CSCI 1203 - Computer Concepts & Applications

Section #299- CRN#26455 - Internet/Online

April 11 – May8, 2016

Spring 2016


Office: NE2203

Office Phone: 918-595-8429

Web site for course is
Division Name: Business & IT
Assoc. Dean: Patrick Green
Division Office Number: NE2372
Division Phone Number: 918-595-7439

Instructor: DewayneWillis

Contact is by email, telephone, or appointment. I try to give a 24 hour response Mon-Fri to emails and I frequently do check it over the weekend. So email is normally your best chance of getting a quick response.Basically this course will be broken down as week one – Monday, April 11 – Sunday, April 17, week two – Monday, April 18 – Sunday April 24, Monday, April 25 – Sunday, May 1, week four,Monday, May 2 – Sunday, May 8.

Course Objective

The class will be learning current computer terminology and concepts and using the Microsoft Windows and latest version of Microsoft Office products to introduce you to operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation software and the internet. Upon the completion of this course the student should have a general understanding of computers and some of the current software packages used today.

Requirements for the Course will include the following two textbooks with the MyITLab access code and a USB/flash drive, etc. to save your lab work on –

Technology in Action Complete10thedition, by Evans, Martin and Poatsy, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 20014.

GO! With Microsoft Office 2013Volume 1, by Gaskin, Ferrett, Vargas, and McLellan, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2014.

Access Code for MyITLab. (A note- the e-text for each book is available within MyITLab IF that is something you can work with – that is entirely up to you).

Grading & Assignments

Grading will be as follows

Letter GradePercentage Points

A 90% - 100%

B 80% - 89%

C 70% - 79%

D 60% - 69%

F 0% - 59%


1. Three tests will be given worth 100 points each over the chapters in your lecture/textbook- Technology in Action. Test#1 over chapters 1-3, Test#2 over chapters 4-6, Test#3 over chapters 7-9. Tests will be taken within MyITLab. I would say an average of about 3 chapters per week (7-8 days) will keep you on track. And the tests will be made available BUT just take them AFTER you have read the chapters and completed the quizzes for those chapters. Here the dates I would shoot for completing each exam no later thanApril 20 – Exam#1, April 27 – Exam#2, May 4 – Exam#3. This will leave you time for the 2 part assessment through May 8.

2. ***Approximately 17 labs will be given – the majority directly from the GO! lab book. And about 3 simulation activities with MyITLab included. You can see the complete list under the ASSIGNMENTS link in Blackboard. They will be graded basically as 20 points each depending on the type of lab. If they require a data file it is available in Blackboard where you will also submit the assignment under the ASSIGNMENTS link. The data files are also available on the CD labeled “student resources” that comes with the GO! lab book. You should average about 1 lab about every other day (or a little over 4 per week) to stay current. I am not assigning DUE DATES for the labs. I expect you to keep up. If you get a little behind no big deal as long as you get caught back up and if you work ahead that’s GREAT. **NOTE – I have started to give students TWO options – you may do the labs from the textbooks using the actual MS Office software and submitting your work to Blackboard OR you may work through the basically the exact same labs using the simulated environment within MyITLab. See the list and notes I have at the end of the syllabus on both. Basically I am leaving it up to you and how you prefer to do them. As I get them completed I will have some video clips posted within Blackboard to give you a sort of guided tour of MyITLab and explain more of what I am talking about- by that time you should have your access codes for MyITLab.

3. 9 Quizzes for each chapter (1-9 only) worth 10 points each.Taken within MyITLab.

4. The Assessment Test – In the past I have tried to make this available and encourage students to take this (since it is REQUIRED by the college for data reporting to the Higher Learning Commission) and give students extra credit once it is completed. That has increasingly become a problem because students are not completing the assessment and that is a problem for me because these assessment scores are required to be reported to the Higher Learning Commission. If they are not getting these scores they are not happy. Now I am being forced to make it a requirement as far as your grade. This will be discussed more in depth. But I have mentioned some specifics for it above. 200 points. Taken within MyITLab.


This is a theory/applications course. The theory introduces the role of computers in all aspects of global society. The applications segment utilizes Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, Access, Power Point and the Internet to equip students with basic computer skills necessary for their academic and professional careers. It will serve as the first course to be taken by any computer science major, may satisfy a computer science requirement for another discipline, a university parallel transferable course and meets the computer proficiency requirements mandated by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.


