Forwards= (Apro Kaggi) Backwards= (Dwiyro Kaggi)

10th Kup

Part of the PUMA Group.

10 Press-ups. Momtong bachia

10 Front rising kicks.Ap chaolligi

10 Sitting stancesingle punches.Annun sogi-jirugi

Sim Sparring. 1 (Standing Double Punches)

BasicSelf Defence:

Forwards: RightW.S. obverse punch.gunnon sogi-baro jirugi

Backwards:W.S. obverse punch.gunnon sogi-baro jirugi

Forwards:Left W.S. low outerforearm block.Gunnon sogi-najunde bakat palmok makgi

Backwards: W.S. low outerforearm block.Gunnon sogi-najunde bakat palmok makgi

Forwards: Left W.S. middle innerforearm block.Gunnon sogi-kaunde an palmok makgi

Backwards: W.S. middle innerforearm block.Gunnon sogi-kaunde an palmok makgi


10th Kup

10 Sit-ups.

10 Front rising kicks.Ap chaolligi

10 Sitting stancesingle punches.Annun sogi-jirugi 4 Directional Punch.Saju jirugi

BasicSelf Defence:

Sim Sparring. 1a (Double punch, 45 kick)

Forwards: Left W.S. Low Knifehand block.Gunnon sogi-najunde sonkal makgi

Backwards: W.S. Low Knifehand block.Gunnon sogi-najunde sonkal makgi

Forwards: W.S. Rising BlockGunnon sogi-chookyo makgi

Backwards: W.S. Rising BlockGunnon sogi-chookyo makgi


10th Kup

10 Sit-ups and 10 Press-ups.

10 Front Snap KicksAp cha busigi

10 Sitting stancedouble punches.Annun sogi-doo jirugi 4 Directional Block.Saju makgi

Sim Sparring 1b (Standing Side piercing kick)Yopcha jirugi

BasicSelf Defence:

Forwards: Left W.S. rising block, reverse punch.Gunnon sogi-chookyo makgi

Backwards: Left W.S. rising block, reverse punch.Gunnon sogi-chookyo makgi

Forwards: W.S. Open Fist reverse punch. Gunnon sogi-pyun joomuk bandae jirugi

Backwards: W.S. Open Fist reverse punch. Gunnon sogi-pyun joomuk bandae jirugi

10th Kup Part of the PUMA Group.

10 Press-ups.Momtong bachim10 Front rising kicks.Ap chaolligi . 4 Directional Punch.Sajo jirugi BasicSelf Defence:

10 Sitting stancesingle punches.Annun sogi-jirugi

Sim Sparring 1 (Standing Double Punch) 4 Directional Block.Sajo makgi

Sajo makgi

Forwards: Right W.S. obverse punch.gunnon sogi-baro jirugi

Backwards:W.S. obverse punch.gunnon sogi-baro jirugi

Forwards:Left W.S. low outerforearm block.Gunnon sogi-najunde bakat palmok makgi

Backwards: W.S. low outerforearm block.Gunnon sogi-najunde bakat palmok makgi

Forwards: Left W.S. middle innerforearm block.Gunnon sogi-kaunde an palmok makgi

Backwards: W.S. middle innerforearm block.Gunnon sogi-kaunde an palmok makgi


9th Kup

20 P.UP’s:Momtong bachimCHON-JI(19)

10 Sitting Stance Double Punches.

Sim Sparring 2 (Sliding Double Punch)

BasicSelf Defence:

Forwards: Left L.S. Knife-hand StrikeNiunja sogi-sonkal taerigi

Backwards: L.S. Knifehand guarding block.Niunja sogi-sonkal daebi makgi

Forwards: W.S. middle innerforearm block, reverse punch.Gunnon sogi-kaunde an palmok

makgi, bandae jirugi

Backwards: W.S. Low block, rising block.Gunnon sogi-najunde makgi, chookyo makgi

Forwards: L.S. Twin forearm block.Niunja sogi-sang palmok makgi

Backward: W.S. Outerforearm low block, reverse punch.Najunde baket palmok makgi, bandae



8th Kup

3 Step Sparring 1-2Sambo matsoki CHON-JI(19)

Sim Sparring 3 (Sliding Side-kick) DAN-GUN(21)

BasicSelf Defence:

Forwards: Right W.S. Straight fingertip thrust.Gunnon sogi-Sun sonkut tuligi

Backwards: W.S. Middle side backfist.Gunnon sogi-kaunde yop dung joomuk

Forwards: W.S. Outerforearm wedging block.Gunnon sogi-bakat palmok hechyo makgi.

