Pertanika Vol. 2 No. 2 December 1979


Pollen Studies on Viciafaba L. I, Germination Medium and Incubation Duration and Temperature

E. S. Lim


Viciafaba; pollen; germination medium; incubation


The optimum culture conditions for V. faba pollen in vitro were determined using factorial combinations of agar and sucrose concentrations with various incubation durations and temperatures. Maximum pollen germination and the growth was obtained using a culture medium consisting of 2% agar and 25% sucrose and incubating for 2 hours at 25°C. The bursting of pollen grains and tubes were minimum under these conditions.


Phosphate Adsorption by Some Malaysian Soils



Phosphate adsorption; Langmuir isotherm; slope; intercept; binding energy; phosphate fractionation


Tropical soils absorb a large amount of phosphorus that are being added as fertilizers. To evaluate this for Malaysian soils, four representative soils from the order Ultisols and Oxisols were used. One gram of the soils was equilibrated with 0.1 N KCl containing various amounts of inorganic P for 24 hours. The phosphorus disappearing from the solution was taken as the amount adsorbed. The sorption data were evaluated using the Langmuir isotherm equation. It was found that this only fits at equilibrium concentration less than 12 mg P l-1. The maximum amount of phosphorus that can be absorbed by these soils was calculated to be 1.08, 0.75, 1.24 and 1.08 mg P g-1 soil for the Bungor, Durian, Melaka and Munchong soil series respectively. The adsorbed P was fractionated and found to contain more Al-P than Fe-P, confirming the knowledge that AI plays a more important role than Fe in phosphate fixation.


Field Efficacy of Several Selected Insecticides Against the Diamondback moth, Plutellaxylostella( L )1, on Cabbage, Brassicaoleracea var. capitata (L), in the Lowland of Malaysia

Rosli B. Mohamad, Yusof B. Ibrahim, and Chong Wei Cheong


Field efficiency; selected insecticides; Diamondback moth; cabbage; lowland Malaysia


Efficacy of several selected insecticides available in the market was tested against the Diamondback moth, Plutellaxylostella (L), on cabbage, Brassicaoleracea var. capitata (L), in the lowland (University of Agriculture Malaysia farm). In general, the results showed that acephate, methamidophos, and bendiocarb all at 0.1% a.i., Bacillus thuringiensis at lg./l., diflubenzuron at 0.007% a.i., each in 450 I. of water /ha. caused significant reduction (P≤0.05) in larval population. These insecticides also provided equal protection against larval damage on young hearting leaves of cabbage. Consistently, the control plots gave significantly lower yield (P≤0.05) of marketable heads as compared to the insecticide treated plots.


The Response to Potassium and Uptake by Maize (Zeamays L) on Two Malaysian Soils

Peli Mat, AminuddinHussin and Othman Yaacob


Potassium; response; uptake; Zeamays L; Malaysian soils


The response to four levels of K fertilizer (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg K20\ha) by maize (Zeamays var. Metro) on two known K-deficient soils of different texture (Munchong and Serdang) formerly under rubber, was studied in a pot experiment for three months, in relation to various K extraction methods. A significant increase in the dry matter yield of maize was found in the sandier Serdang soil, with 100 kg K2 0/ha; higher levels did not give increased yields. At 100 kg K2 0/ha level, dry matter yield response was also detected for clayey Munchong soil, but the total K uptake was significantly higher at 200 kg K2 0/ha in this soil than in Serdang soil. Extractable K by CH3COOH gave the highest significant correlation with the stem portion in Serdang soil (r = 0.921) and with the leaf in Munchong soil (r = 0.819).


An Econometric Analysis of Interstate Migration in Peninsular Malaysia

Ahmad MahdzanAyob


Econometric model; inter-state migration; regression; Peninsular Malaysia


An econometric model is used to explain inter-state migration in Peninsular Malaysia using the 1957 population census data. The determinants of interstate migration are the size of employment in the secondary and tertiary industries at the destination, the size of the population at the origin, distance between the two points, and a dummy variable indicating whether states share a common boundary and traversed by a road or railway.