Upon completion of CSCI 1203 you should:

  1. Have an overview of the field of computers and information processing.
  2. Understand and be familiar with basic data processing terminology.
  3. Be able to identify the functions, capabilities and methods of operation of the basic components of the digital computer.
  4. Have acquired an appreciation of the problems and potential benefits of the various applications in business, industry, government, etc.
  5. Have become familiar with the computer's impact on society.
  6. Have become familiar with computer applications software in a hands on lab.


Classes will consist of lecture (see the video powerpoints over the Tech. in Action text in MyITLab) and lab assignments. Class-member preparation and participation are a very necessary part of this class. Students are expected to read the assigned material from the text book and to review the audio/video powerpoint slides and other student resources posted to Blackboard (and for this semester the majority-pretty much all- will be accessed through the MyITLab site) for each chapter, both for the lecture book and the lab book. Test questions are taken from the lecture text and from the lab book and from the power points made available in MyITLab.


You should be comfortable with the following:

  • using a text editor/word processor
  • using email for communication
  • sending an email attachment
  • navigating the Internet

This course will use your TCC assigned Outlook e-mail address. You must use your TCC email to send/receive email to/from the instructor. All email sent from Blackboard will go to your TCC email account.Please include what course you are in in the subject line. I teach SEVERAL online courses so that will help me narrow down who you are (what class you are in) and what you are asking about much more quickly.
As of January 7,2013 students now have access to the TCC Outlook email system and I encourage you to use it. This is all now accessed through the MYTCC portal which you can find a link to on the main site or go here

Questions are answered by email or telephone. We use Blackboard a great deal in the course and for this semester we will be using the MyITLab supplement very much more. You need to be familiar with navigating blackboard and the MyITLab site. If you have not done so, please complete the online orientation to distance learning internet courses located under the Hot Links section of the Blackboard login site titled Blackboard Student Orientation or go directly to it here- and please see the documentation posted on Blackboard to help get you started using the MyITLab component.

The course can be totally online. The examswill only cover material from the Technology in Action (TIA) text. Test#1 will cover Chapters 1-3, Test#2 Chapters 4-6 and Test#3 Chapters 7-9. The testsare worth 100 points each and contain 50 questions. You should probably average reading/studying the Technology in Action text about 3 chapters every week.Plan on taking Test#1by April 20th, Test#2 byApril 27thand the 3rd test by May 4th. That will give you the remainder of the course (through May 8th) to work on the assessment test (which is broken down into two sections – one part over the concepts half and one part over the Office skills). Actually I think they are all available – but I would not attempt them until you are sure you are ready for them. In the past I have tried to not make the course assessment part of the class score but because students were skipping it and not taking it and it is a COLLEGE requirement (not a requirement by me) I must put something in place to see that all students do take it. The assessment will be worth 200 points of your grade.

Quizzes will be available for you to take as you complete reading the chapters and you can attempt them upto 3 times taking the highest score for grading, there are audio powerpoint slides available in MyITLab over the chapters for you to view also.

There are documents posted in Blackboard on how to register for the MyITLab course site and some tips on how to navigate it. Registering and accessing MyITLab should be one of the VERY FIRST things you do after getting your books for the course. If you have any trouble doing this email me ASAP so we can get you up and going so you do not fall behind.

***An important thing to remember*** – All your work (3 exams and 9 chapter quizzes and MS-Office labs using MyITLab and working directly with Office). Most all your Office labs will be completed with the GO! lab book and the simulations I am asking you to do are very much the same as the very first lab you will do out of the GO! book. Some students have a problem understanding this. I STONGLY suggest if you are having a problem understanding the THREE basic things (exams, quizzes and labs) that this course will be graded on and how to get them accomplished then get with me – If you do not ask me then I don’t know you are having a problem or don’t understand.

If you do not have MS-Office 2013 and-or Windows available to you, you can come to any TCC campus to do lab assignments. TCC now has a campus agreement with Microsoft that allows TCC students to download and install MS Office to the students computer for free.