Forwards: Front snap kick, double punch.Ap cha busigi, doo jirugi

Forwards: Side piercing kick.Yop cha jirugi

Backwards: W.S. Outerforearm high block, reverse middle punch.

Gunnon sogi-bakat palmok nopunde makgi, bandae jirugi . Forwards: L.S. Middle reverse punch.Niunja sogi-kounde bandae jirgi

Backwards: L.S. Outerforearm inward block. Niunja sogi-bakat polmock anaero makgi

7th Kup

Part of the PUMA Group.

3 Step Sparring 3-4 Sambo matsoki CHON-JI(19)

Sim Sparring 4 (Sliding Side-kick, Double Punch) DAN-GUN(21)

BasicSelf Defence: DO-SAN(24)

Forwards: Right Turning kick, L.S. guarding block.Dollyo chagi, niunja sogi-polmok daebi makgi

Backwards: Fixed stance side punch.Gojong sogi-yop jirugi

Forwards: W.S. Circular block.Gunnon sogi-dollimyo makgi

Backwards: Back Piercing kick, L.S. guarding block.dwit cha jirugi, niunja sogi-palmok daebi makgi

Forwards: Bending stance, side kick, L.S. guarding block.

Guburyo junbi sogi A-yop chagi,niunja sogi-palmok daebi makgi

Backward: L.S Twin Knifehand block.Niunja sogi-sang sonkal makgi


6th Kup

Free Sparring Jayo matsoki DAN-GUN(21)

3 Step Sparring 5-6Sambo matsoki DO-SAN(24)

Sim Sparring 5 (Back-fist, Reverse knife-hand, 45Kick)WON-HYO(28)

BasicSelf Defence:

Forwards: Left W.S. Palm high hooking block, hooking block, obverse punch.Gunnon sogi-

Sonbadak nopunde golcho makgi, golcho makgi, baro jirugi

Backwards: L.S. Palm upward block.Niunja sogi-Sonbadak ollyo makgi

Forwards: W.S. X fist pressing block, twin vertical punch.Gunnon sogi-kyocha joomuk noollo makgi,

Sang sewo jirugi

Backwards: W.S. Double forearm high block.Gunnon sogi-doo palmok nopunde makgi

Forwards: W.S. Flat fingertip thrust.Gunnon sogi-opun sonkut tulgi

Backward: W.S. Double punch.Gunnon sogi-doo jirugi

Forward W.S. Twin upset punch.Gunnnon sogi-sang dwijibo jirugi

Backwards: L.S. Side elbow thrust.Niunja sogi-yop palkup tulgi


5th Kup

Free SparringJayo matsokiDO-SAN(24)

2 Step Sparring 1-2Ibo matsokiWON-HYO(28)

Sim Sparring 6 (Step-on 45kick, reverse back-fist, reverse punch)YUL-GOK(38)


Forwards: Left Low stance. Palm pressing block.Nachuo sogi-sonbadak noollo makgi

Backwards: L.S. Sidefist side strike.Niunja sogi-yop joomuk yop taerigi

Forwards: Fixed stance. U shaped block.Gojong sogi-digutcha makgi

Backwards: W.S. X fist rising block.Gunnon sogi-kyocha joomuk chookyo makgi

Forwards: W.S. Reverse Angle Punch.Gunnon sogi-bandae giokja jirugi

Backwards: L.S. Reverse knifehand middle block.Niunja sogi-sonkal dung kaunde makgi

Forwards: L.S. Knifehand guarding block, footshift to W.S. upper elbow strike.Niunja sogi-sonkal

daebi makgi, jajun bal, gunnon sogi-wi palkup taerigi

Backwards: L.S. Double step, knifehand guarding block. (Change stance).Ibo omgyo didigi

Niunja sogi-sonkal daebi makgi

Forwards: Reverse turning kick then perform a L.S. forearm guarding block.Bandae dollyo chagi,

niunja sogi-palmok daebi makgi

Backwards: W.S. Archand high strike.Gunnon sogi-bandalson nopunde taerigi

4th Kup

Part of the PUMA Group.

