Beverley Chamber Of Trade

"Working together to build a better Business Community for Beverley"

Minutes of Meeting

25th Sept 2013
Beverley Arms Hotel

Julian Minshall – Chair & Indicoll
Louise Grant - Browns & Secretary

Jason Huby – Treasurer & Huby Domestic

Tamara Hall – Molescroft Farms Ltd

Simon Delaney - Delany Marling Partnership

Philip Guest –Guest and Philips

Phillip Scaife – Frame 3D Ltd

Joy Jack – Jacks

Nick Machen - Nick Machen Designs

Liz Parkin - The Bread Shed

Adam Guttridge - FSB

Steven Hunter & Darren Dorn - Beverley Property Maintenance

Sue Kirkman - East Riding Theatre


John Ben – 2 Chefs

Karl Beautiman - W.H.Halmshaw Ltd

Helen Bloor- HSBC

Terry Lees – Simply Food M&S

Bridget Halsted & Gary Hornsby - Salt Architects

Alan Hemmingway – Alan Hemmingway Consultants

John Cant – Marumarket

Gary Cammidge – Ceramic Tile Merchants

Andy Beet – MKMBuilding Supplies

Karen - Glenholme Florists

Nigel Walker - Fine Art Creations


Welcome by JM

1: Minutes of last meeting accepted

2: Agenda of meeting discussed

3: Treasurer’s report

All members can pay by either BACS or Cheque. Fee's will be invested
in promoting the Chamber, and supporting local business and community events.

4: Chairman's Comments

Big thanks to all who attended the Chamber Fun Day, special thanks to John Benn for providing a wonderful BBQ and Phil for the Ice cream. A great afternoon was had by all.

Meeting with LEP - members should be aware that grants will soon be available for some local businesses, grants available through SCY Enterprise partnership (Adrian Shaw) Further info is available through &

Celebrating success 7 local business are up for awards - Local businesses to be proud of.

Tour de France could create additional revenue for local business, Beverley needs to be promoted as a destination to visit. It was agreed by all that this should be looked into in more detail.

5: Federation of Small Businesses - Adam Guttridge

The FSB has over 200k members & 160 in the HU17 area, the FSB wishes to work with the Chamber to hold an event for local businesses. Adam gave several examples of what the FSB does for it's members.

Offer specific benefits such as legal helpline - Adam gave example of how a small business was advised and assisted by FSB in a tribunal case resulting in them picking up the £30k bill.

All legal questions answered by experts, H&S, Risk Assessment, tax investigations, Banking Rates are just some of the area's the FSB can offer advice.

The membership varies dependant on size of the business avg £150 - £300

6: Updates on Local Interests

Saturday Market - work will cease on or around 15th Nov. Some local businesses in Sat Market are taking advise on a possible reduction in Business Rates. Both Philip & Simon are aware of companies who can assist in this matter. Since the meeting some businesses in the affected area have been contacted by the Valuation Office Agency.

Flemingate - Works to start soon, Contractors have been appointed.

Aldi - Opens tomorrow with much anticipation

Grovehill - An extension has been granted until Christmas, it was agreed that Alan Menzies should be invited to Chamber meeting to discuss this and other developments.

Southern Relief Road - Possibility of 100's of home being cut from the development. Some concerns over what community facilities will be available for the 3,000 homes planned. There is a 15 year development plan and have been several consultations with the Town Council about possibility of disproportionate amount of housing. Concerns that Beverley doesn't loose it's identity. There are plans in place for a new primary school, new shopping area beyond relief road.

7: East Riding Theatre - Sue Kirkman

Vincent Regan is one of the main founders and as a local resident he found it difficult to understand how we didn't have a theatre. A feasibility study was undertaken and a steering group was formed.

Our mission is to provide a vibrant hub where the local community, and visitors to the region, can enjoy high quality professional theatre and music.

The council said the they could use the Chapel in Lord Roberts road but that they would have to fund all works etc themselves. An architect was appointed and the work began. Constantly looking for sponsors especially Corporate Funding

Sue is in charge of project managing the development, The ERC receives no funding and all work completed has to be funded through fundraising.

The ERC has held several events now, all of which have been a huge success.

Phase one should be completed by Christmas - this includes Disabled Access, Toilets and Fire exits.

8: Dinner Dance -

Date confirmed as Saturday 19th Oct, members need to promote event to other business colleagues. Numbers need to be confirmed by Tues 15th Oct. Good night is promised to all who attend.

9 :Christmas Lights

Date confirmed as 29th November, Ice Rink has proved to difficult to facilitate as it would take up too much space.

Confirmed events for the evening are

Outdoor Cinema showing "The Snowman"

Winter Fayre - Local organizations such as Brownies and business working together. The Sat market stalls are to be set out on Friday. Any business wishing to work along side organizations please speak to Phil or Nick.


Expo to be discussed at a later date



Date of next meeting: Wed 30th Oct 2013 at 6pm

Venue: Beverley Arms Hotel