3rd thru 6th Grade

Boys and Girls

Last Name: First Name:

Mailing Address:Home Phone:

Fathers Name:Work Phone:

Mothers Name:Work Phone:

E-Mail Address:SchoolChild Attends:

Circle Sex:BoyGirlCircle Grade:3rd4th5th6th

T-Shirt Size:Youth 14-16Adult SMLXL

I, the parent or guardian of the registrant, agree that I and the registrant will abide by the rules of the HYBA and its sponsors. Recognizing the possibility of physical injury associated with basketball and in consideration for HYBA accepting the registrant for its basketball program and activities, I hereby release, discharge or otherwise immunity the HYBA, HCISD and its sponsors, employees and associated personnel, against any claim by or behalf of the registrant as a result of registrant’s participation in the program and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation I hereby authorize. I hereby authorize the staff to act on my behalf according to the best of their knowledge in any emergency situation requiring medical attention and I hereby waive and release the HYBA and HCISD, its employees and sponsors from any liabilities for injury or illness while the child is at basketball practice or games. HYBA or HCISD provides no insurance.

Parents or Guardian Signature:

Parents Support: We ask for the active participation of all parents. Check the area(s) in which you may be willing to help:

Coach:Asst. Coach:Referee:Team Sponsor:

Team sponsorship cost is $75.00. Our league is 100% volunteer and relies on the support of the community and HCISD. HYBA greatly appreciates your support of our league.


Please return registration from by December 23, 2008. Late registration fee charge of $10 will be required for those received after December 23, 2008.

Please mail this form and payment payable to HYBA to:


116 Ferrule

Kyle, Texas 78640

Tryouts will be held on Saturday January 10, 2009 at Wallace Middle School.

All players will be drafted and assigned to a team. Tryout times will be as follows:

3rd Grade: 9am to 9:304th Grade: 11am to 11:30am

5th Grade: 1pm to 1:30pm 6th Grade: 3pm to 3:30pm

Teams will be allowed one practice per week. Practices will begin January 12, 2009. Games will be played on the following Saturdays: January 17, 24, 31February 7, 14, 21

Additional Information a 512-262-7665, , or haysyouthbasketball.com