Recruitment & Selection

Periyar University


“AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF Recruitment And Selection Process


Pragathi consultancy Services (PCS)

Submitted to Periyar University in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for


Under the Guidance of

Mr. Santosh Mr.GG Pai

Branch Manager Faculty Guide

Pragathi Consultancy Service

Bangalore. Bangalore


M Rajapradeep

(Reg No 05DBIA1049)

SSR College of Science , Commerce &MANAGEMENT

Study Center:Periyar University



This is to certify that the Dissertation Titled “An analytical study of Recruitment & Selection at Pragathi Consulatancy Services.” is based on an Original Project Study conducted by

Mr.Karthick S of IV semester MBA Programme under the Guidance of Mr. GG.PAI

This dissertation is based on original Research and has not formed basis for the award of any other Degree/Diploma By Periyar University.

(GG Pai)

Professor and Director-MBA


This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled

“An analytical study of Recruitment And Selection Process

Undertaken At

Pragathi Consultancy Services.


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration, Is a bonafide work carried out by

Karthick S

Reg No 05DBIA1047

Under my supervision and guidance and that no part of this report has been submitted for the award of any other Degree and the work has not been published in any scientific or popular magazines.


Course Co-ordinator, MBA


I hereby declare that the Project Report or the DISSERTATION entitled

“An analytical study of Recruitment And Selection Process

Undertaken at

Pragathi consultancy Services (PCS)

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Santosh Avadhani
Branch Manager
Praghathi consultancy services
Bangalore. / Mr.GG Pai
Faculty Guide

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration, to Periyar University

Is the result of my own effort and has not been submitted to any other institution for the award of any degree

Place: Bangalore

Date: Karthick S

SSR College of Science , Commerce &MANAGEMENT

Study Center:Periyar University



This is to certify that the Dissertation entitled “ An analytical study of Recruitment And Selection Process

in Praghathi Consultancy Services ” submitted by Karthick S in fulfillment to requirements for the Degree of Masters of Business Administration is based on the results carried out by her under my guidance and supervision.

Bangalore Signature


GG Pai

Faculty MBA


I am pleased to record my gratitude and sincere thanks to my guide Prof. GG Pai faculty guide, SSRC, Bangalore for his sincere guidance and valuable assistance for completing this report.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to mr.Giri Course coordinator SSRC, Bangalore-Periyar University for giving this opportunity.

I also take this moment to express my gratitude to Mr.BV Raghunath , , HR & Admin Professional ,Bangalore.

I am also indebted to my parents and friends for their support for completing this project successfully.


Chapter No. / Particulars / Page No.
Certificate from the Organization
Certificate from the College
1 / Introduction
2 / Company Profile
3 / Research Methodology
4 / Data Analysis
5 / Findings From the Study
6 / Suggestions and Recommendations
8 / Bibliography
9 / Annexure

Introduction to HRM

Evolution of HRM

Earlier references: In western countries HRM had its primitive beginning in 1930s. Not much thought was given on this subject in particular and no written records or documents interesting to note HRM concepts was available, in ancient philosophies of Greek, Indian and Chinese. This is not to suggest that industrial establishment and factories system, as it is known today, existed in ancient Greece, India or china. The philosophy of managing human being, as a concept was found developed in ancient literatures in general and in Indian philosophy in particular.

Personnel functions: Till 1930s, it was not felt necessary to have a separate discipline of management called “Personnel management”. In fact, this job was assigned as part of the factory manager. Adam Smith’s concept of factory was that it consists of three resources, land, labour and capital. This factory manager is expected to “procure,

Process and peddle” labour as one of the resources. The first time when such a specialist “person” was used; it was to maintain a “buffer” between employer and employee to meet the “legitimate need” of employees. However, it is the employer who decided what is “legitimate need” of employees. In fact, the specialist “person” was more needed to prevent “unionization” of employees. This was the case before 1930-s all over the world.

Environmental Influences on HRM: Since 1930s, certain developments took place, which greatly contributed, to the evolution and growth of Human Resources Management (HRM). These developments are given below:

ü  Scientific Management

ü  Labour Movements

ü  Government Regulations.

Need for the Study :

Ø  Shortage of skills.

Skills and knowledge people are always on short supply. Alternatively they are too costly to hire from outside. The best alternative is to improve skill and knowledge of existing employees.

Ø  Technological Obsolescence.

Growth of technology takes places very fast. This will render current technology obsolete in the future. There is a great need to upgrade technology. This needs suitable training.

Ø  Personal Obsolescence.

At the time recruitment employees possess a certain of knowledge and skill. As time passes knowledge becomes obsolete, unless it is updated by proper training. This happens because of changes taking place in product technology, production methods, procurement of better machines, setting up of modern production lines, introduction of modern method of supervision and information processing through MIS and EDO..

Ø  Organization Obsolescence.

Modern management has introduced a number of innovative steps in functions of management like planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating and directing. Organization which is impervious to such changes is bound to fail and become obsolete.

Ø  Upgrading Ability of Threshold workers.

Public policy provides reservation to disadvantaged sections of the society like handicapped, minorities and dependents of deceased workers etc. All these are threshold workers having less than minimum prescribed level of knowledge and skill. They require extensive training to bring them up to the minimum level of performance standard.

Ø  Coercive training by government.

