City of Seattle


Consultant Contract

Recreation Facilities and Programming

Strategic Plan 2040

Procurement Schedule

Table 1: RFP Process Schedule

Task / Date/Time / Location
Solicitation Release / 09/05/2017 – 4:30 PM / Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce (DJC)
City of Seattle, The Consultant Connection
Pre-Submittal Conference – Optional / 09/19/2017 – 2:00 PM / Seattle Parks and Recreation
Park Planning and Development Division
800 Maynard Avenue S., 3rd Floor, Room 3C
Seattle, WA 98134-1336
Deadline for Questions / 09/26/2017 – 4:30 PM /
RFP Submittal Deadline / 10/04/2017 – 12:00 PM (Noon PDT) / Seattle Parks and Recreation
ATTN: Kevin Bergsrud
Park Planning and Development Division
800 Maynard Avenue S., 3rd Floor
Seattle, WA 98134-1336
Interviews / 10/18 – 10/19/2017 / To Be Determined
Consultant Selection / 10/23/2017
Announcement Consultant Selection / 10/26/2017
Negotiation Schedule – Anticipated / 11/02 – 11/14/2017
Contract Execution - Anticipated / 12/15/2017

The City reserves the right to modify this.

Changes will be posted on the City website or as otherwise stated.

Procurement Contact Information

Procurement Contact: Kevin Bergsrud, Senior Planning and Development Specialist


Unless authorized by the Project Manager, no other City official or employee may speak for the City regarding this solicitation until award is complete. Any Proposer contacting other City officials or employees does so at Proposer’s own risk. The City is not bound by such information.

Table 2: Delivery Address

Fed Ex & Hand Delivery - Physical Address / US Post Office - Mailing Address
Seattle Parks and Recreation
ATTN: Kevin Bergsrud
Planning and Development Division
800 Maynard Avenue South, 3rd Floor
Seattle, Washington, 98104 / Seattle Parks and Recreation
ATTN: Kevin Bergsrud
Planning and Development Division
800 Maynard Avenue South, 3rd Floor
Seattle, Washington, 98104

Unless authorized by the Procurement Contact, no other City official or employee may speak for the City regarding this solicitation until award is complete. Any Proposer contacting other City officials or employees does so at Proposer’s own risk. The City is not bound by such information.

Table of Contents

1. Purpose and Background. 3

2. Performance Schedule. 3

3. Solicitation Objectives. 3

4. Minimum Qualifications. 4

5. Scope of Work. 4

6. Contract Modifications. 6

7. Procedures and Requirements. 6

8. Response Materials and Submittal. 13

9. Selection Process. 15

10. Award and Contract Execution. 16

1.  Purpose and Background.

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) is seeking a consultant or a lead consultant and team to develop both a near-term plan and a long-term strategic plan for recreational facilities based on existing or desired new programming.

The consultant or lead consultant and team will conduct inventories of existing facility conditions and capacities relative to recreation program and programming, non-SPR recreation programming and facilities, and an in-depth statistically valid resident survey to identify existing program participation and desired future programs and programming. SPR staff and public involvement will be a key element to identify both future programs and programming. This information will be synthetized to identify near-term programming and facilities for an upcoming 6-year funding period; and to develop three scenarios which identify future programs programming and facilities for a year 2040 planning horizon.

2.  Performance Schedule.

This project will start in January 2018 and is anticipated to be completed by December 2018.

Deliverables include:

·  Recreation Facilities and Programming Strategic Plan 2040, including Recreation Facilities and Programming Plan 2018-2024

·  Recreation Facilities and Programming Prioritization and Finance Plan 2040

·  Joint Athletic Facilities Development Program 2018

3.  Solicitation Objectives.

The City expects to achieve the following outcomes through this consultant solicitation:

Development of a near-term plan and a long-term strategic plan which analyzes existing recreation facilities, programs and programming, identifies resident recreation participation and needs through a statistically valid survey, compare recreation needs to facility conditions and capacities; develop near-term 6-year facility priorities based on recreation programming, three scenarios to a 2040 horizon year for future programming and facilities based on various factors, develop a long-term prioritization and financing plan for constructing additional capacity or facilities based on the scenarios.

The successful consultant or lead consultant and team must demonstrate experience in:

·  developing long-term strategic plans for large urban park systems.

·  developing plans which meet Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) Standards for National Accreditation.

·  evaluating recreation facility conditions and capacities.

·  evaluating recreation programs and programming.

