Specialist Palliative Care Measures

Please use this proforma to make comments on the draft Specialist Palliative Care Measures.

Please return this document no later than 27th February 2012 to:

Zara Gross

Project Assistant, National Cancer Peer Review

National Cancer Action Team

18th Floor

Portland House

Bressenden Place



Tel: 02082826315


Name: Dr Michael Connolly

Organisation: All Ireland Institute for Hospice and Palliative Care

Position: Head of Education

Contact Number: 00 353 1 49812948

Measure Number /
Section / Is the measure explicit? If ‘no’ suggest modifications. / What other types of information are required to demonstrate compliance?
11-3R-117 / Ensuring that SPC in-patient services are covered by one SPCMDT will serve to ensure that care is better co-ordinated and provided in a timely and effective way. This will be supported by the inclusion of consultants in Palliative Care as core members of the SPCMDT.
Establishing a single Network Specialist Palliative Care Group (NSPCG) fully representative of users, carers and professionals will support the delivery of care in a more co-ordinated and efficient way.
Ensuring the SPCMDT contributes to the education needs of health professionals is important and welcomed as a way in which to ensure that clinical expertise is shared and learning enhanced in order to improve patient and family outcome.
The proposal to agree network guidelines in respect of referral, admission and discharge are welcomed. This will ensure a standardised approach to care provision.
The provision of a directory of services is welcomed.
The inclusion of operational policy for Key Worker is welcomed so that the SPCMDT has clarity in respect of the identification of and responsibilities of the key worker.
The provision of written material to patients and carers is welcomed. Having this information in written form will make it easier for patients and their carers to understand the nature and type of care that SPCMDT provide, where this care is available and how it is accessed. / It may be prudent to seek to adapt existing guidelines form other countries or indeed from existing teams in order to avoid duplication and to encourage more collaboration and coherent working within the wider SPC sector.
The directory should be available in multiple formats.


Gateway Reference 16833 Draft Specialist Palliative Care Measures