Eastern Michigan University

Department of Computer Information System

IS 215 - End User Computing

Fall 2009

General Information
Instructor: Tim Wu
Office: Owen 427
Website: http://people.emich.edu/swu1 (s-w-u-one)
Office Hours: TH 12:45-2:30 and 3:45-5:00
Class meeting time: TH 11:30-12:45 TH 2:30-3:45 MW 1:00-2:15
Required Textbooks: 1. Introduction To Information Systems 14th Edition by James A. O’Brien
McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0-0772-4058-8
2. Microsoft Excel 2007 Basic by Reding & Wermers
Course Technology ISBN: 1-4239-0534-2
Required material: SCANTRON, Pencil and Eraser

Course Objective

The purpose of this course is to teach students important computer skills and concepts that are used in the daily operations of the business world. A study of information technology including Business Intelligent (BI) (Decision Support Systems, Online Analytical Processing, and Data Mining, Knowledge Management System), computer hardware/software, business networks, cross-functional business applications (Enterprise Resource Planning, Supply Chain Management, and Customer Relationship Management) and E-commerce systems will be introduced. Microsoft Office product will be the main assignments software.

Course Evaluation

5 Class Assignments 100 points (20 points each)

E-commerce Project 100 points

5 Attendance 100 points (20 points each)

5 Homework Assignments 300 points (60 points each)

4 Exams 400 points (100 points each)

Total 1000 points

Grading Scale

A- 900 ~ 919 / A 920 ~ 1000
B- 800 ~ 819 / B 820 ~ 869 / B+ 870 ~ 899
C- 700 ~ 719 / C 720 ~ 769 / C+ 770 ~ 799
D- 600 ~ 619 / D 620 ~ 669 / D+ 670 ~ 699
E 599 and under

Course Policies

·  Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty, including all forms of cheating, falsification, and/or plagiarism, will not be tolerated in this course. Penalties for an act of academic dishonesty may range from receiving a failing grade for a particular assignment to receiving a failing grade for the entire course. In addition, you may be referred to the Office of Student Judicial Services for discipline that can result in either a suspension or permanent dismissal. The Student Conduct Code contains detailed definitions of what constitutes academic dishonesty but if you are not sure about whether something you are doing would be considered academic dishonesty, consult with the course instructor. You may access the Code online at www.emich.edu/sjs.

·  Classroom Management:

Students are expected to abide by the Student Conduct Code and assist in creating an environment that is conducive to learning and protects the rights of all members of the University Community. Incivility and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in a request to leave class and referral to the Office of Student Judicial Services (SJS) for discipline. Examples of inappropriate classroom conduct include repeatedly arriving late to class, using a mobile /cellular phone while in the class session, or talking while others are speaking.

·  Class Attendance: You are expected to show up in each class throughout the semester. The instructor will not repeat any lecture, announcement, assignment due, and exam information to you due to missing regular class. A sing-in sheet will be available in the end of class to record attendance for attendance grade.

·  Home work Assignment: Students are responsible for keeping your own copy of assignments when instructor returned them.

1.  The assignment is due in the beginning of the class in printed copy

2.  Assignment sent in by E-mail will NOT be accepted

3.  10 Points will be deducted for the following situations:

a.  Late assignment each day (weekend and holiday included)

b.  Hand writing on any part of your assignment

c.  No cover sheet with following information: Name, Assignment #, and Class date & time

d.  No formula page for each question. Use Ctrl - ` (the key above Tab key) to show all the formula page

Homework Assignment 1 / Microsoft Excel Basic Book - Unit B Independent Challenge 1,2, and 3
Homework Assignment 2 / Microsoft Excel Basic Book - Unit C Independent Challenge 1,2, and 3
Homework Assignment 3 / Microsoft Access Basic Book - Unit A Independent Challenge 1,2, and 3
Homework Assignment 4 / Microsoft Excel Basic Book - Unit D Independent Challenge 1,2, and 3
Homework Assignment 5 / Microsoft Excel Basic Book - Unit E Independent Challenge 1,2, and 3

·  E-commerce web site Project

- Progress report 1: Create Initial e-business idea (20 points) – Due on the 1st exam date

- Progress report 2: Create page using Microsoft Word (20 Points) – Due on the 2nd exam date

- Progress report 3: Transfer your idea in to Web Page (20 Points) – Due on the 3rd exam date

- Final presentation (40 points)

Web page structure:

1 Home page

4 Products pages

1 Purchasing and Return Policy page

1 Contact information and About Us page

All web pages MUST provide hyper-links to browse through all other web pages

·  Exam, Quiz and Class Assignment:

- All the students are required to prepare their own SCANTRON for taking exams.

- Missing exam, quiz, and class assignment results in an automatic ZERO point.

- No make-up quiz and class assignment

- In the case of emergency, the student must inform the instructor ASAP. Based on the provided document, the instructor will make the decision regarding the make-up exam. 20 points will be taken off from all make-up exams.

·  Extra Credit, Curve and Incomplete (I) Grade

No extra credit and curve will be given. Please check your student book for incomplete grade policy and discuss with me for a possible Incomplete Grade.