·  developing and conducting in-depth, statistically valid resident surveys.

·  conducting public outreach to underserved populations, new residents, populations by generations (e.g., Millennials, Boomers, etc.).

·  conducting focus groups with SPR staff, recreation groups and non-parks organizations.

·  developing future recreation program and programming, and facility scenarios based on variables ranging from population and demographic projections, land use, recreation and leisure time trends, climate and climate change, housing types and affordability, main employment sectors, etc.

·  developing long-term prioritization and financing plans.

4.  Minimum Qualifications.

Minimum qualifications are required for the Consultant or Lead Consultant and Team to be eligible to submit a proposal. Your submittal must show compliance to these minimum qualifications. Those that are not responsive to these qualifications shall be rejected by the City without further consideration. The consultant or lead consultant and team must:

·  Have a local office within 60 miles of the greater Seattle area.

·  Have or can obtain (prior to contract execution) a valid Washington state and City of Seattle business license, and register with the Washington Secretary of State Corporation Division. See sections 7.11 License and Business Tax Requirements.

·  Meet the City of Seattle consultant insurance requirements, per Section 7.27, Insurance Requirements and Section 10.7, Award and Contract Execution.

·  Include on the team a licensed landscape architect, architect and/or engineer registered in the State of Washington.

5.  Scope of Work.

A. Inventory: Programming, Facilities, Planning Contexts, Recreation Trends

Facilities Conditions and Capacities Inventory. Inventory SPR facilities and assess physical conditions and capacities. Program and Programming Inventory. Inventory SPR-provided recreation programs and programming hours, types, participation. Identify recreation programs and programming provided by non-profit organizations and for profit organizations which are similar to those offered by SPR. Identify existing recreational program or facility partnerships.

Athletic Facilities Inventory. Inventory athletic facilities owned by SPR, Seattle Public Schools (SPS), private primary and secondary schools; colleges and universities. Assess physical conditions of SPR facilities which are jointly used by SPR and SPS. Review SPR, SPR capital improvement plans to identify potential athletic facility and field and development sites. Inventory athletic facility usage for a past six-year period, including Joint Athletic Facility Program (JAFP) use, resident versus non-resident use. If possible identity training or competition levels (co-rec versus select clubs use).

Planning Contexts Review. Review existing SPR plans, studies, surveys, and programs; and plans, surveys, etc. developed by relevant recreation agencies and city departments (SDCI, OPCD, SDOT, Washington state RCO).

Recreation Trends Identification. Identify benchmark cities relative to types of programming offered, programming hours per capita, facilities per capita, etc. Identify national leisure and health trends, including lifetime recreation, team sports and recreation participation, based on Sports and Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) data, US Bureau of Labor Statistics data, etc. Identify Seattle leisure and health trends, including sports and recreation participation as available from various sources, including focus groups.

B. Public Involvement

Resident Survey of Recreation Programs and Programming. Conduct in-depth, statistically valid resident survey to identify SPR program and programming use and frequency, program quality, and participation. Structure survey with questions that can be used in future annual resident surveys, measuring participation, needs, satisfaction.

Focus Groups. Conduct focus groups with SPR recreation program units, institutional providers such as YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, Seattle Youth Soccer Association (SYSA), select generational groups (e.g. Millennials, Boomers), and others. Identify existing strengths and opportunities. Identify future recreation trends and potential partnerships.

Public Presentations. Conduct three to four public presentations, giving project updates and soliciting comments at different locations within the city. One presentation will outline the various scenarios for the year 2040 planning horizon. Conduct three to four presentations to the Board of Park Commissioners, giving project updates and soliciting comments. Conduct presentations to SPR recreation program units and other units as necessary.

Project Identity. Develop graphics to guide project promotion and public awareness of the planning effort and encourage participation in an in-depth resident survey.

C. Analysis

Synthesize collected information and data on programming, facility use, trends and demand; athletic facility and other facility usage by SPR, SPS and other organizations.

Synthesize facilities condition assessments, and identify opportunities, constraints, needs.

Identify opportunities, service area needs for programming and facilities, leased buildings, athletic facilities jointly used by SPR and SPS. Identify options for constructing future athletic facilities.

Identify opportunities for future revenue sources (e.g., pay-as-you-go, partnerships, non-resident fees, etc.) and budgets.

Identify capital investment priorities.

Summarize feedback from public presentations, city staff meetings, and interviews.

