AUGUST 23, 2004

Don Minton started the Referee meeting at 6:35PM.

Present at tonight’s meeting were the following members – Don Minton, Bill Foley, Tim Brennan, Raul Marques, Richard Eddy, David Carmody, Steven Wollins, John Gugliotti, Chris Sinko, Carl DalBon, Jesus Zornoza, Glen Randmer, Joe Maimone, and Stan Kupinski. Sue Schultz took the minutes in Gerry Koppe’s absence.


John Gugliotti (NW ARA):Completed Grade 8 Referee Course in Norfolk on 7/24, twenty-three (23) new referees. Grade 9 Referee Course in Bantam currently running twenty (20) new referees. District club referee assignor meeting to be held middle of September. Getting together dates and locations for 2005 recerts.

Bill Foley (NE ARA):

Entry Level 8 clinic near complete, 35 students. Class has gone well with 32 passing the exam last Friday on the first try. Field session makeup for three of them.

Recerts for 9 and 8’s are all at one site – different tests for each level.

Tim Brennan has replaced Steve Woolbert as the CJSA Board representative to SRC.

Chris Sinko (SE DRA):

Grade 8 at Old Lyme – 17 passed. Waterford starting. Colchester needs 9.

Joe Maimone (Central):

Four Fitness Tests have been scheduled:

Sunday 9-19 - 2-5:00PM Rocky Hill HS Track

Saturday 10-2 – 10-12Noon Rocky Hill HS Track

Saturday 11-27 – 9-12Noon Rocky Hill HS Track

Thursday 12-30 – 6-8:00PM Rocky Hill HS Track

Recertifications scheduled:

9-20-04 Rocky Hill Community Center 6:30-9:00PM will sit comfortably for test taking 120 – 6 each round table

11-9-04 BristolS.C. 6-8:30PM

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Minutes of August 23, 2004

Recerts cannot begin until after Columbus Day. Jesus advised Joe that perhaps he has too many Fitness tests.

No DRA at present in Central District – Paul Barbagallo will step in during the interim.

Carl DalBon (Assignor):

There were 27 people (as per attached report) that attended the August 21, 2004 Assignor Course at the CJSA Office. It was a great course – next course will be at the AGM.

As far as a Certified Assignor – if a club does not have an assignor they can have anyone assign the games until a course is available for assignors.

Glen Randmer:

Stan, Glen and Carl are checking with Hammerhead on cost and procedures to have an interactive web based area on the CSRP website to collect Assignor information and organize it in a database. They need to find out what benefits the State will get.

There is a link to Referee Clinics on the home page now. New images for the scrolling window on the home page as well. New links on the home page to recognize various Referees who represented CT at various high level competitions. Also the addition of Chris Sinko as the new SE ARA on the directory page.

Dave Carmody:

Dave brought the USASA National Cup 04-05 Cup Policies with him. There are some excellent referees at National finals. Finals are next year in Texas. CT should send referees.

There have been difficulties with 48 hour game reports. A new policy and the CSSA executive board will get the proposal. Referees who have not turned in red cards and reports within 48 hour time period there will be a penalty of one month period not using that referee. This proposal will go to CSSA in September.

There was much discussion about the referees and how the money is spent. He feels the referee budget should be reviewed by CJSA and CSSA. Referee money should be spent to better the referee program.

There was much discussion regarding CSSA not giving up the assigning fees seniors are charging referees. Dave wants referees to subsidize these fees. Jesus totally disagrees with this.

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Minutes of August 23, 2004

Stan Kupinski:

On-line Referee registration/Upgrade system has been started by Hammerhead, and within 15 days we will see how the system is working.

Steven Wollins (SDI):

Changes in policy for Entry Level Courses – new procedures. It was suggested that this be sent out to the CJSA Club Affiliates.

Two entry referee grades were completed – Grade 8 course in NE and SE, another in SE in September. Grade 9 courses in Simsbury and Bantam.

Steven mentioned with regard to the budget the Entry Level is breakeven while the Recerts make the money.

Currently he has thirteen taking the Instructor Course. Alex Lucas is the only State Instructor in CT.

Some changes in the Recerts – increase the size of the class. 72 hour sign up limit – cancel if not at minimum. October 12 – Tuesday after Columbus Day is the first day for Recerts.

On Rule Change only one signature. Also the Golden Goal is not legal anymore – 1) two equal periods in full, 2) PK’s.

Jesus Zornoza (SYRA):

There will be a new course – Associate Assessor Course.

Jesus proposed for Doug to recognize over the winter – 50 – 60 referees and have them do educational assessments – no assignment just go to any game and watch the game and do educational assessment. CSRP will pay for this.

Next meeting – each ARA should bring 5-6 candidate’s names to Jesus for possible inclusion in this program. This is a paid mentoring program. At the end of the game a form is completed on-line for evaluation of the referees.

There has been an increase in referees this year.

John Collins, former National Referee, will become “Emeritus”.

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Minutes of August 23, 2004

We are sending eight (8) referees to “Sun Bowl”. He is requesting help with cars needed in Florida.

Proposal was made by Jesus Zornoza, seconded by Tim Brennan to give up to $400.00 for the rental of two (2) cars for travel between games during the “Sun Bowl” tournament. Motion passed unanimously.

Jesus will rent cars, submit expenses after trip and will be reimbursed up to $400.

Jessica had submitted her report regarding the Referee Camp which she ran this summer. The camp went very well once again.

Budget was up on 8/20/04 - fiscal year ends 8/31/04. Purchased for the 03-04 fiscal year were the new website, Referee Camp, shirts, LCP Projector, VCR, Administration and Registration System. All were to better our referees.

The 04-05 Proposed Budget will be spent to better the quality of referees. Need to present this budget to both State Associations. The following correction to the budget was made: Computers should be put under appropriate line item, not supplies item.

By August 26 please send all comments RE: Budget to Jesus.

Recert Procedures – form to be emailed out for completion to be posted. 30 min./60 max. Level 8 and 9 together.

72 hours prior to clinic the minimum number must be signed up or the course will be canceled. Club cannot pay the difference to make up the minimum number required.

12 New Entry Level Instructors – must volunteer at some clinics first. No badges given out at clinic – sent from USSF.

For the Good of the Game:

Steven Wollins – mentoring – “self and group assess”. The more we can talk to fellow referees about what they are doing right or wrong the better it will be for all of us.

Bring this out at recerts. The only way to improve is to ask fellow referees for evaluations to better themselves.

Jesus Zornoza mentioned that an Awards Night for Referees as MA is doing now – CT should consider it. Brings everyone together.

Also the UCONN dinner, “Meet the Huskies”, will be honoring Kathy Zolad.

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Minutes of August 23, 2004

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. Our next meeting will be held on November 1, 2004 at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Schultz (For Gerry Koppe)