Class Guidelines: PVCM 7

Mrs. Todosiev Room 703

Welcome to 7th grade and PVC Math 7!


3 SPIRALS with at least 100 pages I will collect and store the
A binder : one for multiple classes or a single binder. spirals with your name.

PENCILS – at least 3

Correcting pens (not markers) red, pink, purple or green that do not bleed through
scientific calculator – Be sure to have your name on it! Nothing expensive is needed!


No exceptions for credit

Notes/Daily Written Participation

Daily notes should have a title and date for easy cross reference. Your spiral notebook will contain your class notes, sample problems you have completed in class with me, warm-up problems and more. There will be several notebook/homework quizzes throughout the year in which you will demonstrate your ability to take organized notes and your participation in class during warm-ups and examples. You are also showing that you are able to navigate and read your own notes! As long as you are participating, staying organized and completing and retaining your hw, this should be easy.

All students will have either a MATH BINDER or a BINDER for multiple classes.
There will be many handouts that you will need to keep organized.

Tests, progress checks, quizzes, projects and behavior/material points
These make up 75% of your grade.

Tests: Math tests at PVIS take place on Wednesdays or Fridays. All tests are announced far in advance orally, on the board and on my Edlio page on the calendar. Each test is usually between 75-100 points and is to be signed by the parent and returned to the instructor. I do keep the tests, so if you wish to have a copy you will need to do that before you hand it in. You will earn hw points each time you get your test signed on time.

Materials and Behavior points: Each trimester, the students will begin with 25 points. The idea is to hold on to as many of these as possible. It’s a FREE 25 points! Any lost points will have an explanation in the adjoining gradebook column to understand what might be happening in class. Participate positively in class, turn in work on time and be your usual, courteous self. I am so fortunate to have such wonderful students that this is the easy part! Watch the gum, talking and tardies, don’t forget your “stuff,” get involved in our discussions and all is terrific!

·  There is a NO PHONE policy in class. I should not see it or hear it. There will be times when we can use it as a reference. (-10 behavior points for having the phone without permission)

Homework: Homework counts! 25% J It should always be titled with the page and problem numbers. Homework is completed in PENCIL for full credit and WORK must be shown neatly, legibly and logically next to each problem. You should write your hw in your agenda book daily. DO NOT RELY on the web. You will be able to refer to your corrected hw for the notebook quizzes. Do your work, correct your work and keep your work. No problem.

Hw is scored on a 0-3 scale.

3: Many problems correct demonstrating working knowledge of the concept, followed directions,
neat and logical work shown in proper form, includes heading, and assignment pages/problems.

2: Missed more problems than you should at that stage

1: Didn’t follow directions, not enough work shown, NO NAME or ASSIGNMENT NUMBER or NO

ASSIGNMENT page and problems legibly written on the hw paper.

0: didn’t do it, no work, less than 75% complete, in locker or at home, missing name if an
assignment that is handed in. An automatic 0 is given where dishonesty is involved.

1 Hw Pass per trimester is allowed. You do not need to make up the assignment but you will
need to know how to do the material.

Class Website: Edlio Page (hw, new and misc.)
(Go to and search Staff Directory for Mrs. Todosiev, find PVC Math 7 under Academics, or use the direct link on Aeries to access the page. Be sure to bookmark it for easy access next time.)

I update Edlio almost daily; it will be an excellent resource for both students and parents. Remember that you MUST write your hw in your Agenda and not rely on the web for the assignments although it should be there. You can subscribe to the Start Page and Class Page to be notified of changes.

Aeries Website : ( provides grades) Use the Aeries Parent Portal to access grades.

Textbook: book: California – Course 2
The book can be accessed without any formal password through the Clever App in your 365 account.

Extra Credit: There will be limited opportunities for extra credit. Each test has a bonus question and I will offer certain extra credit opportunities to everyone as a group; please don’t ask for individual extra credit. Students should learn to do what is expected on regular assignments

Extra Help:

I will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school for hw help or questions from 3-3:45.
All are welcome but you must be working or you will be asked to leave.

My email is . Please feel free to use that at any time.
My school phone is 310.544.4816 ext. 703 Welcome to all and I look forward to a great year!

Math 7 Course Guidelines Signature Page

You will need to KEEP the first 2 pages in your binder. This 3rd page will be filled in and handed in to me.

I understand the hw and class policies.


Print student’s name student signature


Print parent’s name parent signature

Please provide any information you’d like to share with me in the space provided below. This can be parent or student provided.