Minutes of the Meeting
held on Tuesday 3rd November 2015 at 7pm at the Stoke Orchard Community Centre, Stoke Orchard
Present:- Cllr R Chatham, Cllr R Grimmett, Cllr J Gilder, Cllr M Simpson, Mrs C Reid (Clerk), James Raywood (The Orchard Store Manager) Sue Fereday (Chair of Community Centre Committee) and 5 parishioners
1Public Participation (please note any items needing decisions will be carried forward to the next Agenda/Meeting) - Parishioner mentioned traffic situation, which is to be discussed item 13
2To receive apologies for absence :-Cllr A Troughton, Borough Cllr M Gore
Absent with no acknowledgement – County Cllr Robert Bird
3Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.
4To agree the minutes of last meeting – The minutes of the meeting held on 1st September 2015 were agreed by all and signed as a true record
5Clerks Report (including Matters Arising) – All items listed as agenda items.
6Borough Councillors Report - No Report
7County Councillors Report - No Report –SO & TPC were extremely disappointed that they were not fully represented at GCC. Clerk advised that apart from 1 x wrongly sent email from County Councillor Bird,no email had ever been received since his appointment.
8Land by the Chapel Update (land off Dean Lane) and S106 progress report – It was agreed that SO & TPC to meet with TBC to agree the final details of this application.
9Community Centre update to include any outstanding items needing decision – Sue Fereday reported the Hall bookings were going well and now had lots of regular bookings. A childrens Halloween Party organised by the committee had sold out and there was lots of interest regarding New Years Eve. Another person was now helping with the bookings. A lottery grant application had been applied for but needed a few questions answered by the parish council – SF to forward onto the Clerk Cllr Chatham advised we were now 2 days over the snagging period and we should have had a completion letter. Cllr Chatham had forwarded a final snagging list to Bloor which hopefully will be completed by the end of the year. Cllr Chatham thanked the whole committee for their immense effort in ensuring the positive workings of the Community Centre.
10The Orchard Stores update to include any outstanding items needing decision – James Raywood reported the shop was making steady progress and there was now a good returning customer base. Classes are coming for coffee after their event at the Community Centre. James was building links with local businesses to get local foods. Accounts were now being dealt with by Devereux and Hunt in Tewkesbury. James reported the chip and pin credit card machine was now in place. He also had arranged a meeting with Plunkett. A major challenge was engaging volunteers and highlighting the flexibility of the role. James advised he was in the process of introducing a 'Shop Manual' to give volunteers an insight to the different roles. Cllr Chatham thanked James and advised Plunkett had mentioned that it would be difficult to get volunteers as no funds needed to be raised by locals to open the shop in the first place. Cllr Chatham advised he would attend the next Community Centre open day and try and get interest for the shop membership/share scheme.
11MUGA update to include any outstanding items needing decision - – Cllr Chatham had met with Steve Macpherson of Bloor Homes to discuss the future project. Bloor agreed to strengthen the entrance which has now been cleared. There will be site facilities for 2 x tennis courts with 1 of them being a mixed use MUGA. The area could have flood lights if required as well as water. It was agreed that if storage was required then it would need to be a decent shed. It was agreed by all that Bloor go ahead with the works. It is hoped to be completed by April 2016 Cllr Chatham advised that SO & TPC would need to think about the running of the new facility.
12New Car Park extension scheme as per S106 to include any items needing decision and includes Re-Routing the School Bus proposal – progress report - Cllr Chatham advised he had submitted plans to Richard Waters of Glos. Highways along with old drawings of the CRE site showing the entrance. Bloor had agreed to prepare the drawings for planning
13Discussion/decision to a solution - Speeding within in the parish – The Parish Council are concerned with this serious issue within the parish and gaining an effect solution. It was thought that the 'active' signs which advise of the actual speed to the motorist were most effective. It was agreed by all Clerk obtain an idea of costs/quote for next meeting.
14Discussion/decision to a solution - Public Bus currently stopping in the wrong area within Stoke Orchard - A parishioner had contacted Cllr Chatham and advised tat the bus was stopping in the wrong place and blocking their drive. The parishioner has since advised that this has been dealt with.
15Village Entrance Gates Update - No Progress and no further acknowledgement to this project by County Cllr Bird. It was agreed that Cllr Simpson contact Cllr Bird to find out what the problem is.
16To agree the cheques/financial report
Budget ReportTotal Spend for 2014/15 / Spend to Date 2015/16
Salary / 3,650.32 / 2,687.32
Pata / 74.00 / 130.80
Stationery,Post / 91.69 / 61.28
Meetings / 105.00 / 0.00
Insurance / 284.21 / 212.98
Subs / 184.09 / GAPTC / 50.00
Training / 0.00 / 0.00
Audit / 65.00 / Internal/ / 156.00
Amenities / 520.00 / Grass Cutting / 530.00
Telephone / 36.50 / 10.00
Parish Mag / 50.18 / 182.95
Hall / 3726.44 / 6,291.43
Shop Workings / 671.25 / 3,040.49
Sundry / 2,675.00 / 182.95
12,133.68 / 13,536.20
INCOME / Monies Owed to PC from Hall
2014/5 / 2015/16
Precept / 8,569.00
Vat Return / 2,027.98 / 3526.15 / 6291.43
Interest / 0.52
Grass Cutting
Donations / 0.00
TOTAL / 10,597.50
BANK ACCOUNTS / 106 Actual / Budget
Current / 7,929.67 / Shop / 18,372.21 / 50000
Savings / 292.44 / Bus / 30,000.00 / 35000
______/ Hall / 5,811.07 / 0
54,183.28 / 90,292.00
E-On / 635 / 68.40
Cathy Reid / 637 / 660.72
17Drainage Reports for both Villages - Cllr Chatham reported that Severn Trent had pressure washed the sewers into the pumping station in Tredington. There s a blockage by the bridge in Tredington which still needs attention. Sewerage is leaking into the ditch, Severn Trent visited and cleaned the silt out of pipe but it has not yet been mended. Dean Lane – silt was in the pipe under the main road and water can be heard running to pumping station which indicates an underground leak.
18Planning:-To discuss the following applications:-
NEW APPLICATION – 15/01036/FUL - Variation of Condition 7 attached to 14/00074/OUT relating to an amendment of tree and landscape planting to the development of 45 dwellings. - Parcel 2521, Banady Lane, STOKE ORCHARD. - - It was agreed by all that SO & T PC are concerned with the anomalies of the situation.
Comment was made regarding the Solar Farm in the parish with the state of the muddy road around that site. Cllr Chatham agreed to speak to Cllr Troughton..
19Neighbourhood Watch Report – Cllr Chatham had been advised that there had been a large spate of burglaries within Tewkesbury with 8 in 1 day in one day. Cllr Chatham was trying to expand the Neighbourhood Watch distribution list.
20Dates of Next Meetings
Tuesday 1st December 2015 at 7pm – Planning Only