October 24, 2017



The Common Council of the City of New Haven, Indiana, met at the City Administration Building on the 24th day of October at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in regular session in accordance with the rules of the council.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry McDonald who presided.

On call of the roll, the members of the Common Council were shown to be present or absent as follows:

Present: Dave Cheviron, Sarah DiGangi, Bob Byrd, Steve McMichael, Floyd Ball, Craig Dellinger

Absent: Terry Werling

Also Present: Attorney Steve Harants

Steve McMichael made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as mailed. Craig Dellinger seconded the motion and the motion was approved.

Title VI Statement

First item under new business was the Public Hearing of Ordinance G-17-09 an Ordinance Vacating Portions of Homestead Drive and Prospect Avenue in the City of New Haven. Director of Planning Brian Yoh went through the same presentation as he gave at the Council meeting of October 10th for those who could not attend the meeting. East Allen County Schools has requested to vacate Homestead Drive from SR 930 up to what we recognize is the north property line of EACS. Brian said it also happens to be where a platted alley way is for the homes along Park Avenue. Along with this EACS would also like to vacate Prospect Avenue in its entirety from Homestead Drive over to College. After the presentation Mayor Terry McDonald opened up the meeting for public comment. Park Superintendent Mike Clendenen 3056 Shawnee Trail said the New Haven/Adams Township Park Board has authorized him to speak in their behalf and they are in favor of this petition with Council’s approval they will work out a mutual agreement with EACS. The Mayor asked for comments for the second time. Charlie Hatten of the New Haven Chamber questioned if the parking lots would still be available to rent for events the Chamber holds at the Park. He also mentions the parking lot to the east is going to be half the size. Brian Yoh introduced Kirby Stahly and Jon Bomberger of EACS who were in attendance to answer questions. Mr. Stahly said EACS still plans to rent them but not the east parking lot during construction. The Mayor made the third and final call for comments and neither hearing or seeing any he closed the public hearing. Steve McMichael asked with the school being closer to the park, would this effect the ability to issue permits for wine and beer under the Ordinance because there is a distance requirement from any school building and if so would EACS have any objections of continuing that process. Craig Dellinger thought it was up to the judgement of the Superintendent. Brian Yoh does not believe the school will be any closer to the Park than the old one was. Attorney Steve Harants believes it is an event by event basis and he will look into it. Steve McMichael said not that we have had a lot of events there, but we would hate to do something that is contradictory to one of our Ordinances. Mayor McDonald asked the Director of Engineering if he had any problems with the any traffic pattern issues. Keith said no with the pattern that is presented. Mayor McDonald told the EACS representatives there has been traffic issues and near hits/misses of the pedestrians at the New Haven High School. The City will be contacting the Superintendent and Principal and going on tonight’s record saying there are students crossing mid-block, not at designated cross walk area. He said the City of New Haven has added additional sidewalk and convinced the State of Indiana to improve the sidewalks on their intersection improvement. Terry said there are parents stopping on Green to drop their kids off and then the children play frogger to cross Green Road. The Driveway Sub-Committee rejected the recommendations from the City for what we thought was the safest traffic patterns for both pedestrians and auto drivers. The City of New Haven will be asking EACS to provide staff members and would like their attention and cooperation. Steve McMichael made a motion to read by title only for the second time Ordinance G-17-09 An Ordinance Vacating Portions of Homestead Drive and Prospect Avenue in the City of New Haven. Bob Byrd seconded the motion and the motion was passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Dave Cheviron, Sarah DiGangi, Bob Byrd, Steve McMichael, Floyd Ball, Craig Dellinger

Nays: None

Absent: Terry Werling

The Clerk Treasurer then read by title only for the second reading Ordinance G-17-09 An Ordinance Vacating Portions of Homestead Drive and Prospect Avenue in the City of New Haven.

Craig Dellinger made a motion to read by title only for the third and final time Ordinance G-17-09 An Ordinance Vacating Portions of Homestead Drive and Prospect Avenue in the City of New Haven. Bob Byrd seconded the motion and the motion was passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Dave Cheviron, Sarah DiGangi, Bob Byrd, Steve McMichael, Floyd Ball, Craig Dellinger

Nays: None

Absent: Terry Werling

The Clerk Treasurer then read by title only for the third and final reading Ordinance G-17-09 An Ordinance Vacating Portions of Homestead Drive and Prospect Avenue in the City of New Haven. The Mayor declared Ordinance G-17-09 to have passed.