Free Sparring Jayo matsoki

2 Step Sparring 3-4Ibo matsoki WON-HYO(28)

Sim Sparring 7(Double-step 45kick,Back-kick,Double Punch)YUL-GOK(38)

BasicSelf Defence: JOONG-GUN(32)

Forwards: Moving on left leg, Sitting stance W shape block.

Annun sogi-san makgi

Backwards: L.S. Double forearm pushing block.

Niunja sogi-doo palmok miro makgi

Forwards: Downward kick then perform a L.S. guarding block.

Naeryo chagi, niunja sogi-palmok daebi makgi

Backwards: L.S. Low knifehand block, footshift, W.S. circular block.

Niunja sogi-najunde sonkal makgi, jajun bal, gunnon sogi-dollimyo makgi

Forwards: Sidekick, Back kick, W.S. reverse punch,footshift, guarding block

Yopcha Jirugi,Dwitcha Jirugi, gunnon sogi-bandae jirugi, jajun bal, palmok daebi makgi

Backwards: W.S. Upset fingertip thrust.

Gunnon sogi-dwijibun sonkut tulgi

Forwards: Turningkick,reverse turningkick,W.S. rev knifehand high rev strike.Guard

Dollyo chagi, bandae dollyo chagi, gunnon sogi-sonkal dung nopunde taerigi, jajun bal, palmok daebi makgi

Backwards: L.S. Side backfist and a low outerforearm block.

Niunja sogi-yop dung joomuk, najunde bakat palmok makgi

POWER: 1 hand 1 foot, choice technique. Big pad or1 board

3rd Kup

Free Sparring Jayu matsokiYUL-GOK(38)

1 Step Sparring Ilbo matsokiJOONG-GUN(32)

Sim Sparring 8(45Kick, Reverse Turning Kick)TOI-GYE(37)

BasicSelf Defence:

.Forwards: From Rt. L.S. Guarding block. Frontkick off front leg, turningkick off the rear leg.

Ap cha busigi, dollyo chagi

Backwards: L.S. Upward punch.

Niunja sogi-ollyo jirugi

Forwards: Frontkick-sidekick with the same leg.

Ap cha busigi, yop chagi

Forwards: Sliding into- Fixed stance side punch, then pull back into Vertical stance downward

knifehand strike.

Mikulgi-gojong sogi-yop jirugi, soojik sogi-naeryo sonkal taerigi

Forwards: W.S. punch, grab hand, release with sidekick, perform L.S. knifehand strike.

Gunnon sogi-baro jirugi, jappyolsol tae, yop chagi, niunja sogi-sonkal taerigi

Backwards: L.S. Obverse punch.

Niunja sogi-baro jirugi

Forwards: Front leg, hookingkick – sidekick, then using back leg, cresentkick–sidekick, L.S.

guarding block

Golcho chagi, yop chagi, bandal chagi, yop chagi, niunja sogi-palmok daebi makgi

Forwards: Double step sidekick. To change stance perform a single step.

Ibo omgyo didigi yop chagi

Forwards: Double step turningkick. To change stance perform a single step.

Ibo omgyo didigi dollyo chagi

POWER: Both hands and feet, choice technique. Big pad or 1 board

2nd Kup

Free Sparring & Free style Sim Sparring.Jayo matsokiJOONG-GUN(32)

1 Step Sparring & 2step or 3 step.Ilbo,Ibo, sambo matsokiTOI-GYE(37)

BasicSelf Defence: HWA-RANG(29)

Forwards: Rt.LS. Guarding block,hookingkick-sidekick off the front leg, reverse turning hooking . kick off the back. Golcho chagi, yop chagi, bandae dollyo goro chagi

Backwards: WS. Knifehand high front strike bringing backhand in front of head.

Gunnon sogi-sonkal nopunde ap taerigi

Forwards: Flying sidekick in a double stepping motion, execute a knife hand guarding block.

Twimyo yop chagi, niunja sogi-sonkal daebi makgi

Backwards: LS. X knifehand middle checking block.

Niunja sogi-kyocha sonkal momchau makgi

Forwards: Turningkick, then reverse turningkick – turningkick on the same leg.

Dollyo chagi, bandae dollyo chagi, dollyo chagi

Backwards: WS. Twin palm upward block.