·  Special Needs Accommodations: If you wish to be accommodated for your disability, EMU Board of Regents Policy #8.3 requires that you first register with the Access Services Office (ASO) in 203 King Hall. You may contact ASO by telephone at 734.487.2470. Student with disabilities are encouraged to register with ASO promptly as you will only be accommodated from the date you register with them forward and inform your instructor with the document from ASO in the beginning of the semester. No retroactive accommodations are possible.

·  Religious Holidays:

Current University policy recognizes the rights of students to observe religious holidays without penalty to the student. Students are to provide advance notice in the beginning of the semester to the instructor in order to make up work, including examinations that they miss as a result of their absence from class due to observance of religious holidays. If satisfactory arrangements cannot be made, the student may appeal to the head(s) of the department(s) in which the course(s) is/are offered.)

·  Student and Exchange Visitor Statement (SEVIS):

The Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) requires F and J students to report the following to the Office of International Students, 229 King Hall within ten (10) days of the event:

1.  Changes in your name, local address, major field of study, or source of funding;

2.  Changes in your degree-completion date or degree-level (ex. Bachelors to Masters)

3.  Changes in your Intent to transfer to another school

Prior permission from OIS is needed for the following:

1.  Dropping ALL courses or dropping BELOW minimum credit hours;

2.  Registering for more than one ONLINE course per term (F visa only)

3.  Endorsing I-20 or DS-2019 for re-entry into the USA.

Failure to report may result in the termination of your SEVIS record and even arrest and deportation. If you have questions or concerns, contact the Office of International Students at 734.487.3116, not the course instructor.

IS 215 Class Schedule (MW)

Note: The following schedule is subject to change if it is deemed appropriate at the instructor’s discretion.

Week / Date / Topic & Activities
W / 9/9 / Course Introduction - Syllabus
M / 9/14 / Chapter 1: Section I
W / 9/16 / Chapter 1: Section II
M / 9/21 / Chapter 2: Section I
W / 9/23 / Chapter 2: Section II
M / 9/28 / Chapter 3: Section I
W / 9/30 / Chapter 3: Section II - Homework Assignment 1 due
M / 10/5 / Exam 1 Review: Chapter 1, 2 and 3
W / 10/7 / Exam 1: Chapter 1, 2 and 3 - Progress Report 1 Due
M / 10/12 / Chapter 4: Section I
W / 10/14 / Chapter 4: Section II- Homework Assignment 2 due
M / 10/19 / Chapter 5: Section I
W / 10/21 / Chapter 5: Section II - Homework Assignment 3 due
M / 10/26 /
Chapter 6: Section I
W / 10/28 /
Chapter 6: Section II - Homework Assignment 4 Due
M / 11/2 / Exam 2 Review: Chapter 4, 5 and 6
W / 11/4 / Exam 2: Chapter 4, 5 and 6 - Progress Report 2 Due
M / 11/9 / Chapter 7: Section I
W / 11/11 / Chapter 7: Section II - Homework Assignment 5 Due
M / 11/16 / Chapter 8: Section I
W / 11/18 / Chapter 8: Section II
M / 11/23 / Exam 3 Review: Chapter 7 and 8
W / 11/25 / No Class
M / 11/30 / Exam 3: Chapter 7 and 8 - Progress Report 3 Due
W / 12/2 / Chapter 9: Section I and II
M / 12/7 / Project Presentation
W / 12/9 / Chapter 9 Review and grade
M / 12/14 / Exam 4

IS 215 Class Schedule (TTH)

Note: The following schedule is subject to change if it is deemed appropriate at the instructor’s discretion.

Week / Date / Topic & Activities
TH / 9/10 / Course Introduction: Syllabus
T / 9/15 / Chapter 1: Section I
TH / 9/17 / Chapter 1: Section II
T / 9/22 / Chapter 2: Section I
TH / 9/24 / Chapter 2: Section II
T / 9/29 / Chapter 3: Section I
TH / 10/1 / Chapter 3: Section II - Homework Assignment 1 due
T / 10/6 / Exam 1 Review: Chapter 1, 2 and 3
TH / 10/8 / Exam 1: Chapter 1, 2 and 3 - Progress Report 1 Due
T / 10/13 / Chapter 4: Section I
TH / 10/15 / Chapter 4: Section II- Homework Assignment 2 due
T / 10/20 / Chapter 5: Section I
TH / 10/22 / Chapter 5: Section II - Homework Assignment 3 due
T / 10/27 / Chapter 6: Section I
TH / 10/29 /
Chapter 6: Section II - Homework Assignment 4 Due
T / 11/3 / Exam 2 Review: Chapter 4, 5 and 6
TH / 11/5 / Exam 2: Chapter 4, 5 and 6 - Progress Report 2 Due
T / 11/10 / Chapter 7: Section I
TH / 11/12 / Chapter 7: Section II - Homework Assignment 5 Due
T / 11/17 / Chapter 8: Section I
TH / 11/19 / Chapter 8: Section II
T / 11/24 / Exam 3 Review: Chapter 7 and 8
TH / 11/26 / No Class
T / 12/1 / Exam 3: Chapter 7 and 8 - Progress Report 3 Due
TH / 12/3 / Chapter 9: Section I and II
T / 12/8 / Project Presentation
TH / 12/10 / Chapter 9 Review
T / 12/15 / Exam 4