Parents as Partners

  • Please try to allow your enough time for your daughter to get her shoes and jersey on and be ready to play before practices and warm ups for games. 10-15 minutes is usually sufficient.
  • We will have poor referees at times. We will teach our players that it is never ok to complain or make faces at a referee about a call that is made during a game. It is the coach’s job to talk with referees if there is a question about a call. We ask that you be a good role model for your player and also not complain to a referee about calls made during a game.
  • We hope that you enjoy watching your daughter play basketball. You are there to cheer on your player and the rest of the team. Please cheer for your player and leave the coaching to the coach. If you are coaching your player:
  1. You are taking her focus away from the coach and away from the game.
  2. You may be telling your player something that goes against what the coach is trying to accomplish.
  3. You are training your daughter to listen to the fans and be distracted.
  4. You are not allowing your daughter to learn and think for herself
  • There was an article by the Positive Coaching Alliance recently about what kids most want to hear from their parent after a game. The best thing you can tell your daughter is “I enjoyed watching you play”. That is the perfect response no matter what happens.
  • Please allow a time period (1 day?) to pass before you talk about what your daughter may have done wrong in a game. When you are both calm and away from the game, you can then have a more productive conversation about what she could work on. This will help keep your relationship positive and she will be more receptive to what you have to say.
  • Please allow a time period to pass before you talk with a coach about a game. We have a “24 hour rule” and have told our coaches that they are not to discuss a game situation with a parent until 24 hours have passed. This again is an effort to make sure that both parties are calm. If you wait to contact that coach, you will be more likely to keep a positive relationship with that coach and both of you will be more receptive to the conversation. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact the SGBA Board to mediate.
  • We are always looking for parents to get involved with the Shakopee Girls Basketball Association. Please contact a board member or your daughter’s coach if you are interested in being more involved and helping us work to improve our program!