Gunnon sogi-sang sonbadak ollyo makgi

Forwards: LS. Guarding block,double step hookingkick off the front leg.To change stance perform . a single step. Ibo omgyo didigi, bandae dollyo goro chagi

Backwards: SS. Middle front outerforearm block and then a high side backfist.

Annun sogi-kaunde ap bakat palmok makgi, nopunde yop dung joomuk

Forwards: Frontkick – downwardkick on the same leg.

Ap cha busigi, naeryo chagi

Forwards: Flying frontkick off the back leg.

Twimyo ap chagi

POWER: Both hands and feet, choice technique. Big pad / 1 or 2 boards



P-ups. X 10Sit ups x 10Sit ups/P-ups x 10P-ups. X 20

Front Rising Kicks x 10Front Rising Kicks x 10Front Snap Kicks x 10SS DP x 10.

Sitting Stance SP x 10Sitting Stance SP x 10Sitting Stance DP x 10Line work F.

Line work ForwardsLine work ForwardsLine work ForwardsLine work B.

Line work BackwardsLine work BackwardsLine work BackwardsChonji x 2.

Sim. Sparring 1.4 Directional Punch4 Directional BlockSim. Sparring 2.

Basic Self Defence.Sim. Sparring 1a.Sim. Sparring 1b.Basic Self Defence.

Adults only 4DP & 4DBBasic Self Defence.Basic Self Defence.


Line work ForwardsLine work ForwardsFree SparringFree Sparring

Line work BackwardsLine work BackwardsLine work ForwardsLine work F.

ChonjiChonjiLine work BackwardsLine work B.

Dan-Gun x 2Dan-GunDan-GunDo San

3 Step Sparring 1 & 2Do San x 2Do SanWon hyo

Sim. Sparring 3.3 Step Sparring 3 & 4Won hyo x 2Yul Gok x 2

Basic Self Defence.Sim. Sparring 4.3 Step Sparring 5 & 62 Step Spar 1 & 2

Basic Self Defence.Sim. Sparring 5.Sim. Sparring 6.

Basic Self DefenceBasic Self Defence


Free SparringFree SparringFree Sparring

Line work ForwardsLine work ForwardsLine work Forwards

Line work BackwardsLine work BackwardsLine work Backwards

Won hyoYul GokJoong Gun

Yul GokJoong GunToi Gye

Joong Gun x 2Toi Gye x 2Hwa Rang x 2

2 Step Sparring 3 & 41 Step Sparring1 Step Sparring

Sim. Sparring 7.Sim. Sparring 8.Step Sparring 2 or 3

Basic Self DefenceBasic Self DefenceBasic Self Defence

Power: Hand & Foot.Power: Hand & Foot.Power: Hand & Foot.

Rules of good etiquette within Tae Kwon Do

  1. You should never wear your belt outside of the Do-Jang (training hall).
  2. You should bow when entering/leaving the Do-Jang.
  3. You should always bow to your instructor before taking the class.
  4. You should take off your belt when taking a drink.
  5. You should never eat in your Dobok (suit), unless you are told you can do so by your instructor.
  6. Do not swear within the Do-Jang.
  7. Address senior grades/instructors with Sir/Ma’am.
  8. When lining up to start the class the highest grade student takes the first place (right) and then the rest of the class follows in grade order. When pupils are of a similar grade adults line up before juniors.
  9. You should not train in jewellery.
  10. You shouldn’t train in shoes- unless you have a medical problem and have sought permission from your instructor.
  11. Training clothes should be full Doboks, or white t-shirts/black training bottoms as approved by your instructor.
  12. You should always wear your belt when training (unless at squad training sessions or at the digression of your instructor)
  13. When walking away from a higher grade/instructor you should bow, take four steps backwards and then bow again before turning your back.
  14. When giving or taking something from your instructors you should receive in your right hand and place your left hand under the right elbow.
  15. You should always be prepared to take advice/be taught by fellow students- regardless of their age/grade.
  16. You should refrain from talking when lined up in class.
  17. When being spoken to by a senior instructor, you should stand to attention.
  18. When adjusting your dobok/belt/uniform you should turn around.
  19. When you have a question, you should raise your hand.
  20. If sat down and you have a question, you should raise your hand and then stand up to ask the question.
  21. When called to line up, you should run into position.