Challenges such as the gender-wage gap, work-life balance and underrepresentation of women in the workplace are identified as the major obstacles to equality between gender in the workplace. In this research paper, I will argue that the society, government, and big businesses are all responsible coordinate to solve this problem, because if the did not, there will be negative consequences to the economy as well as the society as a whole.

Subtopic #2:

Claim #1:

1-Balancing work and life is hard. Evidence from “These Are the Biggest Work Challenges for Women Around the World. “44% of women surveyed reporting it as the toughest challenge in the workplace.”To overcome it, both the wife and the husband should take equal responsibility, not just the wife. I will argue that if we want more equality we need to educate men about the importance of taking some of the household responsibilities of the shoulder of their wives.

  • In some cultures, the man is responsible, by law, to financially support the house. Therefore, it could be argued that if the men is busy fulfilling this responsibility he will not have time to help the women inside the house.

2-Although many women do not do it, speaking out against discrimination is a key to reducing the gap.Evidence “61% of women say they never or rarely report being harassed on the job”

  • This not an opposing argument as much as it is another point that should be taken into account. (It is Equally important for men to speak out about what is happening to women.)

3-More women participation in fields such as, engineering, business, and politics is a sign of economic imperative. Evidence from International Monetary Funds : “the global economy misses 27% of GDP growth per capita due to the gender gap in the labor market.”

Subtopic #2:

4-I would argue that the responsibility to solve this problem lies on the shoulders of:

1-Big business and corporations. Sally Hasler, an Expert in public policy advice and development argues that “Big businesses, which are overwhelmingly run by men, have significant power to change outcomes for women around the world.”

2-Women’s Movement: Steven E. Barkan, a professor of sociology at the University of Maine claims, “for gender inequality to continue to be reduced,” there is a responsibility that lies upon “strong women’s movement to continue to remind us of the inequality that still persists in American society and the rest of the world

3-Government agencies: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is an agency of the federal government that has the purpose/responsibility to, as stated in their website, “interpret and enforce laws prohibiting employment discrimination and harassment because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, and physical or mental disability”

Subtopic #3:

I would argue that the following solution have been used and have proven to be successful.

1-Government Regulations:

2-Effective use of the Internet and Social Media:

3-Reporting workplace issues: