Special Meeting

August 18, 2014

SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr. Michael Russo and Dennis Gragnolati




First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.



Selectman Gragnolati moved to approve the Minutes from the August 4, 2014 Special Meeting as published. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


1)  A letter from Doug Glazier resigning from the Charter Revision Commission, and 2) A letter from Donna Murphy stating her retirement from the Town Assessor position effective September 5, 2014.


a.  Set Town meeting date for Acceptance of Roadways:

Selectman Gragnolati moved to set a Town meeting date for acceptance of roadways located in the “Windsor Locks Farms” and “Northwind Estates” subdivisions: Szepanski Way, Acorn Drive, Mayrand Way, Meg Way, Cody Way and Kate Way for Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at 7:30pm. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


a.  Blight Ordinance Discussion

Selectman Wawruck stated that the Board of Selectmen should consider appointing a Committee to review and revise all the Ordinances, especially the Blight Ordinance. The Ordinances need to be reviewed for relevancy and any changes need to be reviewed by the Town Attorney. A discussion continued with regard to the Blight Ordinance and how much governing would or should be allowed in the Ordinance. They decided to wait until after Labor Day to appoint both the Ordinance Review Committee and a Building Committee.

b.  Nepotism Policy

Selectman Wawruck stated the Nepotism Policy has been incorporated into the Ethics Policy. It is now two paragraphs in the Ethics Policy which is somewhat shorter than was proposed by Mr. Paul Harrington at a previous meeting.

c.  Ethics Policy

Selectman Russo stated that the Ethics Policy for review is now a nine page document as compared to only two pages prior. In his opinion, the previous two page document had more bite. Selectman Wawruck stated that he would set up a meeting with the Board of Selectmen and the Town Attorney to review the policy and discuss it further.

Board of Selectmen

August 18, 2014

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d.  Discussion on Appointment of Town Historian

Selectmen Wawruck stated that he has received correspondence from multiple people interested in the Town Historian position. He has also received recommendations that they wait a while before filling that position. With the passing of Joe Bonito, the Historical Commission and the Historical Society need to reorganize and elect a new Society President, a new Commission Chairman, and possibly seek additional members. It was determined after a lengthy conversation that State Statute does not dictate the appointment of a Historian within a specific timeframe. Town residents Bill Fournier and Jerry Dougherty gave an overview of the Society and the Commission. They explained that the Commission is a Town function and the Society is a private non-profit organization, both having their own set of responsibilities. Mr. Fournier agreed to keep the Board of Selectmen updated on the progress of both the Commission and the Society.

e.  Non-Union Employee Compensation Time Policy – No update.

f.  Bus Shelter Update – The project is moving forward with build out to occur later this year.



Selectman Gragnolati moved to approve the Refund Request for August 18, 2014 in the amount of $5,436.70, as defined in Schedule A. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

A copy of Schedule A is attached to the Minutes of the August 18, 2014 Board of Selectmen Meeting.


Joseph Calsetta – 121 Orchard Hill Drive – 1) Mr. Calsetta stated that the Blight Ordinance is an evolving document and has gotten better. He added that if the Ordinance includes “Blight Police” you will have subjective viewpoints who want to punish and fine offenders rather than subjective viewpoints that look at the cause and seek a positive end result; 2) He stated that the Charter Revision Committee is looking into adding a section in the Charter that states that the governing body must review and revise all Ordinances within a stated timeframe. He added that there is an App called E-code 360 where you can find all the State Ordinances.



Selectman Wawruck gave an update on the Montgomery Building. He stated that the new owner has started cleaning up the grounds and it does look better. The clean-up will continue.

Selectman Wawruck stated that the DOT has relinquished their rights to the train station therefore allowing Amtrak to reach out to the FRA to finalize the building transfer to the town. Once the transfer occurs Cross Key Associates will be able to finalize the documents for the engineering/architectural portion of the project. Selectman Wawruck stated the project is moving forward and we hope to see some activity by spring of 2015.

The Bradley Development League met with Senator Murphy to discuss the passenger platform connection to Bradley Airport. They discussed adding rail links, which is very expensive, or a bus link. He added that the Senator is forming a coalition of the New England Congressional Delegation to seek transportation dollars for the region.

Board of Selectmen

August 18, 2014

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There was no update on the transfer of Maintainers from the Town Hall bargaining unit to the Public Works/WPCA Union.

The Board of Selectmen will continue to meet on Monday’s in September. Starting in October the meetings will revert back to the first and third Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m.

Selectman Russo moved to set the September meeting for Monday the 8th beginning at 5:00 pm and all meetings going forward will also start at 5:00 pm. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:14 p.m. was made by Selectman Gragnolati and seconded by Selectman Russo. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Pfaffenbicher

Sharon Pfaffenbicher
Recording Secretary

A full recording of this meeting is available on CD in the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town’s Website @ www.windsorlocksct.org

Schedule A

Refund Request for

August 18, 2014

Name / Bill Number / Reason for Refund / Refund Amount
Prior Year Refunds
CoreLogic Tax Service
Re: 70 Grove Street
P.O. Box 961250
Ft Worth, Texas 76161 / 2012-1-4841 / Over Payment / $ 1,785.29
Larry Moore
74 Royal Oaks Avenue
East Hampton, CT 06424 / 2012-3-62103 / Out of State / $ 110.61
Current Year Refunds
Lewis Benea / 2013-3-50942 / Vehicle Sold / $ 5.69
523 Denslow Street / 2013-3-50948 / Vehicle Sold / $ 22.56
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-3-50949 / Vehicle Sold / $ 113.07
Dell Equipment
Property Tax Dept
One Dell Way RR1-35
Round Rock, TX 78682 / 2013-2-40706 / Bill Deleted / $ 1051.96
William Moselsky
280 Mary Webb Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-3-63367 / Vehicle Sold / $ 6.22
Blaise & Sally Pascale
46 Elm Street
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-3-64284 / Vehicle Sold / $ 21.78
Benjamin Stahouski
51 Elm Street / 2013-3-71217 / Over Payment / $ 200.14
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-1-04491 / Over Payment / $ 2119.38
Total Prior Year Refunds / $ 1,895.90
Total Current Year Refunds / $ 3,540.80
Total Refunds / $ 5,436.70