Trezvant Academy College Preparatory HomeSchool (TACPHS)

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thank you for considering Trezvant Academy College Preparatory HomeSchoolasthenextstepinyourchild’s educational future. For the past 4 years, Trezvant Academy College Preparatory HomeSchool hasprovidedaquality state-of-the-art educationtothe children in the northwest area of Houston. At Trezvant Academy College Preparatory HomeSchoolourstrongcurriculumissupportedbythebest and mostappropriateeducationaltoolsavailable. Excellence is evidenced in core curriculumareasatallgradelevels,aswell asinour state-of-the-art computerlab,finearts,andphysicaleducation programs.

While instructional methodsmay change, themission of Trezvant Academy College PreparatoryHomeSchoolremains the same:TACPHS is committed to providing individuals of all ages and backgrounds multiple experiences that foster development of the combination of skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to be environmentally and emotionally literate. TACPHS will provide an educational, safe, fun, and loving environment for you and your child where everyone is loved and taught by experts dedicated to the highest standards in education and adult or child development.

TACPHS is proud to offer a variety of unique features and many other advantages that set us apart as an industry of leaders. Our priority is to provide an academically rigorous education offering art projects, physical activities, state-of-the-art curriculum, and computer based academic tutoring to student’s ages 5 years to adults. Our programs values are exceptional. We strive to remain affordable, while maintaining the highest standards of education with our curriculum that is supported by state-of-the-art and the most appropriate educational tools available. TACPHS sets the expectation for all students that college graduation is the goal!

Character development isanother componentofasuccessfuland well-rounded student. As a result of this, all individuals will be more capable of weighing various sides of an environmental education issues in making more responsible and informed decisions. TACPHS is a place for everyone to bloom into responsible, considerate, and contributing members of society.

TACPHS has more important documents and forms for you to read or complete, so please send me an email after filling out and submitting all of the above forms, as well as paying for your enrollment/book fees and your tuition via our “DONATE” button. Our administrative office will then forward over all other important documents to you via email. Our staff at TACPHS is looking forward to meeting you and your children in person. WELCOME TO TREZVANT ACADEMY COLLEGE PREPARATORY HOMESCHOOL!

My best regards,

Linda J TrezvantPrincipal

TACPHS- Principal’s Letter PH: 281.858-4300 FX: 281.858.4400 Email: