child.
Marin Enrichment Preschool offers the fun and excitement of a unique experience that children will truly enjoy. Our curriculum encompasses literature, arts and crafts, music, science (including nature programs), movement, and sports. We emphasize an emergent curriculum with short and long-term projects based on the interest of the children.
Marin Enrichment Preschoolmaintains two classes in adjoining rooms. Four professionally trained teachers, in addition to our director, are present daily. This provides a teacher-to-student ratio of one-to-eight/nine that ensures your child will receive excellent personal attention. Preschool Children must be toilet trained to enter our program.
Marin Enrichment Afterschool curriculum encompasses the arts and crafts, music, drama, science (including nature programs), and computer activities. Sports, both intermural and individual, are also provided along with scheduled homework time.
A broad selection of projects and activities are available. Our students can select from these activities or freely choose to pursue their own. Marin Enrichment teachers are trained to encourage and inspire creative and spontaneous engagement. Unique ideas and the contributions from each child are valued, appreciated and affirmed. By design, our emergent curriculum works to facilitate flexibility and the comfortable sharing of thoughts and perceptions. As a result, students feel a sense of ownership and pride in their school experience. We want your children to look forward to coming to Marin Enrichment.
It is the goal of Marin Enrichment Program to give each child an opportunity to…
- Develop new skills.
- Develop a sense and understanding of values.
- Develop self-confidence, self-respect and self-reliance.
- Develop good decision-making and leadership skills.
- Develop positive family relationships.
- Develop a sense of world-mindedness and a concern for others.
- Develop interest, respect and understanding of our natural world.
- Develop sportsmanship, teamwork and a sense of fair play.
- Develop physical skills and abilities.
The safety and well being of your children is our top priority. Marin Enrichment provides a well-balanced program so that your children have the opportunity to develop and flourish. Marin Enrichment teachers have combined experience of over thirty-five years and are professionally trained in early childhood education. Our teachers guide and help our children in developing skills that strengthen them emotionally, socially, creatively and intellectually. Our staff’s primary concern is that of the happiness and safety of our children.
Schedule and Holidays:
Marin Enrichment follows the Kentfield School District calendar. The Preschool is closed when Bacich School is closed. The Afterschool Program is open on minimum days and durring vacations and holidays, if we have the required minimum attendance. Registration forms will be available in advance for each holiday. The observed holidays are:
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Recess
Winter Recess
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents’ Recess
Spring Recess
Memorial Day
Bacich Teacher work-days
Marin Enrichment has a three-day a week minimum enrollment for students in our regular program.
Minimum Days:
Marin Enrichment also offers a minimum day sports program for all Bacich Elementary School Students who are not enrolled in our regular daily program. The hours of this program are 12:10 to 2:45pm. Enrollment is by semester.
You can pick up forms at M.E. office in Room 1 or from the Bacich School Newsletter.
Hours of Operation:
Before Care7:00AM – 8:15AM
Preschool9:00AM – 12:45PM
Kindergarten8:00AM – 11:00AM
Kindergarten11:45AM – 2:00PM
Kindergarten11:45AM – 6:15PM
Kindergarten2:45PM – 6:15PM
First & Second2:15PM – 6:15PM
Third & Fourth2:45PM – 6:15PM
Fifh, Sixth, Seventh3:10PM – 6:15PM
Min. Days/Bacich12:15PM – 6:15PM ( First & Second)
Min. Days/Bacich12:30PM – 6:15PM (Third & Fourth)
Min. Days/Kent1:10PM – 6:15PM
Vacation/Holidays8:00AM – 6:15PM
Important: Please notify Marin Enrichment if you child will be late or absent
Summer Camp:
Marin Enrichment Offers a Preschool Summer Camp. Dates and times will be announced.
Schedule Change:
If you would like to change your child’s schedule, please fill out a schedule change form two weeks in advance and pay the $20 processing fee. The forms can be obtained in the Marin Enrichment office. Schedule changes need to be submitted by the tenth of the current month to be reflected on the following months bill.
Late Pick Up:
Marin Enrichment requires Preschool parents to pick up their children by 12:45 PM, and Afterschool parents to arrive no later than 6:15 PM. We realize , that sometimes situations arise that are out of one’s control, therefore M.E. has developed the following late policy:
- First late pick-up, parents will receive a verbal notice.
- Second late pick-up, parent will be charged $1.00 per minute fee that goes directly to the staff person in charge.
