2016-2017 Residential Services Conference Scholarship Program

Purpose: The purpose of the Residential Services Conference Scholarship Program is to provide support for academic pursuits to selected TC on-campus residents and allow them an opportunity to share their research endeavors and interests with other members of the Teachers College residential community.

Overview: The Office of Residential Services is awarding three scholarships in the amount of $100.00 each to three residents who successfully develop and design a program that is directly or indirectly related to their primary field of study. Each recipient must present their program to the Teachers College residential community, programs can be passive programs or active programs. Participants are required to properly advertise for their event (a minimum of five days in advance) and are also responsible for securing a location for their presentation/program. Additional funds may be provided for refreshments.


  • Participants must be full time Teachers College students currently residing in on-campus housing.
  • Participants must attend a professional conference (of their choice) at some point during the 2016-2017 academic year.
  • Funds must be used to off set conference costs, with few exceptions (Participants may not be reimbursed for food and beverage costs). Programs must be presented to members of the residential community prior to or after the selected conference. The presentation of the selected programs must occur before recipients may submit receipts for reimbursement.
  • The program or paper does not have to be accepted at a conference, however the conference of choice should be one that is related to the participant’s field of study and their academic interests and endeavors.

Application Process: The following materials must be submitted prior to the application deadline in order to receive consideration:

  • Completed Residential Services Conference Scholarship application
  • Complete outline of the suggested program idea
  • Current Resume

Application Time Frame:

12/5-1/23: Acceptance and review of application materials. All applications must be received byMonday, January 23, 2017.

1/23-1/30:Selection committee will review all application materials.

2/3:Recipients announced and notified via email.

2016-2017 Residential Services Conference Scholarship Program: Application

Type or print legibly. Please attach additional sheets as needed.

Last NameFirst Name

Teachers College AddressToday’s Date

Email AddressPhone (Preferred number only)

Degree Program

Conference Choice

Conference DatesConference Location

Program Title & Preferred Presentation Date

Will you be presenting on this topic at your conference of choice?Yes No

Would you like to present your program for the residential community even if you are not selected for the scholarship? Yes No

Please provide a bulleted breakdown of all conference costs:

Please provide a brief description of how this conference will aid you academically and professionally:

Please provide a brief summary of your program topic or idea and detail how this program will benefit members of the Teachers College Residential Community:

Please utilize this page to provide the committee with an in-depth outline of your presentation and/or program idea Please be sure to include specifics on how you plan to advertise for your program, what funds (if any) are required, the expected location, as well as the expected presentation date:

Thank you for your interest in the Residential Services Conference Scholarship Program! A member of the selection committee will be in touch with you!