D. Identify Future Facility Needs and Desired Programming

Identify near term facility improvements which provide capacities for desired programming. Include needs for the following facilities: Athletic Facilities and Fields; Community Centers; Pre-Schools, Teen Life Centers, Lifetime Learning Centers, Environmental Learning Centers, Pools, Golf Courses, Boat Launches, and other facilities as identified by SPR.

Develop three scenarios identifying facility size and/or capacities to meet future programs and programming. The Plan may include adaptive reuse or repurposing of facilities based on future recreation trends and/or capital needs. Identify long-term improvements to a 2040 horizon year based upon resident survey results (participation, desired future programs, increasing or decreasing programming), population and recreation trends.

Identify alternative methods for developing recreation facilities, public-private partnerships, joint use of buildings, adaptive reuse or repurposing of underutilized recreation facilities, etc.

Identify race and social equity relative to future programs and programming, and facilities, and define approaches to increase race and social equity.

E. Recommendations

Develop policy alternatives relative to future programs, programming and facilities. Identify core facilities, their distribution and equitable access.

Develop action steps for the Prioritization and Finance Plan.

F. Deliverables

·  Final Recreation Services & Facilities Strategic Plan 2040 (Including Recreation Facilities and Programming Plan 2018-2024)

·  Prioritization and Finance Plan 2040

·  Joint Athletic Facility Development Program Update 2018

6.  Contract Modifications.

The City consultant contract is attached (See Section 10.8).

The City has attached its boilerplate contract terms so Proposers can be familiar with the boilerplate and the non-negotiable terms before submitting a proposal. Any questions about the City’s boilerplate should be made in advance of submittal.

If a Consultant seeks to modify the Contract, the Consultant must request that within their Proposal response as taking an “Exception”. The Consultant must provide a revised version that shows their proposed alternative contract language. The City is not obligated to accept such proposed changes. If you request Exceptions that materially change the character of the contract, the City may reject the Consultant’s Proposal as non-responsive. The City cannot modify provisions mandated by Federal, State or City law: Equal Benefits, Audit (Review of Vendor Records), WMBE, Confidentiality, and Debarment, or mutual indemnification. Such Exceptions would be summarily disregarded.

Although the City may open discussions with the highest ranked apparent successful Proposer to align the proposal or contract to best meet City needs, this does not ensure negotiation of modifications proposed by the consultant through the exception process above.

7.  Procedures and Requirements.

This section details City instructions and requirements for your submittal. The City reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject any Consultant response that fails to comply with the instructions.

7.1 Registration into the Online Business Directory

If you have not previously done so, register at: The City expects all firms to register. Women- and minority- owned firms are asked to self-identify (see section 7.25). For assistance, call Julie Salinas at 206-684-0383.

7.2 Pre-Submittal Conference

The City offers an optional pre-submittal conference at the time, date and location on page 1. Proposers are highly encouraged to attend but not required to attend to be eligible to propose. The meeting answers questions about the solicitation and clarify issues. This also allows Proposers to raise concerns. Failure to raise concerns over any issues at this opportunity will be a consideration in any protest filed regarding such items known as of this pre-proposal conference.

7.3 Questions.

Proposers may email questions to the Procurement Contact until the deadline stated on page 1. The City prefers questions be sent via e-mail to the Procurement Contact. Failure to request clarification of any inadequacy, omission, or conflict will not relieve the Consultant of responsibilities under any subsequent contract. It is the responsibility of the interested Consultant to assure they receive responses to Questions if any are issued.

7.4 Changes to the RFP

The City may make changes to this RFP if, in the sole judgment of the City, the change will not compromise the City’s objectives in this solicitation. Any change to this RFP will be made by formal written addendum issued by the City’s Project Manager and shall become part of this RFP.

7.5 Receiving Addenda and/or Question and Answers.

It is the obligation and responsibility of the Consultant to learn of addenda, responses, or notices issued by the City. Some third-party services independently post City of Seattle solicitations on their websites. The City does not guarantee that such services have accurately provided all the information published by the City.

All submittals sent to the City may be considered compliant with or without specific confirmation from the Consultant that any and all addenda was received and incorporated into your response. However, the Project Manager reserves the right to reject any submittal that does not fully incorporate Addenda that is critical to the project.

7.6 Proposal Submittal.

Proposals must be received by the City no later than the date and time on page 1 except as revised by Addenda.

a.  All pages are to be numbered sequentially, and closely follow the requested formats.