Fr James Smith Tel. 01875 610232
Parish Priest Email:
St Martin of Tours Catholic Church
High Street, Tranent, EH33 1HJ 9th July 2017
St Gabriel’s is a parish of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh,
a charity registered in Scotland – number SC008540
Fourteenth Sunday of the Year (Year A)
Church Services / Mass Times / Intentions
Monday 10th / 10.00am St Gabriel’s
9.00am St Martin’s
/ Eucharistic Service
Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 11th / Feast of St Benedict
10.00am St Gabriel’s
7.00pm St Martin’s Mass
/ Eucharistic Service
Cathie Hazzard
Wednesday 12th / 10.00am St Martin’s
7.00pm St Gabriel’s Mass / Eucharistic Service
Special Intention
Thursday 13th / 10.00am St Martin’s Mass
10.00am St Gabriel’s / James Martin
Eucharistic Service
Friday 14th / 10.00am St Gabriel’s Mass
10.00am St Martin’s / Michael Allan
Eucharistic Service
Saturday 15th / Memorial of St Bonaventure
10.00am St Martin’s
10.00am St Gabriel’s
6.00pm St Gabriel’s Vigil Mass / Funeral Service for William (Ricky) King
Eucharistic Service
Special Intention - Thanksgiving
Sunday 16th / Fifteenth Sunday of the Year
9.30 am St Martin’s Mass
11.30 am St Gabriel’s Mass
/ People of the Parish
People of the Parish

There will be confessions in St Gabriel’s before the Saturday Vigil Mass from 5.15pm – 5.45pm

There will also be confessions before Sunday Mass in St Martin’s from 8.45 am - 9.15 am

Parish Announcements

Offertory Collection - £653.42. Last weekend’s Second Collection in aid of Peter’s Pence - £184.65. Thank you for your kind generosity


Whether you come for one visit or many, you are very welcome to worship with us at Mass on Sunday or any of our weekday services in this church.

SACRAMENTS - Please give plenty of notice for the

Celebration of Marriage------6 months usually.

Baptism ------3 months.


Do you recognise any of these situations?

1. Husband and wife come to Mass. One of them is not Catholic, but would like to share in our Faith and become Catholic. Is this you?

2. Do you know of an adult or are you that adult who would like to take the first step to become a Christian Catholic, but you are not quite sure how to find out more?

3. Are you a baptised Christian and now want to share in the other Sacraments of our Faith?

4. You may be a baptised Catholic, but over the years, have drifted from the church. You may now have a desire (that little voice that speaks to us in our hearts) urging you to return and be refreshed.

5. Your friend may be a Catholic and you admire him/her for what their Faith means to them. You often think, I would like to be like him/her. If so, do something about it. It is never too late.

Whichever of these or a similar situation, you need to contact us soon. Call Father Jim on 01875 610232, speak to a member of the RCIA, or e-mail Father Jim at before 31st August 2017.

“GREASE” FILM NIGHT – Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event. The sum of £117.00 was raised. Our next evening will be on Friday 4th August when we will be showing “Mary Poppins”.

FOOD BANK-During April-May-June St Gabriel’s donated 369.7Kg of food to the food bank.

This converts to 616 Meals. Thank you to all those who donate regularly and keep up the good work.

If you have not donated before just pop something into the box marked Food Bank at the back of the church. It really is appreciated by those in need.

MEDICAL MISSIONARIES OF MARY- Please cut used stamps from the envelopes, leaving a small, paper border around the stamp and place them in the box on the table at the back of the church. When sold in bulk, the proceeds will go to the Medical Missionaries of Mary to provide aid for the work that they do.

CHOIR- We are always looking for more singers to join us. Practice is on a Sunday before Mass.

REPOSITORY- Newspapers, books, cards and sacramental gifts are available from the repository. CTS booklets, which help to develop your personal prayer and give more insight to your Faith, are available from the CTS stand inside the repository itself. The Archdiocesan Directory can be purchased from the back of the church.

THE BOOK FOR YOUR PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION - remains at the back of church. Please feel welcome to use it. Your prayers will be included at Mass on Wednesday evenings.

FAITH DEVELOPMENT FOR ADULTS - The next meeting of the group will be in the side chapel room on Thursday 13th July at 7pm.

TOTE NUMBERS - 2 & 39 – one winner.

FILM SUNDAY – tonight in St Martin’s Hall at 7pm, doors open at 6.30pm “Allied” Max Vatan (Brad Pitt) and Marianne Beauséjour (Marion Cotillard) are World War II operatives who never reveal their true identities. After falling in love during a risky mission, they hope to leave all that double-dealing behind them and start new lives. Instead, suspicion and danger envelop their marriage as both husband and wife become pitted against each other in an escalating, potentially lethal test that has global consequences. Age 15.


