Creating the Connections

Working in Teams Task

People have different learning and ‘doing’ styles as well as different skills. By working together teams can get good results and people can learn from each other.

Part A: Find out your teamwork style

  1. Read the statements in column 1 and tick (ü) ones that describe you.

I can remember the plot of a movie but I can’t remember the details. / C
I can’t be bothered with planning the details – I just want to get on with it. / A
I don’t like being in the spot light. / B
I don’t want to spend a lot of time thinking about something. / A
I get bored if I have to keep doing the same thing. / A
I get excited by interesting ideas. / C
I get excited by interesting things to do. / A
I get impatient with long discussions. / D
I get nervous if I have to do something without preparation. / B
I have a lot of ideas but I don’t always put them into practice. / C
I like doing practical things. / D
I like doing things on the spur of the moment. / A
I like solving problems. / B
I like to find out about things. / C
I like to find new ways to do things. / C
I like to get things done and leave the thinking to others. / D
I like to hear other people’s ideas before I make up my mind. / B
I like to keep practising something until I can do it well. / D
I like to learn by someone showing me how to do something. / D
I like to review my work and think about how it could be improved. / B
I like to understand why we are doing something. / C
I like to work with other people. / A
I remember telephone numbers, dates and names easily. / D
I think it’s important to think things through step by step. / B
  1. Look at the letters in column 3.

How many statements with a letter A did you tick? ______

How many with a letter B? ______

How many with a letter C? ______

How many with a letter D? ______

Part B: What your scores tell you

Did you score mostly A’s, mostly B’s, mostly C’s or mostly D’s?

Are you an Activist, a Reflector, a Theorist or a Pragmatist – or a mix?

Mostly A’s: Activist

You are active and energetic and you like variety.
You don’t much like planning but after plans have been made, you’re good at putting them into action.
Your enthusiasm will motivate your team members and help to make sure things get done. / Mostly B’s: Reflector

You like to listen to everyone’s ideas. You’re good at thinking about these ideas and coming up with a plan for putting them into action.
You don’t like to be rushed because good planning takes time and you like to be well prepared.
You will be able to think of solutions if there are problems during the project.
Mostly C’s: Theorist
You always have lots of ideas. But you usually need others to help you put the ideas into action.
You like thinking about things and finding out about things.
You will be able to see how all the parts of the project can be put together to make your team’s work interesting. / Mostly D’s: Pragmatist

You like doing practical things and you’re good at working through things step by step.
You pay attention to the details to make sure things are done well and look good.
You will be able to keep your team members focussed to make sure the project is finished on time.

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