In the past you could do this through a link in Blackboard and now you can access it through a link within your MyTCC student portal –

For 2016, the process for distributing Microsoft software to faculty, staff and students for personal computers has changed. Per the current TCC licensing agreement, downloads will be processed through Microsoft’s academic software Kivuto platform which will be accessed via a Software Downloads link under the Quick Links section of the MyTCC Portal. Student downloads will continue to be available at no additional cost. Employees will be able to purchase Microsoft products such as Office 2016 and Windows 10 at a heavily discounted rate. This process only applies to software downloads for personal use as TCC equipment will continue to be supported with the standard Microsoft software suite. If there are any problems accessing the Kivuto platform via the new Software Downloads link, please contact TCC Call2000 at 918-595-2000 to report the issue.

You may also use any of the labs on campus to complete the labs. See towards the very bottom of the syllabus for specific campus locations and phone numbers.

ONE VERY IMPORTANT NOTE – I know that more and more people are using Macs these days. All of this course (the lab work anyway) is based on MICROSOFTS versions of OFFICE. The Mac versions will not be compatible with MyITLab. You can get MyITLab to run on the Mac but it takes some doing as I understand. Let me know soon if this is going to be a major problem for you.

Attendance – TIME commitment – Student Expectations

Attendance (regular participation in the online classroom) is essential for maintaining the best learning environment. Learning occurs in relationship not only between student and course materials, but, just as importantly, peer to peer, professor to student, and student to professor.

You are expected to log on to the course site at least 4-6 times per week. I strongly recommend that you check for new announcements and your email on a daily basis.

Students who successfully complete the course report that they spend an average of 40 hours per week on the course. You may spend more or less, depending on your current level of expertise.

NOTE: This Internet class demands that the student be self-motivated and self disciplined. You are responsible to keep up with the schedule, assignments, and exams. I will be contacting you throughout the semester by email, and Blackboard is available at all times, except when the Blackboard administrators take it down for maintenance. Check the login page of Blackboard for announcements for maintenance times.

What You Should Understand About Internet Classes

  1. Be realistic about the amount of time required to do the coursework
  2. Plan to spend, per week,10 to 15 clock hours for every credit hour
  3. Schedule time just as if you were attending class on-campus
  4. Turn in your work ON TIME
  5. On-line is NOT easier!
  6. Participate actively in the class
  7. Use e-mail to communicate with your instructor
  8. Log onto the class at least 5 times a week (every day is best)
  9. Do NOT fall behind in your assignments
  10. ASK for help when you need help

It is the student’s responsibility to read, understand and retain this syllabus. It is the student’s responsibility to read everything on the Blackboard site for the course.

You will have a REQUIRED assignment due by midnight of the first Friday of the course. If you complete it and SUBMIT IT TO BLACKBOARD you will receive 10 bonus points. If you do not OR I do not hear from you I will assume you ARE NOT participating in the course. The assignments is as follows –

  1. Complete the Distance Learning orientation. You will find a link on the Blackboard login page on the left side of the screen under HOT LINKS. The link is title is “Blackboard Student Orientation”.
  2. Tell me what the number is for technical assistance is for students. Tell me what the hours are. You will find the information under the HOT LINKS section at the Blackboard login page also.
  3. How do you download a FREE copy of Microsoft Office from TCC?
  4. Register yourself on the MyITLab site AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Preferably within the first two days of the course.
  5. Explain to me specifically what you will graded on in this course?


TCC is in the process of conducting an assessment project for the Higher Learning Commission. At the end of the course a two part exam will be made available (through MyITLab) over the entire course. Basically this is to report to the Higher Learning Commission how well Computer Concepts students are learning the objectives set forth for the course. You will be REQUIRED to take this assessment test. Your individual names are not used as part of this- ONLY the scores. We will be discussing this more as the course begins. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.


It is a violation of the law to create unauthorized duplicates of copyrighted microcomputer software. TCC makes every effort to support these copyright agreements and does not support illegal duplication of copyrighted material.

Confidential information such as grades, returned assignments, etc. are sent via email in this course. It is recommended that you not give anyone else access to your email

Submitting Assignments

All lab assignments are to be submitted though the assignments area, accessed thru the assignments button on Blackboard. Assignments are not accepted by email. Your corrected (graded) lab assignments will bestored in the assignments area also. After you see a grade for the assignment, you can click on the grade to see instructor comments. If you get all the points possible on an assignment, nothing is recorded in assignments except your grade. All grades are posted to the on-line grade book accessed through the student gradebook area on Blackboard.