In order to provide better employability chances of unemployed youth, certain governments taken initiative to mobilize resources available at pubic/government and private sectors to outside candidates. One such example is the “Apprentice Training ” conducted by govt. of India. A part of expenditure incurred for this by private sectors are reimbursed by government.

Ø  Human capital

The latest thinking is to treat employees as “human capital”. The expenditure involved is training and developments are now being considered as an investment.

Scope of Human Resource Management

The Scope of HRM is in deed fast. All major activities in the working life of worker from time of his entry in an organization until he / she leaves, come under the preview of HRM. Specifically, the activities included are Human Resource planning, Job analysis and design, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation and placement, Training and development, Performance appraisal and Job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration and communication, employee welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like.

HRM is becoming a specialized branch giving rise to a number of specialized areas like :

  • Staffing
  • Welfare and Safety
  • Wages and Salary Administration
  • Training and Development
  • Labour Relations

Scope of HRM

Human Resource Management in PCS :

Personnel/Human Resource of an undertaking is its important constituent.

Efficiency, Profitability and in fact the very existence of the undertaking will depend on this constituents. Co-operation and dedication in performance on the part of its personnel ends in the accomplishment of its objectives. Therefore human resource is of immense importance since it involves matters such as identifying, placing, evaluating, and developing individuals at work and maintaining effective multilateral communication systems. Human resources along with financial and material resources contribute to production of goods and services in an organization.. In short HRM may be defined as the art of procuring, developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner.

Objectives of the HRM are to secure the following: -

1. Industrial peace: This is secured by excellent union management relations, healthy inter-personal relationships, and promoting participative management style and good industrial and labour relations.

2. Achieve High Productivity: The underlying objective brings to increase the “quantity or volume” of the product or service for a given input, productivity improvement programme is very significant in a competitive environment.

3. Better quality of working life of employees: This involves both intrinsic and extrinsic factors connected with work.

4. Obtain and sustain competitive advantage through empowerment : continuous improvement and innovative steps being the two essential ingredients to achieve and sustain competitive advantage, today’s industries

are “knowledge based” and “skill intensive”.

5. Cordial relationship between the employer and employees.

6. Personnel research functions.

7. Proper orientation and introduction to the new employees.


William James of Harvard University estimated that employees could retain their jobs by working at a mere 20-30 percent of their potential. His research led him to believe that if these same employees were properly motivated, they could work at 80-90% of their capabilities. Behavioral science concepts like motivation and enhanced productivity could well be used for such improvements in employee output. Training could be one of the means used to achieve such improvements through the effective and efficient use of learning resources.

Training and development has been considered an integral part of any organization since the industrial revolution era. From training imparted to improve mass production to now training employees on soft skills and attitudinal change, training industry has come a long way today. In fact most training companies are expecting the market to double by the year 2007, which just means that the Indian training industry seems to have come of age.

Organization and individual should develop and progress simultaneously for the their survival and attainment of mutual goals. So, every modern management has to develop the organization through human resource development. Employee training is the most important sub-system of human resources development. Training is a specialized function and one of the fundamental operative functions for human resources management.

The market is unofficially estimated to be anywhere between Rs 3000 crores and Rs 6000 crores. What is surprising is that the Indian companies. Perception regarding corporate training seems to have undergone a sea-change in the past two years, with most companies realizing it to be an integral part of enhancing productivity of its personnel. While MNC.s with their global standards of training are the harbingers of corporate training culture in India, the bug seems to have bitten most companies aiming at increasing their efficiency.

According to Ms Pallavi Jha, Managing Director, Walchand Capital and Dale Carnegi Training India, "The Indian training industry is estimated at approximately Rs 3,000 crores per annum. The NFO study states that over a third of this is in the area of behavior and soft skills development. With the exponential boom in the services sector and the emergence of a full-fledged consumer-driven market, human resources have become the key assets, which organizations cannot ignore. With soft skills training gaining so much momentum, it.s imperative to understand if it serving the right purpose or not. With this background, I plan to research if training indeed is proving to be effective in the behavioral area.

The following steps must form the basis of any training activity:

  • Determine the training needs and objectives.
  • Translate them into programs that meet the needs of the selected trainees.
  • Evaluate the results.

There are few generalizations about training that can help the practitioner. Training should be seen as a long term investment in human resources using the equation given below:

Performance = ability (x) motivation

Training can have an impact on both these factors. It can heighten the skills and abilities of the employees and their motivation by increasing their sense of commitment and encouraging them to develop and use new skills. It is a powerful tool that can have a major impact on both employee productivity and morale, if properly used.



Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, usually undertaken by recruiters. It also may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits. Advertising is commonly part of the recruiting process, and can occur through several means: through online, newspapers, using newspaper dedicated to job advertisement, through professional publication, using advertisements placed in windows, through a job center, through campus graduate recruitment programs, etc.

Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication skills, typing skills, computer skills. Evidence for skills required for a job may be provided in the form of qualifications (educational or professional), experience in a job requiring the relevant skills or the testimony of references. Employment agencies may also give computerized tests to assess an individual's "off-hand" knowledge of software packages or typing skills. At a more basic level written tests may be given to assess numeric and literacy. A candidate may also be assessed on the basis of an interview. Sometimes candidates will be requested to provide a résumé (also known as a CV) or to complete an application form to provide this evidence.

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