- If there is a third late pick-up, the fee will be charged, and your child’s participation in the program will be reviewed by the Director.
Tuition bills are placed in your child’s folder, with a return envelope by the fifthteenth of the month and payment is due on the first of the following month. The parent or guardian who signed the registration form is responsible for tuition fees. Monthly bills are receipts for taxes. The director will sign employee benefit forms. Payment is late on the fifth of the month and a $10 service fee will be charged. If payment is not received by the end of the month, enrollment may automatically be discontinued. The May and June bill will be combined and mailed out on April 7th, this final payment is due on May 1st and is late on May 5th. Mail tuition checks to Marin Enrichment, P.O. Box 804, Kentfield Ca. 94914. Do not bring tuition checks to school.
Please do not bring tuition checks to school.
Due to staffing and teacher/student ratios, we cannot refund or credit for absences lasting less than one week, this includes the fourth grade Gold Country field trip. If your child is out due to illness for more than one week, your account will be credited.
Marin Enrichment is open to all children regardless of race, color or creed. Parents are encouraged to schedule a tour with a Director, to visit classrooms and review program policies and curriculum. Marin Enrichment wants to try and ensure that each families needs are met. Marin Enrichment enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis. In order to secure enrollment a non-refundable registration fee is due for each child. It may be necessary to put a child on a “waitlist” untill space is available in a particular program.
Priority is given to Kentfield School District Staff and siblings of children already enrolled in ME.
Withdrawal Procedures:
Any month prior to February 15th, notice must be given by the 15th of the month or the entire month’s tuition will be due. After February 15th, every family will be responsible for the tuition for the balance of the school year (March through June) unless the space can be filled. If for some reason a child withdrawals from the program early and the family would like to be re-admitted later in the year, the regular admission process will need to be followed.
Attendance and Illness:
For the well being of your child, the other children and the staff at Marin Enrichment, we require that no child attend school while sick.
A teacher will greet each child at the door for the state mandated health inspection. After that time, the parent or caretaker is free to go if the child appears to have no symptoms of illness.
If your child becomes ill during the day, he or she will be isolated and comforted while one of the parents or guardian is contacted.
Please notify Marin Enrichment immediately if your child has been exposed to any contagious disease. Marin Enrichment will notify parents immediately if any students have been exposed to any contagious disease.
Children need to stay at home if they have any of the following:
- Communicable diseases including but not limited to: chicken pox, strept throat or roseola
- Diarrhea
- Earache
- Pink eye or conjunctivitis
- Fever
- Vomiting and nausea
- Flu and cold
- Excessive exhaustion
- Display of atypical behavior
One day of resting at home, during the early stages of illness, may greatly reduce the severity of the illness. Please listen to your children when they say they don’t feel well. They may need a day of rest.
Health and Safety:
Marin Enrichment will not accept any student without an emergency card on record. In the event of a medical emergency, Marin Enrichment will take proper steps to ensure the well being of your child. When necessary Marin Enrichment will:
1.Call 911
2.Call parents or guardians listed on Emergency card
3.Call personal physician on Emergency card
4.Take child to the hospital with a teacher
Medication must come to Marin Enrichment in the original container with a note from the student’s parents or guardians. Medication must be given to the Director when the student gets to school. Medication will be given to the student at the prescribed times.
Disaster Plan:
Marin Enrichment is prepared for a disaster. All teachers are trained in CPR and first aid and are aware of their responsibilities during a disaster. If a natural disaster occurs during off-hours, Marin Enrichment will be closed. We will re-open when the Kentfield School District re-opens. Please use KGO 810 AM as a reference for updates. If a natural disaster occurs during school hours, all students and teachers will remain at Marin Enrichment unless evacuation becomes necessary. In the event of evacuation, all teachers and students will proceed to Marin Catholic High School, our designated disaster relocation site. Please listen to KGO 810 AM for updated information. Marin Enrichment will only release children to authorized persons. Keep your child’s emergency forms and emergency contacts up-to-date. Every year Marin Enrichment students and staff spend a month learning what to do in case of an emergency or a natural disaster. Once a disaster hits, the teachers will take the appropriate action to ensure the safety and well being of all the students. The teachers will listen to radio broadcasts to determine what is the next appropriate action. All teachers will remain with the students.
Parent Orientation:
Our parent orientation is held in August before the start of school. All parents are expected to attend. At this important meeting, you will meet our staff, learn more about admission requirements, meet new parents and have the opportunity to ask questions.
