Hempstead High School 3715 Pennsylvania Dubuque, IA 52002

June 2016

Dear Hempstead Parent/Guardian:

We would like to personally thank each and every individual that has contributed both time and money to the Booster Club in the past. It has not gone unnoticed. Those contributions enabled us to support our students with over $10,000 of funding requests last year. From football and baseball equipment to assistance for Special Education, uniforms for Men’s Tennis and Soccer to tools for the Theater Department and $5,000 in scholarships for college bound Hempstead seniors. The Hempstead Booster Club has made a positive impact on our school, and you helped us make that impact.

The Hempstead Booster Club is unique because not only does it support athletics, it also works to strengthen our school by supporting the arts, activities, and academics. In addition, if you are a member of the Hempstead Booster Club and you have a senior at Hempstead, your child may apply for one of the above mentioned $500 scholarships awarded to 10 graduating seniors.

The Hempstead Booster Club typically meets on the first Monday of every month unless it is a holiday. The meetings are held in the Hempstead library and start at 6:30 p.m. and we welcome all members. Another way to get involved and contribute is by volunteering to work a concession stand or to sell apparel at an event. Also, participating in our main fundraiser, the Mustang Stampede Golf Outing held in the fall, gives members an opportunity to have fun and meet people while working toward a good cause.

As with any program such as this, the need for time and financial assistance comes up on an annual basis. The 2016-2017 school year is no different. We are asking those that have contributed before to please continue your dedication to our students. To those that are currently not members of the Booster Club or are new to Hempstead High School, we strongly encourage you to join our effort. Become a member and become active. Be a part of the team that supports the effort to help our students continue to achieve excellence.

Please review the membership form on the reverse side of this letter and decide what level works for you. You may mail in your membership form or drop it off at the Booster Club table at registration later this summer. You also have the option of paying for your Booster Club membership when you register your student for school using the Online Payment Portal. With all levels of membership you will have the choice of receiving a Mustang yard sign or a car decal. These items may be picked up at registration.

A newer membership option is the Business Membership. Perhaps your workplace or someone you know may be interested in supporting the Mustangs in this way and have its support made known in our fall sports program and on a banner to be displayed in our newly remodeled Moody Gymnasium.

For more information on the Hempstead Booster Club, please visit our website by clicking on the Booster Club link located on the left side of the Hempstead High School homepage.



Tami Muehring Kristal Schaul Beth Weiland