Pediatric AidsCenter

Hadassah Ein-Kerem

The children's AIDS center - Hadassah Ein - Kerem

The Hadassah Ein - Kerem Children's Aids Center has been active for 20 years and currently treats 35 children. The center stands out uniquely in Israel

In being a multidisciplinary center and operating within a normal pediatric clinic. The center's staff includes the head of the center, Prof. Engelhard and senior doctor, Dr. Averbuch- both experts in the field of AIDS and Infectious diseases, EtiLevi – coordinating nurse, Estelle Rubinstein –social worker, who accompanies both the children and their families, Ahuva Yavin Arnon –children's pedagogic and medical psychologist, who's one specialty is treatment using a sandbox, Vicky Rothschild – clinical pharmacist and Chaya Nagusa – community health coordinator and an employee of the Ministry of Health.

Contrary to other places in Israel and the world, where children go to AIDS clinics treating mainly adult patients and carriers, our center is part of a pediatric clinic with the necessary and suitable environment for children. The clinic houses experts in various fields of pediatric medicine who are available for consultation upon request, including dental experts who examine and treat the children as needed. Another wonderful feature is our clown doctors who greatly assist in caring for the children.

We aim to allow the children to grow up in physical and mental health while attending their and their families' personal and specific needs. The children receive the most up-to-date medical care and surveillance as prescribed in updated medical literature. We put endless efforts to ensure high compliance to treatment. For example, starting at the age of 4-5, children attend "pill taking classes" ("Pill school") guided by pharmacist Vicky Rothschild. This highly raises compliance to medicinal treatment. Emphasis is also put on the psychological aspects of medication intake.

We hold highly important the integration of the children into their families and society, encouraging them to freely take part in all regular activities.

In our "Big Brothers" unique guidance project, formed by Estelle Rubinstein, medical and social care student volunteers help to establish a support system for the children. They visit them at home once a week where they help them with their homework and play with them. The volunteers participate in various other activities with the children such as going to the theatre, visiting museums and special holiday treats like bringing the children Purim costumes.

We have gained vast experience in treating adolescents with AIDS, including the gradual process of revealing the diagnosis to the child as well as sex education. We initiate research and collaborate with other AIDS centers in Israel yielding research papers that were published and presented in conferences in Israel and abroad. Since 2004, we have been training doctors and nurses from Ethiopia, who come to our center for a 3 week course where we teach them our multidisciplinary approach and then travel to Ethiopia for additional follow-up training in the clinics they establish. In addition to medical issues, the training includes psycho-social issues with emphasis on adolescence. Starting in 2005, we have been running a volunteering project named "A cocktail of Joy & Love – Art, Joy & Love" in which we and many other volunteers visit four AIDS orphanages in Ethiopia to assist them with medical and various other aspects.

In recent years, AIDS has changed from a terminal disease to a chronic carrier disease. AIDS carrying children and adolescents maintain their health for many years while receiving daily medicinal care and coping with many difficulties. Contrary to children with other chronic diseases, AIDS children do not have public support systems. Our center is the only source of support for them and their families. We do our utmost to make their lives as in-order and joyful as possible.