This information hasbeenprovided to assiststudentspreparing entries to thePremier’sAnzacPrize 2017.
- Ensureyourschool isawareof yourintentiontoapply–schoolsmaynominateupto twostudentseach.
- If youhaveanyquestions regardingtheapplicationpackage[PartsA-F]or if thereisanythingyoudonot understand,pleasecontact International Servicesontelephone 35135747orbyemail at:foresubmittingyourapplication.
- Ensureyouhave read andfullycompletedtheapplicationpackage [PartsA-F]availableat:
- Ensureyouaddress thekeyquestion:
How relevant is the Anzac tradition to modern Australia?
Your multimedia presentation should refer to what the Anzac tradition has come to mean and its historical background.
Present an historical argument in response to the question above.
- Youmaywishtosourcematerial frominterviews, theexperiencesoffriendsorrelatives,media resources and individual research.
- Ensureyouincludea listof references whichacknowledgesall of thematerialyou use.Pleaseusethe author-datesystem forreferencing.
- Keepyourmultimediapresentationtothesettimelimitof 3–5minutes.
- Ensureyousubmit the requiredfiletype(andsuggestedsize,if able):
multimedia files must be less than 100Mb to be accepted (preferably less than 10Mb).
if youneedto reducethesizeof yourfiletolessthan100Mb,considerusing asoftwareprogram that allowsyouto reducethefilesize (e.g. Xilisoft Video Converter, Camtasia etc)
ensureyourmultimediafileisinoneof thefollowingformats:mov,mp4orwmv
if youneedtoconvert yourfile to mov,mp4or wmv,considerusingafileconverter (e.g. Xilisoft Video Converter, Camtasia etc)
- Review the judgingcriteriaavailableonlineat: ensureyour presentationmeetsthecriteria.Keepthecriteriain mindandthinkof interestingand effectivewaysto communicateinformation.
- Suggestions fromjudgesto improve your presentation:
Audio must be clearly heard
- goodvoiceover/narrationinthepresentation
- be aware of external elements such as wind/traffic/water background noise
- watch pace and enunciation and pronunciation
Appropriate marriage of visual, audio and text is essential.
- Choose a typeface that supports your words not necessarily ones you think look good.
- All visual images need to support your presentation otherwise ask yourself, why are they there?
- Select appropriate backgrounds. Don’t sit in the middle of a paddock and talk about the city!
- If you are going to feature in the video dress appropriately.
- Make sure any images are historically correct. If you are not sure look at source of image or ask someone. WW2 images may look the same as WW1 but they are not.
- Ensure that spelling, punctuation and grammar are correct!
- Use of inclusive pronouns (‘we’ ‘our’…not just ‘I’ ‘me’ ‘my’…).
Interviewswithcurrentorpreviousservingmembersof theAustralianDefenceForce can be powerful but
- interviews should be short and edited for effect
- must be relevant to argument and narration.
Multi-media presentation content:
- Argument must feature the development of a clear central thesis which is reiterated in conclusion.
- Local emphasis can add to the power of a student’s personal views on Anzac tradition.
- Aspects (past, present and future) must be addressed – explicitly or implicitly.
- The use of a variety of war history/evidence to support main contention including specific examples.
- ‘Anzacs gave their tomorrow for our today’ – use of powerful quotes.
- Explanation of the personal benefits from completing task can be effective.
- Information about applicants’ own personal experiences of the Anzac tradition can be powerful.
- Conclusion needs to be strong and persuasive.
Bibliography/reference list MUST be included in the presentation and should cover images as well as other sources.
- Save yourmultimediapresentation and scanned application forms ontooneUSB storage device andsendUSB plus hardcopy of application tothefollowingaddress, tobe received by5pm,16 September 2016:
DET International
Departmentof Education andTraining
Checklist before submitting your application
Please ensure you have completed each of these points:
My school is aware of my intention to apply for the Premier’s Anzac Prize.My multimedia presentation
I addressed the key question in my multimedia presentation.
My multimedia presentation is between 3 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) minutes long.
My multimedia presentation has been converted (if necessary) to one of the required file formats - mov,mp4orwmv.
My multimedia presentation is lessthan 100Mbinsize (preferablyless than 10Mb)
I have included a bibliography or reference list within my presentation.
Part A – Application Form
My teacher has completed and signed Section 4.
My principal has completed and signed Section 5.
I have listed my special requirements (dietary or other) or indicated N/A in Section 7.
I have completed all background information questions in Section 9.
I have signed Part A of the Application Form
Part E – Consent Form
In Section 5, I have inserted my name to be used in association with my image or work.
I have completed and signed my name in Section 6.
My parent or guardian has completed and signed Section 6.
Part F – Parent’s Agreement
My parent/s have signed and dated the agreement.