


Topic/focus area / 4G3 Global Change / Time:
Focus / The changing nature of the world and responses to these changes
A student:
4.1 identifies and gathers geographical information
4.2 organises and interprets geographical information
4.3 uses a range of written, oral and graphic forms to communicate geographical information
4.4  uses a range of geographical tools
4.5  demonstrates a sense of place about global environments
4.7 identifies and discusses geographical issues from a range of perspectives
4.9  describes differences in life opportunities throughout the world
4.10  explains how geographical knowledge, understanding and skills combine with knowledge of civics to contribute to informed citizenship
Suggested ICT
Use email for a specific geographical purpose
Practice ethical behaviour when using email and the internet
Resources (Include resources available within your school and community.)
There are a variety of commercial textbooks that can support the tasks outlined in this topic to provide background for students and that have skills based activities incorporating mandatory tools. The use of the Internet is assumed as a source of information.
The Curriculum K-12 Directorate website – and the Teaching and Learning Exchange (TaLE), will increasingly have other support added to assist teachers.
-  Computer-based technologies in the HSIE KLA
-  Assorted materials from NGOs
Some Internet sites
Greenpeace Amnesty International
World Health Organisation Care Australia
The Red Cross World Vision
International Campaign to Ban Landmines The Mattel Company
Porsche Company The Eastman-Kodak Company
Learn abouts
Learn tos / Teaching and learning activities
Assessment: The activities require students to demonstrate their learning and are all assessment for learning activities. Some activities might be selected and included in a school assessment schedule for assessment of learning.
The changing nature of the world
§  globalisation:
§ the globalisation process
§ changes in technology
§ impacts of globalisation
§  changing global relationships:
§ business
§ nations
§ organisations
§  outline the process of globalisation
§  recognise the role of technology in the globalisation process
§  identify examples of economic and cultural factors that are part of globalisation
§  identify the impact of globalisation at an individual, local, national and global scale
§  describe ways in which global relationships are changing as a result of globalisation / Task 1 Researching a brand name
Form groups of four to research and prepare a report on a global brand. For example Mattel, Porsche, or Kodak. The report will be sent to a new Australian company as a case study in the form of an email attachment. This attachment is to be no longer than four pages (including graphs / photos)
The report is to contain information on globalisation processes, changes in technology and its impacts on globalisation.
Groups to select a global brand and research the brand for the following information:
§  the year the brand was established
§  three photographs that demonstrate the historical development of the brand
§  a map, using an appropriate mapping conventions, the locations of:
§ the head office
§ the original production sites
§ the main sites currently producing the product
§  outline the reasons for the changes in the manufacturing sites.
§  design a graph that shows the growth in the consumption of the brand for five countries
§  outline the role of technology in this expansion process
§  identify the advantages and disadvantages for a country and its people when participating in the production of this brand. Include information relating to the:
·  economy
·  culture
§  explain how this brand has affected the relationships between countries, businesses and organisations.
Teacher note
The students can make their attachments to a fictitious new Australian company if the teacher establishes an email address. Sites like Yahoo and Hotmail allow you to set up such addresses. You will need to discuss ethical behaviour when using email. The final map will need to be scanned so as to be included in the attachment for the email.
Global Inequalities
§  extremes of poverty and wealth
§  variations in the access of people to essential aspects of life including:
§ education
§ food
§ health
§ shelter
§ water
§  variations in the distribution, access and use of natural resources
§  use of natural resources
§  sustainability of natural resources
§  different life opportunities and quality of life throughout the world
§  identify global patterns of poverty and wealth
§  describe global variations in the access of people to a range of essential aspects of life
§  identify global patterns of resource use
§  explain the link between resource use and sustainability
§  describe different global life opportunities and quality of life, including those based on gender
Global organisations
§  global organisations by investigating either:
§  a group involved in reducing global inequalities
§  a group involved in promoting ecological sustainability
§  discuss methods used by groups to influence the global community / Task 2 Student perspectives on global inequalities
The Minister for Foreign Affairs has asked for a student perspective on nations that have high or low income per head of population, to assist the government in allocating its resources to aid programs.
To acquire this perspective the class will form pairs and each pair will investigate one nation with high income per head and one nation with low income per head. Students will choose their nations to investigate, and prepare a case study report comparing the two nations.
Within the pairs, one student will be an expert on each nation selected, to contribute to a combined report.
The case study report will contain:
§  a world map showing both nations chosen, and noting the map projection being used
§  a basic sketch map for each nation showing landforms, rivers, other physical features and the location of major cities (including the capital city) and scale represented as linear, written and a representative fraction
§  use the linear scale to measure the distance between a major city and the capital city
§  a climate graph for each capital city, including data on the maximum and minimum temperatures and total rainfall
§  a table showing lifestyle comparisons between the two nations (see attached worksheet)
§  a table that shows the different natural resources found within the nation in terms of:
§  where they are found
§  how they are used
§  how is the country ensuring sustainability
§  a description of evidence collected about each nation to substantiate its poverty and/or wealth.
Write a half-page report for the Minister for Foreign Affairs recommending ways to allocate its resources to aid programs.
Task 3 Assessing relationships
Aid abroad, a new non-government organisation has asked for your assistance in assessing the relationships between the points listed below and their impact on peoples’ opportunities and quality of life.
To prepare your report for Aid Abroad you need to:
1.  locate thematic maps of the world that show the global variations in accessibility to:
§  income
§  education
§  food
§  health
§  shelter
§  water
§  natural resources
2.  analyse the maps and complete the following:
§  rank the continents in terms of the quality of access to each of the above resources
(1 – excellent, 5 – very poor)
§  compare nations with low income per head of population with distribution of natural resources
§  suggest reasons why these nations have not gained wealth from the sale of their natural resources
§  determine the relationship between the accessibility of food, water and shelter, and health on the different continents
§  determine the relationship between the level of education attained and average income level.
Prepare a one-page report for Aid Abroad outlining the relationship between the resources of different nations and the life opportunities and the quality of life of the people.
Task 4 Promotional brochure
You are to prepare a promotional brochure for one of the following organisations or a similar non-government aid agency:
§  Greenpeace
§  Amnesty International
§  WHO
§  Care Australia
§  Oxfam
§  Red Cross
§  World Vision
§  International Campaign to Ban Landmines
The brochure is to contain:
§  main objectives
§  headquarter locations
§  funding sources (using proportional graphs)
§  current projects and recent achievements
§  main forms of global promotion used
§  methods used to influence the global community
§  details of one current project in a particular country, including:
§  a map of the country, using appropriate mapping conventions
§  a range of photographic images (oblique, aerial, ground-level, satellite)
§  a brief outline of the project.
Your brochure needs to be one A4-page folded. It should be visually engaging and informative, with a balance of graphics, images and words to get the message across.

Lifestyle comparisons

Questions / High income country / Low income country
Describe the shelter required to protect the people (consider the climate and the terrain).
What types of shelter are commonly used in the country?
Outline whether or not the shelter provided fills the needs of the people.
What foods are commonly consumed by the people?
What impacts do the diets of the people have on their health?
List the five most common causes of death.
What is the infant mortality rate?
What is the life expectancy of the people? / MALE / FEMALE / MALE / FEMALE
Describe the peoples’ access to fresh water.
What is the average level of education attained?
What are the literacy rates? / MALE / FEMALE / MALE / FEMALE

HSIE STAGE 4 November 2007 Page 6 of 6

NSW Department of Education and Training

Curriculum K–12