Haematological Studies on the Malaysian Lesser Mouse-deer (Tragulusjavanicus)

M. K. Vidyadaran, M. Hilmi and Roy A. Sirimane


Haematological Studies; Tragulusjavanicus


A haematological study was conducted on the Malaysian Lesser Mouse-deer (Tragulusjavanicus) kept in captivity. This study revealed that the mouse-deer has a very high erythrocyte count of the smallest known size in any known ungulate. It also has relatively high haemoglobin content. The small size of the animal and the high erythrocyte count may reflect high metabolic rate while high haemoglobin content may reflect capacity for sustained muscular activity.


A Study of Lead Content in Soils and Grass around RoadsideLocations in and around Kuala Lumpur

K. S. Low, C. K. Lee and M. Yusof Bin Hj. Arshad


lead content; Soils; grass; roadsides; Kuala Lumpur


Analysis of samples of the grass Axonopuscompressus, Beauv. and soil in and around Kuala Lumpurshows the distribution of particulate lead to be strongly influenced by traffic density. In certain areas the leadcontamination in grass has reached the toxic level for cattle; other areas are approaching similar levels.Levels of lead in grass (as high as 200 ppm) at JalanTembusu were recorded while soil in the samearea gave a value greater than 700 ppm.


Theoretical Considerations for ViscoelasticCharacterization of Biomaterials

Naresh Chandra Saxena


Viscoelasticity; Biomaterials; Characterization


The mechanical properties of biomaterials need to be known and standardised before design, constructionand testing of processing and handling machinery can be undertaken. Since experiments in the past haveproved the viscoelastic nature of biomaterials, it is necessary to characterize them in order to ascertain theirresponse to handling and processing. For engineering materials, the application of the theory of viscoelasticityis now quite well known; but this is not the case for biomaterials. In the characterization of biomaterialsit will be necessary to modify the basic theory in the context of the bio-effects. The theoretical considerationsare discussed in this study. The various bio-engineering terms are defined and viscoelastic representation withparticular emphasis on bio-creep and relaxation is described.An attempt is made to show analogy with the mechanical models and their generalization. Barreleffectfor viscoelastic materials of bio-origin is outlined. The shift-factors and their significance as a material

property are also included.


PengoksidanSulfitoleh Adenosin-5'-PosfosulfatReduktaseDalamThiobacillusdenitrificans

M. Aminuddin


Thiobacillusdenitrificans; APS-reduktase


Sulphite is oxidised in the presence of AMP by an enzyme present in the soluble fraction of the cell.In the presence of ferricyanide, sulphite and AMP readily formed APS in the crude extract. However, whenferricyanide was replaced by nitrate and FMN under anaerobic conditions the yield of APS was only about10% of that obtained with ferricyanide. APS reductase was purified 35-fold. The purified enzyme wasinhibited by thiol-binding reagents. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 250,000.


Grazing Behaviour of the Swamp Buffalo (Bubalusbubalis)

H. Kassim and K. Baharin


Swamp buffalo; grazing behaviour; thermoregulation


Studies on the grazing behaviour of the swamp buffaloes were carried out in the UniversitiPertanianMalaysia farm at Puchong. The results have shown that grazing took place throughout the whole 24-hourperiod with the greater part during the day. As a means of thermoregulation the animals wallowed in a poolof water during the day and night; this was important in controlling body temperature and for the animals'well-being and hence their productivity. During the night the animals were either lying down or standing;there was with very little walking. Rumination took place while the animals were wallowing or lying down.


Vitamin B, Relative Nutritive Value and Palatability of Germinated Corn (Zeamays L.)

NormahHashim and Marion L. Fields


Germinated corn; Niacin; Riboflavin; Thiamin; RNV


Changes in the riboflavin, niacin, thiamin and Relative Nutritive Value (RNV) in germinated comwere studied. The corn were germinated for four days at 30°C and then dried at 50°C and ground. Thevitamins were analysed by microbiological methods. The RNV was analysed by using TetrahymenapyriformisW ATCC 10542. Acceptability was evaluated on com chips made from germinated corn. The threevitamins and the Relative Nutritive Value of the corn chips were also analysed.


