Integumentary Study Guide
ArrectorPili - muscle that causes the skin to pucker around a hair when exposed to a sudden chill
Cortex – outer layer of hair shaft
Dermis - hair follicle originates in this layer of the skin.
nerves, blood vessels, and glands are located here
Epidermis – outer most layer of the skin
Hair - structure that is an appendage of the skin
Grows from a hollow tube/Follicle
Melanin - pigment that gives color to the skin
Melanocytes - cells in the skin are stimulated when exposed to sunlight and cause a darkening of the skin
Nail Bed – called the Matrix
Nose Hair & Epithelial Lining - function of smell and protection
Papillae - the ridges of the Stratum Germinativum(part of Epidermis)
provide resistance to slipping when grasping and holding objects
Sebum – oil secreted by Sebaceous Gland for hair and skin
Subcutaneous - innermost layer of the skin
Sudoriferous Glands –medical term for sweat glands
Produces odor when mixed withbacteria
Functions of the Skin
Absorption – skin function enabling the use of topical medication
Production Vit D– Produced with exposure of the skin to ultraviolet sun light
Protection- Integumentary function providing the body's first line of defense against harmful substances
Regulates Body Temp - evaporation of perspiration enables this function of the integumentary system
Sensory Perception - function of the integumentary system responsible for skin receptors for touch, cold, and pain
Rule of Nines – method of measuring % of body that’s burned
1st Degree Burn –burn with redness but no blisterseg. burn hand on a hot light bulb
Treat first with cold water
2nd Degree Burn - blister formation
3rd Degree Burn - complete destruction of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer
Alopecia - when the normal hair is replaced by a very short, transparent hair
Acne – common chronic disorder of the skin associated with Sebaceous glands which
produce an increased amount of sebum during adolescence
-oily deposits harden and pores become plugged, secretions cannot escape, they fill with Leukocytes
Athlete’s Foot –Contagious fungal disorder prevented by practicing good personal hygiene, not sharing towels, and wearing shower shoes in locker room
Basal Cell Carcinoma - the most common and least malignant form of cancer
Cancer/Skin – associated with exposure to direct sunlight and considered primary cause
Dermatitis -An inflammation of the skin that produces a rash caused by coming in contact with allergens, frequent hand-washing, or exposure to chemicals
Herpes Simplex - skin condition that is also classified as a sexually transmitted infection
-causes potential infection of a newborn baby
Herpes Zoster - medical term for shingles
Hordeolum - medical term for a tiny abscess at the base of any eyelash
Impetigo - vesicles that rupture and develop yellow crust.
Melanoma - skin lesion that suddenly appears with irregular borders, multiple colors, and is increasing size
Ringworm - caused by a fungus
Scabies - skin rash with severe itching and mites
Wart - viral skin lesion that can recur after removal
physician can treat with liquid nitrogen.