1. The Parish Newsletter: available at Mass on Saturday evening/Sunday.

2. The Parish Facebook Page:-

3. The Parish Website:-

4. Noticeboards: at the back of the church and the porch.


Please provide the contact details of any family member or friend, who is sick or housebound and

who has requested a visit from a Eucharistic Minister, to bring them Holy Communion at home.

We pray for the sick and those who care for them:
Peter Aitken; Fred Carson; Aileen Lothian; Emily McNichol; Nicholas Morrison; Rose Paxton.

We remember…and we pray for all who have recently died and for those who mourn.

Also those, whose anniversaries occurred last week: Catherine Harvey 2nd (1997); Wilhelmina Gordon 3rd (1979); Evelynn Farrell 3rd (1987); Catherine Galloway 4th (2008); Sarah Plank 5th (1945); James Cullarton 5th (2005); Annie Connachan 6th (1971); Harry Dooner 6th (1971); Francis J Armour 7th (1989); John Connachan 8th (1972); Thomas O Gunn 8th (1987).

and for those, whose anniversaries occur this week: Agnes Shelley 9th (2003); Michael Rieley 9th (1999); Jane Brown 10th (1981); Margaret O’Hare 11th; (----); Matthew Gordon 11th (1979;); William A Devine 11th (1983); Eddie Gunn 12th (1977); Michael Manley 12th (2007); Bridget O Gunn 13th (1963); Bridget Gunn 13th (1965); Laura Findlay 13th (1991); Eileen McGee 13th (2007); Pat Glynn 14th (1964); Tommy Logan 15th (----); Terry Moss 15th (2002); Anne Patterson 15th (2007)

+ Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord +


Beyond Caravaggio -on now until 24th September 2017 - £12 (concession:£10) Free for Our Friends.

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 – 1610) was a radical and revolutionary artist whose work had a transformative impact on art in Italy and beyond during his lifetime and in the decades following his premature death.

This exhibition is a collaboration between the National Gallery, London, the National Gallery of Ireland and the National Galleries of Scotland.

Part of the Edinburgh Art Festival 2017.

THE JUSTICE & PEACE GOUP - Urgent Action for human rights. We need your voice.

We have been asked by Amnesty International to voice a protest against the inhuman use of administrative detention: imprisonment without charge for as long a period of time as the authorities desire e.g. months, years . The focus is Mohammad Faisal Abu Sakar , a young Palestinian circus performer and teacher whom we highlighted in our letter writing campaign and who has been detained without charge since Dec 2014. There is an urgency to respond before the end of July'17 as the Israeli High Court have decreed that he must not be given another administrative detention order.

We need your voice for those who have no voice. Please sign a letter, provided by the J&P group, at the back of the church. Letters will be available after mass on the 15th &16TH July.

Reflection Come to me

The Lord said to me, “Come to me” But I said, “I’m not worthy.”

“Come to me” he repeated. And I said, “I’m afraid.”

“Come to me.” “I’m too proud.”

“Come to me.” “But I’ve no appointment.”

“Come to me.” “But I can’t afford the time right now.”
“Come to me.” With that I fell silent.

Then he said, “Come---sit down---take the load off your feet.

Sit here as in the shade of a tree.

“Refresh yourself as at a running stream. Here you will find rest. Here you will find peace. And your yoke will become easy, and your burden light.”

Jokes of the week

The visiting School RE Inspector asks little Johnny during Bible class: “Who broke down the walls of Jericho?”

Wee Johnny replies: “I don’t know but it wasn’t me!”

The Inspector is taken aback by wee Johnny’s lack of basic Bible knowledge so he goes to the Head Teacher and relates the whole story to him. The Head Teacher replies “I know wee Johnny and his family very well and can vouch for them; and if wee Johnny said he didn’t do it then he’s speaking the truth and I believe him.”

Even more appalled the Inspector goes to the Regional Head of Education and relates the whole story.

After listening he replies: “I cannot see why you are making such a fuss and making a big issue about this: just get 3 quotes and fix the damn wall!”


A man went to the Police Station wishing to speak to the Burglar who broke into his house.

The desk Sergeant said he couldn’t but he would get his day in Court to speak to him then.

The man said well maybe you could ask him my question? What is it, says the Cop.

The man answers, “Well I wan to know how he got into my house without the wife hearing??? I’ve been trying to do that for years!”