Socio-economic Factors Associated with theAdoption of Applied Nutrition Programme (ANP) by

Households in a Malaysian Mukim

Maimunah Ismail


Socio-economic Factors; Adoption; Applied Nutrition Programme (ANP), Households,Malaysian Mukim


A study was conducted to determine: (i) some selected socio-economic factors related to the adoptionof ANP practices by rural households; (ii) the relationships of these selected factors in the adoption of ANPpractices; (Hi) which of the factors would make significant contributions to the non-adoption of ANP practicesby the households, and (iv) some of the reasons for the non-adoption of ANP practices.It was found that the adoption of health practices was of a higher level than that attained in food practices.Five out of fourteen socio-economic factors were found to contribute significantly towards adoption ofANP practices. These factors were: educational attainment; family size; age; attitude towards ANP ideasand practices; and club membership. The lack of human and non-human resources such as land labour, capital and time, an unfavourable attitude towards ANP ideas and practices and some environmental factors wereamong the common problems encountered during the adoption process.


Mineralogy and Genesis of Soils inUuiversitiPertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor

J. Shamshuddin and A. Darus


Mineralogy; Genesis; Soils; UniversitiPertanian Malaysia; Serdang; Selangor


Soils of UniversitiPertanian Malaysia were surveyed and studied in order to determine their mineralogyand genesis. The results of the study showed that there were four major soil series on the UniversitiPertanianfarm. Two of these series, namely Melaka and Munchong Series, were taxonomically classified as TropepticHaplorthox, while the other two, namely Serdang and Bungor Series, were classified as TypicPaleudult.The structure of the soils was found to be weak. The texture was clay in the case of Melaka, Munchongand Bungor Series and sandy clay loam in the case of Serdang Series. Melaka Series soil which containedpetroplinthite occur as capping on top of hills. Soils of Munchong, Bungor and Serdang occur either on theslope or on the lower position than Melaka Series.All soils were extremely weathered. The dominant clay minerals were kaolinite, gibbsite and goethite;2:1 type of clay mineral was virtually absent, except possibly some illite in Melaka Series. The pH was low,and so were exchangeable cations, CEC and % base saturation. On the other hand, exchangeable Al and Hwere significantly high.


Short Communication I: Effect of Car Exhausts on Lead Contamination in VegetablesGrown adjacent to Kuala Lumpur — Ceras Highway

Low Kun-She and Lee ChnoongKheng


It has already been established from studies over a wide area of Kuala Lumpur that lead contaminationin grass adjacent to heavy-traffic roads is hazardous to grazing cattle if local forage grass is the only sourceof food (Low, Lee and Arshad, 1979). In Kuala Lumpur, a number of vegetable farms are located nearheavy-traffic roads and contamination of lead caused by car exhausts on these vegetables has not been reported.This paper reports the levels of lead in leafy vegetables and their supporting soils in two locations. Thefirst was a commercial vegetable farm some 50 m from the Kuala Lumpur - Ceras Highway with heavy trafficdensity. The second was a domestic garden located on the UniversitiPertanian Malaysia campus where theflow of vehicles is generally low. In these areas deposition of lead, if any, on vegetables comes almost exclusively from automobile exhausts. There is no other known source of lead contamination in these areas.


Short Communication II: Rainfall interception, throughfall and stem flowin a secondary forest.

NikMuhamadMajid, MohdBasriHamzah, and Sharuddin Ahmad


The presence of forest or any other vegetative cover over an area of land influences the distributionpattern of rainfall. Some of the rain is intercepted and retained by the leaves and other parts of thetrees and eventually lost to the atmosphere in the form of evaporation. The rain water that reaches the soilsurface will arrive there by throughfall (passes directly through open spaces not covered by foliage or as dripsfrom the vegetative parts of the tree) and also by stemflow (flows down the surface of the stem). Measurementsof the amount of interception, throughfall and stemflow are therefore necessary towards understandingthe role of a forest cover in the hydrological cycle in a forest ecosystem.Studies of rain interception, throughfall and stemflow have received little attention in Malaysia. Kenworthy(1970) reported one such study under primary and disturbed forests at Ulu Gombak Reserve. Teoh(1971) conducted a similar study in a rubber plantation at SungeiBuloh and Low (1972) reported the workdone at Sungai Lui catchment area.This paper describes the results obtained from an investigation conducted at the Air Hit am ForestReserve, Puchong, Selangor to find out the percent interception, throughfall and stemflow. The vegetation istypically a secondary lowland dipterocarp forest of the "KedondongKempas" type. An attempt was alsomade to relate crown area and diameter of trees at breast height (D.B.H.) to stemflow.