Welcome to the SAN ConsultingJapanese Language Course!

After you apply online on the SAN Consulting website, and are called for a Telephone Interview, the Interviewer will assess your Japanese, and tell you whether or not you’ll need to participate in the course. Only applicants with very low Japanese speaking ability will be required to participate in the course.

You will only be required to participate in the course if you successfully receive a Job Offer (usually around Oct-Nov). Until then, you don’t need to do anything. After you accept your offer, we’ll send you details about how to enrol in the course.

The SAN Consulting language course is the ideal way to learn Japanese in a limited time for a Ski Resort job in Japan. It is a 5 week-course with 5 situational Japanese modules including texts, listening & speaking audios, free inquiries by email and free private lessons. The modules will be sent out to you by email every week. It is an on-line course, so you can study anytime, anywhere at your convenience. Also, we will contact you once a week to see how you are doing with the modules, and help you if you’re having any trouble. So, you will be able to complete the course successfully, just in time before you start work at the Resort!

The course is designed specifically for SAN Consulting applicants. It is suitable for those who have no or little Japanese language knowledge. Yet it is also suitable for those who have studied Japanese before, and just want to brush-up their Japanese.

The modules are easy to follow, step by step with grammar explanations and exercises. The listening audios help you get used to the speed of native speakers, and you can listen to the audios instead of reading texts if it’s more convenient for you. The speaking audios encourage you to speak. (You don’t have to be shy because there is no one listening to you!) If you have any questions, you can contact our tutors by email or telephone anytime.

You will have Masami as your teacher. She is a native Japanese speakerwho designed the modules. She has studied three languages and is experienced in teaching languages.

Here is more detailed information about the language course:

Course: SAN Consulting Language Course for Beginners

Includes 5 Private Lessons (Extra lessons can be purchased if you wish).

Cost: JPY¥20,000

Duration: 5 weeks

*The course can be extended up to 10 weeks upon request,free of charge.

Language Modules

Items / Delivery Method
1 / Texts / Email
2 / Listening Audios / Download
3 / Speaking Audios / Download
4 / Regular follow-ups, Free Inquiries / Email
5 / Private Lessons / Online (Skype)

Types of Modules

(Each module contains 5 lessons)

Modules / Contents
1 / Basic Japanese 1 / Pronunciation, Basic Grammar (self-introduction, numbers, daily activities), Useful Expressions
2 / Basic Japanese 2 / Useful Expressions and Basic Grammar(date, adjectives, verb conjugations, like, want to)
3 / Lifts / Useful Expressions and Grammar (countingfor people, past tense of adjectives and verbs, request form, enable to do …, time expressions)
4 / Restaurant / Useful Expressions and Grammar (polite form, countingfor objects and people, asking for permission, compound verbs)
5 / Gift Shop / Useful Expressions and Grammar (numbers, price, comparatives, superlatives, locations, etc.)

Contents of Modules

1 / Dialogue / Situational dialogue
2 / Vocabulary / Vocabulary from the dialogue
3 / Key Expressions / Key expressions from the dialogue
4 / Grammar / Grammar from the dialogue
5 / Exercises / Practice vocabulary, expressions, and grammar

Study Method

1 / Reading (Texts) / Study vocabulary, expressions, grammar, do exercises
2 / Listening
(Listening Audios) / Listen to the audios and improve your listening skill
3 / Speaking
(Speaking Audios) / Listen to the audios and practice speaking

**You can contact Masami by email if you have any questions.

Follow-ups/Private Lessons

1 / Weekly Follow-ups / We email you weekly to check your progress.
2 / Private Lessons / Private lessons are offered to help you understand the modules, check pronunciations, or practice conversations.

Course Schedule

* The course will start on the day we send you the first module.

(We will send you Module 1 as soon as we have received your payment).

* You will receive Module 2-5 after 7 days.

* The course can be extended up to 10 weeks upon your request, freeof charge.

Refund Policy

*Refunds can only be given within 7 days of enrolment.

(We will charge \3,000 for Module 1.)

Only Applicants who speak very little Japanese, and who successfully receive a Job Offer (usually around Oct-Nov), are required to participate in the course.After you accept your offer, we’ll send you details about how to enrol in the course. Then, as soon as we receive your payment, we’ll send you the first module and the course will start.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by telephone or email anytime.

We look forward to studying with you soon!



SAN Consulting Language Course


Skype ID: suzukim33