Parent Volunteers:
At the parent orientation volunteer opportunities will be presented. While we have specific requests, we invite and appreciate different skills from different people. Please don’t hesitate to offer your unique skills.
Arrival and Departure:
Marin Enrichment Morning Programs: All Preschool and School-Age children who arrive for the morning programs must be accompanied by an adult who will sign in the child on the attendance forms. Preschool parents will sign their child out at 12:45 or 2pm, and the early am School-Age studnets will be signed out by the staff and escorted to Bacich School.
Kindergarteners who join us after their Bacich School day will be picked up by M.E. Staff and escorted to our center. If your child will be absent, please call us as soon as possible at 461-4395.
First graders are picked up by Marin Enrichment Staff. Second through fourth graders are responsible for arriving at Marin Enrichment immediately after school to be signed in by our staff. If the student is detained at school we request a note from the teacher. If a child remains absent after attendance is taken, every effor will be made to contact the parents. Please discuss with your child the importance of arriving on time. Marin Enrichment is not responsible for children until they arrive and are signed in at our center.
Please do not park in any of the Bacich parking spaces, as they are all reserved for the Bacich teaching staff. If you do park in one of the spaces, your car will be boxed in until recess when the teachers can leave their classrooms. Parking is available along McAllister Way.
Please do not leave any children in your car when dropping off or picking up siblings.
Marin Enrichment recognizes the importance of consistency and clarity when dealing with all children. Therefore, we strive to use the same discipline policies as does the Kentfield School District.
M.E. provides a nurturing environment of mutual respect and caring for all participants in our programs. M.E. will not tolerate any dangerous behavior or disrespect toward people or property. This may include, but is not limited to teasing, name-calling, stealing, verbal or sexual harassment, and vandalism.
Appropriate Dress:
A typical day at Marin Enrichment includes: painting, gluing, running, playing in sand and water, blowing bubbles, and cooking. Please dress your children in comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes that he or she can easily put on and take off. We do not want to limit your child’s activity because they are wearing clothes that cannot get dirty. Students must wear sturdy shoes everyday to school. Tennis shoes or lace up shoes are requested. Cowboy boots, sandals, jellies, clogs and mules are not permitted.
Please send one change of clothes for unexpected emergencies.
Homework is a very important part of our Marin Enrichment program. Homework is schueduled for twenty minutes for first and second graders, and is one hour for third through fourth graders, depending on a child’s assignments. Third through fourth graders are separated into two rooms at this time. Our staff is committed to helping each child to complete their work. Please work with us to keep an open line of communication regarding homework.
Field Trips:
We have planned some wonderful field trips this year that you will hear about in advance. Marin Enrichment travels with a two-to-one ratio. If we are unable to gain the interest of enough volunteers we will postpone the trip.
If you plan to drive on our trips you must provide a photocopy of your license and insurance. No children are permitted the front seat of any vehicle. We also have several guests that come to Marin Enrichment. You will hear about our guest speakers in advance and you are always invited to join us.
While we communicate with our parents on a daily basis and conferences are available at anytime throughout the year, Marin Enrichment schedules conferences during February and March. Your child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical development is observed, tracked and recorded throughout the year. During your scheduled conference, we will share your child’s progress.
Personal Toys and Belongings:
Please do not bring your child’s personal toys to school. We have found that bringing toys from home can create numerous problems among the children. We have a large supply of toys from which they can choose.
During sharing time children may want to bring a special toy to school to share. This toy must not be a gun, knife, war toy or any type of weapon. It may come in a bag and be brought out at sharing time only.
Sharing Time:
Wednesdays are sharing days. Children and parents will be informed of what the sharing theme is. Please help your child pick something that he/she would like to share. We encourage creative sharing. Children particularly enjoy anything from nature. Our sharing theme will change throughout the year.
If your child has any food allergies, notify Marin Enrichment immediately. Because of allergies Marin Enrichment does not allow products containing nuts in our program.
Please provide a healthful snack and lunch with either water or juice. Please send only age appropriate food and avoid sending anything that a child may choke on. We do not share our lunches and any food that is not eaten goes back home. This will help you in deciding what and how much to send.
Student Needs:
On a daily basis each child needs to bring a healthful snack and lunch in a school age backpack. The backpack will be filled and sent home every day. Please check your backpack each night for art, completed work and communications. Please also bring a single photograph of your child that we can use at school.
If you would like to send a birthday treat to school, please feel free to do so. We encourage nutritious snacks. Please mail birthday invitations from home to avoid hurt feelings.