Rome Competition

Directions: With your partner, answer as many of the following questions as possible. In this competition, you are working for speed as well as accuracy. To get your total score, you will multiply the total number of questions you get right by the bonus earned by your order of finish. [ Ex. 1st place finisher (5) x correct answers (10) = score of 50]

______Who was assassinated on March 15, 44 BC in the Roman Senate?

______These brothers were the legendary founders of Rome?

______Into what river were the legendary founders of Rome thrown into as babies?

______Whose reign signaled the beginning of the Roman Empire period?

______What was the first overseas province of the Romans?

______This general led the Carthaginians against the Romans in the battle of Cannae.

______Portions of what three continents were included in the greatest expanse of the Roman Empire?

______When the capital of the Empire was moved to the east, it was located in what city?

______Who was responsible for dividing the Roman Empire into two parts, eastern and western?

______What two major architectural techniques were developed by the Romans (not Greek columns)?

______How did Roman cities get fresh water from far away?

______What Roman poet wrote about the legendary warrior Aeneas? What was the name of his story?

______Where were the major gladiatorial events held in Rome?

______Who wrote the history of Rome from it origins to 9 BC? It is seen more as a national myth.

______Which Roman scientist developed the geo-centric theory of the earth?

______What philosophy (based on accepting fate) was best demonstrated by the emperor Marcus Aurelius?

______Who made up the first triumvirate?

______By what name were the three wars with Carthage called?

______Which group of people sacked Rome in 410 AD under the leadership of Alaric?

______What are the dates of the RomanRepublic period?

______What event signals the beginning of the Republic period?

______What legislative body had supreme power during the Republic period?

______Which group of people, consisting of the commoners, made up the majority of the population?

______The elected leaders of this group of people were called _____?

______Who were the rich, aristocratic landowners who had most of the power in Rome?

______Who made up the second triumvirate?

______When was Rome founded?

______Who was the last Roman emperor?

______What year did the Roman empire as we know it, cease to exist?

______Julius Caesar was governor of what province after his stint as consul in 59 BC?


Scoring Key

1 / 5
2 / 4.8
3 / 4.6
4 / 4.4
5 / 4.2
6 / 4
7 / 3.8
8 / 3.6
9 / 3.4
10 / 3.2
11 / 3
12 / 2.8
13 / 2.6

The team with the highest total score will receive 3 bonus points on the next exam.

The team with the second highest total score will receive 2 bonus points.

The team with the third highest total will receive 1 points.

Your team must earn a total score of at least 65 to earn any bonus points.