Next of the agenda was the third and final reading of the 2018 Budget. Greg Guerrettaz, President of Financial Solutions Group said he has done his final review and if you approve the budget tonight Clerk Treasurer Brenda Adams will submit the budget in Gateway tomorrow. Floyd Ball made a motion to read by title only for the third and final time the 2018 Budget. Steve McMichael seconded the motion and the motion was approved by the following vote:

Ayes: Dave Cheviron, Sarah DiGangi, Bob Byrd, Steve McMichael, Floyd Ball, Craig Dellinger

Nays: None

Absent: Terry Werling

The Clerk Treasurer then read by title only for the third and final reading the 2018 Budget. The Mayor declared the 2018 budget to have passed. The 2018 Budget was signed.

The next item on the agenda was the third and final reading of Ordinance A-17-07 Establishing the Salaries to be Paid to the Elected Officials of the City of New Haven, Indiana for the Year 2018. Craig Dellinger made a motion to read for the third and final time by title only an Ordinance A-17-07 Establishing the Salaries to be Paid to the Elected Officials of the City of New Haven, Indiana for the Year 2018. Dave Cheviron seconded the motion and the motion was approved by the following vote:

Ayes: Dave Cheviron, Sarah DiGangi, Bob Byrd, Steve McMichael, Floyd Ball, Craig Dellinger

Nays: None

Absent: Terry Werling

The Clerk Treasurer then read by title only for the third and final reading Ordinance A-17-07 Establishing the Salaries to be Paid to the Elected Officials of the City of New Haven, Indiana for the Year 2018. The Mayor declared Ordinance G-17-07 to have passed.

The next item on the agenda was the third and final reading of Ordinance A-17-08 as amended Fixing the Salaries of Each and Every Officer, Employee, Deputy, Assistant, and Department and Institutional Head of the City of New Haven, Indiana for the Year 2018. Steve McMichael made a motion to read for the third and final time by title only Ordinance A-17-08 as amended Fixing the Salaries of Each and Every Officer, Employee, Deputy, Assistant, and Department and Institutional Head of the City of New Haven, Indiana for the Year 2018. Bob Byrd seconded the motion and the motion was approved by the following vote:

Ayes: Dave Cheviron, Sarah DiGangi, Bob Byrd, Steve McMichael, Floyd Ball, Craig Dellinger

Nays: None

Absent: Terry Werling

The Clerk Treasurer then read by title only for the third and final time Ordinance A-17-08 as amended Fixing the Salaries of Each and Every Officer, Employee, Deputy, Assistant, and Department and Institutional Head of the City of New Haven, Indiana for the Year 2018. The Mayor declared Ordinance G-17-08 to have passed.

Steve McMichael said the City of New Haven has lost a great friend, Vic Socrider. He was a great help to the Chamber and the community.

Greg Guerrettaz, President of Financial Solutions Group said we will be closing on the refinancing of the Park Bonds on October 25th. The interest rates were low and the Park will have around $238,000 to spend on the Jury Pool and the Jury Park. Mayor McDonald said we had a very good meeting with SRF discussing the lateral program. He said there is still a long way to go and he will keep you up to date. We are trying to keep the consumer rate low and get into compliance. Greg said it will be win win situation if we can accomplish it. Charlie Hatten reminded Council of some dates coming up:

October 31st Halloween

November 9th Chamber Dinner

December 7th Legislative meeting with Representatives

December 8th Tree Lighting with Santa

Director of Engineering Keith Schlegel told Council the Fire Department will be burning down the house on the Werling Farm on October 28th. He reported we have started on the 2016 Community Crossings Project on Greenmoor Drive and the City was successful on getting an award for the 2017 Community Crossings Project to re-pave Section V of the Scarborough Addition. Superintendent Dave Jones said next month the Public Works Department will start the accreditation process. Fire Chief Josh Hale gave an update on the training they received with the Werling Road Project. Charles Hatten thanked Chief Hale for the training the Department provided for the Chambers Lunch and Learn program. Mayor said we have trained about 60 people in the community for CPR. An update of the façade and parking lot of the Lincoln Park Plaza is taking place now.

Bob Byrd moved to adjourn the meeting. Craig Dellinger seconded the motion and the motion was approved.


Brenda Adams Clerk Treasurer


Mayor Terry E. McDonald

Presiding Officer